Funny Thing About Tea Party Posts in Race Forum

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Ever notice that something's classified as "racial" whenever they want to attack WHITES, i.e., "the tea party is a bunch of white people, therefore, it's bad"?

And they never classify it as racial when it helps blacks, Jews, Hispanics, etc., i.e.?

Wake up, white people. There is a race war on and you're the target. They don't care how loudly you deny you're "racist" for being in the tea party -- they want to kill you because you're WHITE, not because you support low taxes or guns.

WHITES are getting pushed off the stage of American life FAST AND HARD. If you even make a peep about it, you're a "racist" or a "white supremacist" and they shut you down fast.

This is NOT about "all getting along." People don't get along -- they just play musical chairs with who's got the power.

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lol we dont play musical chairs...the same people in power under the dems are in power under the never changes...and i dont find this a white or black thing....i find it a stupidity thing....people are buying into hope and change from both sides....unfortunately the american people are so fucking stupid they cant see the forest for the trees...NO POLITICAL PARTY HAS THE INTEREST OF THE COMMON MAN IN ITS VIEW...NONE....NOT THE DEMS OR THE REPUB..AND SURE THE HELL NOT THE MONEY MAKING TEA PARTY....ADMIT WHAT IT IS...A MONEY MAKER...NOTHING MORE...NOTHING LESS...TEA PARTIERS THINK THEY ARE ALL BASED ON THESE "NEW IDEAS" THEY ARE NOT..THEY ARE BEING LEAD DOWN A PRIMROSE PATH BY THE MONEY SEEKERS
who is they that wants to kill me..cause i am white? please warn me ahead of i will know "they" when they come for me...or what if i pass 'they' on the will i know...please save me?
Ever notice that something's classified as "racial" whenever they want to attack WHITES, i.e., "the tea party is a bunch of white people, therefore, it's bad"?

And they never classify it as racial when it helps blacks, Jews, Hispanics, etc., i.e.?

Wake up, white people. There is a race war on and you're the target. They don't care how loudly you deny you're "racist" for being in the tea party -- they want to kill you because you're WHITE, not because you support low taxes or guns.

WHITES are getting pushed off the stage of American life FAST AND HARD. If you even make a peep about it, you're a "racist" or a "white supremacist" and they shut you down fast.

This is NOT about "all getting along." People don't get along -- they just play musical chairs with who's got the power.



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