Furor in Greece Over Pedophilia as a Disability


This Space for Rent
Oct 29, 2008
Furor in Greece Over Pedophilia as a Disability

Greek disability groups expressed anger Monday at a government decision to expand a list of state-recognized disability categories to include pedophiles, exhibitionists and kleptomaniacs.

The National Confederation of Disabled People called the action "incomprehensible," and said pedophiles are now awarded a higher government disability pay than some people who have received organ transplants.

The Labor Ministry said categories added to the expanded list — that also includes pyromaniacs, compulsive gamblers, fetishists and sadomasochists — were included for purposes of medical assessment and used as a gauge for allocating financial assistance.

But NCDP leader Yiannis Vardakastanis, who is blind, warned the new list could create new difficulties for disabled Greeks who are already facing benefit cuts due to the country's financial crisis.

Furor in Greece Over Pedophilia as a Disability - ABC News

Some of these idiots are getting paid more than those with diabetes and transplants... no wonder Greece can't manage its finances.

Furor in Greece Over Pedophilia as a Disability - ABC News
In this country pedophilia is a sexual orientation. At least with a disability, it's not considered normal behavior.
In this country pedophilia is a sexual orientation. At least with a disability, it's not considered normal behavior.

And illegal 'orientation' if one acts on such, yes? So one is rewarded for wanting to set fires, have sex with children, tying up women or men, setting fires, gambling, etc.

Greece is broke they can't afford to pay those who are disabled why add those to the disability list and in fact pay them more than those who are living with diabetes, etc? So who gets the disability check the man with a transplant or the man who likes BDSM?
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