Funniest Video you will see all day! What Obama admin calls a "Green Job." ROFL!


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
[ame=]Obama's Green Jobs: What's In A Name? - YouTube[/ame]

School Bus drivers? Gassing up that bus? Working in a Bicycle shop? Oil Lobbyist????????

These are green jobs? According to the Obama admin they count.

Watch the video if you don't believe me.

WAtch idiot libs desperately try to justify this nonsense! That will be even funnier.

Go ahead libs! Make fools of yourselves like this Obama sychophant did in the video!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Thats just funny, I dont care who you are

Problem is, it's also pathetic.

Most of these are LOW income, minimum wage jobs, and these are the jobs that Obama said would replace high income jobs working in oil and gas?

This is what Obama promised us in 2008?

NO THANKS! Time to replace the President!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Thats just funny, I dont care who you are

Problem is, it's also pathetic.

Most of these are LOW income, minimum wage jobs, and these are the jobs that Obama said would replace high income jobs working in oil and gas?

This is what Obama promised us in 2008?

NO THANKS! Time to replace the President!

Raise the minimum wage? And how many high income jobs in oil and gas will be replaced by Janitors and Antique dealers? Stop playing :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Thats just funny, I dont care who you are

Problem is, it's also pathetic.

Most of these are LOW income, minimum wage jobs, and these are the jobs that Obama said would replace high income jobs working in oil and gas?

This is what Obama promised us in 2008?

NO THANKS! Time to replace the President!

Raise the minimum wage? And how many high income jobs in oil and gas will be replaced by Janitors and Antique dealers? Stop playing :lol:

That is NOT what I'm saying. I'm saying, that oil and gas makes for HIGHER PAYING JOBS!

Obama said in 2008, we didn't need to worry about all those jobs being lost in those industries because "green jobs" will replace them.

Now we find out what "green jobs" are. They are unskilled, low paying jobs, that most certainly will NOT replace the much HIGHER PAYING jobs in the oil and gas industry and this testimony makes that clear.

It's time to replace one "green job" that will put a LOT of people back to work AND THAT'S GETTING RID OF OBAMA!

I can't wait until November!
Obama's Green Jobs: What's In A Name? - YouTube

School Bus drivers? Gassing up that bus? Working in a Bicycle shop? Oil Lobbyist????????

These are green jobs? According to the Obama admin they count.

Watch the video if you don't believe me.

WAtch idiot libs desperately try to justify this nonsense! That will be even funnier.

Go ahead libs! Make fools of yourselves like this Obama sychophant did in the video!


That is sad, they had to change the definition of a job in order to say they created jobs. HAHAHAHA!!! Typical leftwing bullshit, change the names and definitions to try and trick the people when your policies fail.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Thats just funny, I dont care who you are

Problem is, it's also pathetic.

Most of these are LOW income, minimum wage jobs, and these are the jobs that Obama said would replace high income jobs working in oil and gas?

This is what Obama promised us in 2008?

NO THANKS! Time to replace the President!

Raise the minimum wage? And how many high income jobs in oil and gas will be replaced by Janitors and Antique dealers? Stop playing :lol:

Raising the minimum wage hurts low income workers, regardless of what the left says, the facts are the facts. People who rely on low prices at the grocery store to get by end up having to pay more for a product because the store owners have to compensate for the minimum wage increase by increasing the cost of their products.
Love those "Green" jobs. Liberals need to stop smoking whacky weed and get in reality.

Wacky tobaccie does not cause that shit... they are just plain stupid!
Worse than that, they are dishonest! I mean WTF is green about those jobs???

It's green if Obama says so!!!!!! :eusa_snooty:

That's basically how all of liberalism works. If they say it's true, IT'S TRUE. And if you disagree with them, you must be lying.

It's basically shows, not only how stupid liberals are, but how infantile. They live in a fantasy world.

Yet, they always tell themselves, the smartest people in the room, and anyone that disagrees, is a knuckle-dragging, red neck, moron.

The Apostle Paul TRULY had these people summed up in the First Chapter of Romans: "Professing themselves to be wise, they becamse fools."

And they have been fooling themselves ever since.

Obama's Green Jobs: What's In A Name? - YouTube

School Bus drivers? Gassing up that bus? Working in a Bicycle shop? Oil Lobbyist????????

These are green jobs? According to the Obama admin they count.

Watch the video if you don't believe me.

WAtch idiot libs desperately try to justify this nonsense! That will be even funnier.

Go ahead libs! Make fools of yourselves like this Obama sychophant did in the video!


That is sad, they had to change the definition of a job in order to say they created jobs. HAHAHAHA!!! Typical leftwing bullshit, change the names and definitions to try and trick the people when your policies fail.

And you KNOW that's part of the "jobs created" BS they have been touting. Jobs that already existed and most of whom are PROBABLY PART-TIME too boot!

We have GOT to get this guy out of office!

He's starting to make Carter look good! Even Carter wasn't this bad!

Carter didn't try to put oil out of business. He was just ineffectual with Opec, and his answer to the energy shortage (especially in the winter) was set your thermostat to 65 and wear Cartigan Sweaters. He didn't try to put oil out of business.

I mean this is SAD. I never thought I would EVER see a president worse than Carter. But AT LEAST Carter had good intentions. Carter was just a bumbling doofus. He wasn't evil.

Obama does NOT have good intentions. He has an axe to grind and he wants to destroy this country as it was founded.

I can't wait until November.
Obama's Green Jobs: What's In A Name? - YouTube

School Bus drivers? Gassing up that bus? Working in a Bicycle shop? Oil Lobbyist????????

These are green jobs? According to the Obama admin they count.

Watch the video if you don't believe me.

WAtch idiot libs desperately try to justify this nonsense! That will be even funnier.

Go ahead libs! Make fools of yourselves like this Obama sychophant did in the video!


You are kind of a moron, aren't you?

If you can't understand how a bus driver or working at a bicycle shop is a green job, you are kind of a moron. Just sayin.
I will give you a hint, bicycles and buses help with pollution, you know like less cars on the road?

People get mad over this crap is getting so old and annoying. Worry about something more important.
Problem is, it's also pathetic.

Most of these are LOW income, minimum wage jobs, and these are the jobs that Obama said would replace high income jobs working in oil and gas?

This is what Obama promised us in 2008?

NO THANKS! Time to replace the President!

Raise the minimum wage? And how many high income jobs in oil and gas will be replaced by Janitors and Antique dealers? Stop playing :lol:

Raising the minimum wage hurts low income workers, regardless of what the left says, the facts are the facts. People who rely on low prices at the grocery store to get by end up having to pay more for a product because the store owners have to compensate for the minimum wage increase by increasing the cost of their products.

I get it people make more money and prices go up. So they are able to buy those products that cost more. Whats the problem?
Obama's Green Jobs: What's In A Name? - YouTube

School Bus drivers? Gassing up that bus? Working in a Bicycle shop? Oil Lobbyist????????

These are green jobs? According to the Obama admin they count.

Watch the video if you don't believe me.

WAtch idiot libs desperately try to justify this nonsense! That will be even funnier.

Go ahead libs! Make fools of yourselves like this Obama sychophant did in the video!


You are kind of a moron, aren't you?

If you can't understand how a bus driver or working at a bicycle shop is a green job, you are kind of a moron. Just sayin.

I think we see the moron. Just saying!!!!!!!!!

You run with that okay!!!!!

That all those green jobs Obama was promising were really bus driver jobs and working in bicycle shops.

The sad part is you really think you are helping your side.

And then you libs will think the election is "stolen" in November.

It will never occur to you idiots you lost this election with your own stupidity!

This is just too funny!

"Bus drivers and bicycle shop clerks are too green jobs!!!!!" :eusa_snooty:

I will give you a hint, bicycles and buses help with pollution, you know like less cars on the road?

People get mad over this crap is getting so old and annoying. Worry about something more important.

I will give YOU a hint.

People looking for work right now, don't give a ##ck about helping with pollution. They are looking for high paying jobs.

That's why they will vote out this moron who thinks Bus drivers and bicycle shop clerks are better employment than working on the KeyStone Pipeline.

And then you think *I* need a hint. The sad part is you really think I do.

You think what you said is soooooooooooo smart, and we laughing at this video don't have a clue.

Sad. And then you will wonder why Obama is going to lose (Lord Willing) this November.

Who was the official quizzing the hapless fool? Did a great job. We need more of them.

The Lefts entire being is to redefine things that most people can understand intuitively. Most people understand that a bunch of radical Muslims killing people is a terrorist act. But Obama wants to call it human generated catastrophes, or whatever his term was.
Most people understand that taking money you dont have and pouring it into shitty programs is called "waste and fraud." But Obama wants to call it "stimulus."
Most people understand "marriage" means a man and a woman get married and have a family. But Obama wants "marriage" to mean something else. Or at least he does this month. Next month, who knows?
So no shock that jobs that have been in existence for ages, bike shops,are now classed as "green" so he can make some stupid political point or other.

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