The Story Fox News Is Using To Distract From Another Democrat Election Theft

And im guessing you think the means of doing this was by using poison vaccination shots... Am I right?!
They plan on rounding us up like they are doing in China as we speak.

Find out what they're doing right now in China.....and that's what these scumbags have in store for us here.
They plan on rounding us up like they are doing in China as we speak.

Find out what they're doing right now in China.....and that's what these scumbags have in store for us here.
You're just spewing bullshit that you make up or find on fringe websites. You call other gullible for believing the MSM... Look at the shit you're believing?!?! what a joke
United States of America Projected Changes from 2014–2025

Year: 2013

Population: 316 million
Gross Domestic Product: $17 trillion
GDP per capita: $52,838
Budget: $5.8 trillion
Military Budget: $726 billion

Forecast 2025

Population: 69 million
Gross Domestic Product: $921 billion
GDP per capita: $13,328
Military Budget: $8.0 billion

Please note how the changes in U.S. population covering an 11 year period mirror what I wrote in the America 2050 article. The projected and dramatic downward shift in America’s population are nearly identical when one compares the America 2050 documents and the Deagel projections.
There is another striking projection which should alarm every American. In 2013, the U.S. military budget was $726 billion dollars. However, the projected 2025 projected budget is only $8 billion dollars. This clearly points to the fact that the CIA, through Deagel, is projecting that the United States is going to be militarily conquered within the next 10 years. The mere $8 billion dollar projected 2025 military budget speaks to a domestic martial law type of occupation force. With this kind of budget, the U.S. would not even be able to engage in regional conflicts.
The Deagel documents clearly speak to who the winners and losers of the coming global conflict will be. In the Deagel document, Russia, China, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iran and India maintain their respective populations or increase their populations by the year. The United States and Britain undergo severe population reductions.
Common sense dictates that in a global conflict, with its advanced weaponry, that the U.S. would be able to devastate the populations of the aforementioned countries. However, the Deagel projections do not indicate this. Therefore, the only thing that makes any sense would be that the U.S. will fall victim to being sold out by treasonous leadership, thus precipitating its demise. Does this statement bring anyone to mind?

The Method of America’s Demise

With everything I have uncovered over the past two years, I have concluded that America will be thrust into martial law prior to fighting in WW III. Martial law is usually preceded by a false flag. There is no shortage of false flag possibilities and choosing the manner, the time and the place is a fool’s errand. However, there are a definitive 17 elements of martial law that we can analyze in order to gauge the progress America is making with regard to to being under total martial law. The 17 elements of martial law are:
1‑Mass roundup of political dissidents
2‑Dusk to dawn curfews
3‑Rationing of essential resources
4‑The seizing of personal assets such as food and water
5‑Control over all food and water
6‑The prohibition of weapons of any kind including guns, knives or chemicals which can be turned into explosives
7‑The confiscation of property, homes and businesses
8‑Arrests without due process
9‑Massive “papers please” checkpoints with intrusive searches
10-Forced relocations
11-Forced conscription into various labor camps and even into the military
12-Outlawing of free speech
13-The installation of massive surveillance programs and the establishment of snitch programs
14-The total control or elimination of religion
15-Control of the media
16-Executions without due process of law
17-Total suspension of the Constitution

How many of these 17 elements are in place, or, are being put into place? I am in the midst of preparing a detailed and multi-part analysis of these 17 elements of martial law and their relative progress in America.
You're just spewing bullshit that you make up or find on fringe websites. You call other gullible for believing the MSM... Look at the shit you're believing?!?! what a joke
Yep....they said the same exact type of thing in every country that turned to communism.

Here we have an example of an idiot Democrat that cannot accept anything that isn't fed to him by a global news network.


The CIA Front Group, Deagel, Brings Clarity to the Megacities Concept
Being a front group for the CIA, Deagel, is predicting that we are about a decade away from this hellish nightmare.
Just who is Deagel? The power and influence of the corporation that you never heard of, is staggering. This is the modern day Zapata Oil, which was a CIA front corporation run by George H. W. Bush which in turn facilitated much of the Air America “drugs for guns” program in Latin America in the 1980’s.
My sources tell me that Deagel is the same exact kind of organization as Zapata Oil. Deagel ran guns through the late Ambassador Chris Stevens and subsequently delivered them to al-Qaeda in Libya and in Syria at the time of Stevens’ death. Deagel was intimately involved in Benghazi in ways that will be revealed in a later article. Deagel is not just a gun running/drug running/child sex trafficking organization, they are also intimately connected with the business as “Open source intelligence links”. This means that Deagel and their partner (affiliations listed below) serve as marketing companies for the CIA and sell intelligence information to the highest bidder. Stratfor and Deagel provide the CIA with a minimum of two degrees of separation from nefarious operations which could taint the U.S. government and in particular, the CIA. These activities will be the topic of a future article. The focus of the remainder of this article is the destruction and depopulation of the United States.
Deagel is a group that gets their hands dirty and they play both sides of the fence. Please note the publicly available list of Deagel partners, listed below. They do business with the Russian Defense Procurement Agency, but they are largely an American contractor with ties into the U.S. Navy, the NSA and the CIA, through Stratfor. If anyone wanted to make the case that I have, the “Bastard Banksters from Basel” control both sides of the coming WW III for fun and profit, the data trail of Deagel exemplifies this point. From the following information, we get a strong indication of how the U.S. is going to be depopulated. To further examine this possibility, take a look at a partial list of Deagel partners. The following list clearly shows that Deagel is “locked in” when it comes to the power centers on this planet.
My god, the blog this article came from reads like a comedy. missed projection after missed projection. So I guess all these theories come to fruition in 2025. So in two years once nothing is as it was predicted by your nutball media will you admit that you've been duped?
How many of these 17 elements are in place, or, are being put into place? I am in the midst of preparing a detailed and multi-part analysis of these 17 elements of martial law and their relative progress in America.
None. The answer is None of those elements are in place or being put into place. You're crazy
Yep....they said the same exact type of thing in every country that turned to communism.

Here we have an example of an idiot Democrat that cannot accept anything that isn't fed to him by a global news network.

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Why would I accept anything you feed or that your nutball blogs feed? I don't accept anything fed by the national media either. I take everything with a grain of salt and if I'm interested in something I'll seek out the sources. You're taking crazy to a whole new level though. Sounds to me like you will just blinding believe anything that supports an anti government conspiracy.
Why would I accept anything you feed or that your nutball blogs feed? I don't accept anything fed by the national media either. I take everything with a grain of salt and if I'm interested in something I'll seek out the sources. You're taking crazy to a whole new level though. Sounds to me like you will just blinding believe anything that supports an anti government conspiracy.
They used to say that a liberally biased media was thinking crazy at one time...but now it's a certifiable fact.

They used to say that a liberally biased media was thinking crazy at one time...but now it's a certifiable fact.

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That really doesn't mean much when the stuff you call truth are just rantings from wing nut bloggers and nothing can be actually backed up or proven. If thats where you're getting your facts from then you are completely lost.
That really doesn't mean much when the stuff you call truth are just rantings from wing nut bloggers and nothing can be actually backed up or proven. If thats where you're getting your facts from then you are completely lost.
STFU asshole.
I laid it out for you and if you cannot comprehend it we're done talking.
STFU asshole.
I laid it out for you and if you cannot comprehend it we're done talking.
I could lay out Santas plan for delivering presents on Christmas morning but that doesn't make it true or verified. You've only laid out a conspiracy theory, nothing to actually back up your claims.
Fox doesn’t cover the stolen election lies because they can’t verify the crap y’all push out and that opens them up to lawsuits. It’s not complicated
All fox has to do is verify the stories, and that way they are in the clear. It's not really that hard, so why do they struggle so bad ? Are they pandering to much ?
It's called watching the news by people I respect.
I'm sure you think Jordan Peterson is a nut.
I’m skeptical of everybody in the news. Don’t know Peterson but if he’s telling you that there’s some secret government plan to kill 95% of humanity then yes he is nuts too
All fox has to do is verify the stories, and that way they are in the clear. It's not really that hard, so why do they struggle so bad ? Are they pandering too much ?
Because the stories are lies and can’t be verified!!! Did you ever consider that?

They tried playing fast and loose with the dominion fables and they got their asses sued off
I’m skeptical of everybody in the news. Don’t know Peterson but if he’s telling you that there’s some secret government plan to kill 95% of humanity then yes he is nuts too
He consults for the UN and the WHO amongst other organizations.
He is well respected and Conservative, so you wouldn’t like him.
Because the stories are lies and can’t be verified!!! Did you ever consider that?

They tried playing fast and loose with the dominion fables and they got their asses sued off
Never heard of them being sued successfully in the case, so are you now lying or making stuff up ? Link to the final judgement and case number.... Thanks

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