Fusion Energy Breakthrough!!!

yeah but it's the 'releasing' more than got put into it that's got my knickers in a knot BA
The release has to be contained and harnessed for it to be of much use to anyone. And as Darkwind has noted, the release has to continue for a period of time to make the harnessed energy available for our use.
yeah but it's the 'releasing' more than got put into it that's got my knickers in a knot BA
I can't tell if you're kidding or serious.

No energy is being "created." Only "released."

If you light a match and ignite a gallon of gas, you "get more energy out then you put in"
The release has to be contained and harnessed for it to be of much use to anyone. And as Darkwind has noted, the release has to continue for a period of time to make the harnessed energy available for our use.
you ever hear of the Johnson motor BA?

how so DA?

you had XXX energy before , and XXX energy released....

The MATCH is the energy you put in to get the one million BTUs out of the gallon of gas.

In the same way, the electricity used to power the laser that starts the fusion reaction can be represented by x. Once the fusion reaction starts you'll get 3x of power out
yeah but it's the 'releasing' more than got put into it that's got my knickers in a knot BA
Because the "First Law" has always been ass backwards BS. Sure, "Energy can be transformed from one form to another, but can be neither created nor destroyed" GIVEN an "isolated system" which NEVER exists in reality. In reality, energy is constantly being created and destroyed simultaneously and at the same time too. Energy is always available from counterspace. Releasing it (making it useful for human purposes) takes work which immediately destroys much of its potential. Lighting a match doesn't take much effort, but the energy wasted simply burning gasoline in open air is astronomical compared to its potential in a pure oxygen environment. Combined strategically with nitrogen? Look out! Clearly the phosphorous on the match head has far more "energy release" potential in open air than the gasoline by the gallon, pound, or mole.
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Huge news. Game-changer.

US scientists boost clean power hopes with fusion energy breakthrough

Net energy gain indicates technology could provide an abundant zero-carbon alternative to fossil fuels

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US government scientists have made a breakthrough in the pursuit of limitless, zero-carbon power by achieving a net energy gain in a fusion reaction for the first time, according to three people with knowledge of preliminary results from a recent experiment. Physicists have since the 1950s sought to harness the fusion reaction that powers the sun, but no group had been able to produce more energy from the reaction than it consumes — a milestone known as net energy gain or target gain, which would help prove the process could provide a reliable, abundant alternative to fossil fuels and conventional nuclear energy. The federal Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, which uses a process called inertial confinement fusion that involves bombarding a tiny pellet of hydrogen plasma with the world’s biggest laser, had achieved net energy gain in a fusion experiment in the past two weeks, the people said.

Get the technology away from Joe Biden before he sells it to Russia and China!
The MATCH is the energy you put in to get the one million BTUs out of the gallon of gas.
the match is simply X amount of energy used to trigger XXX amount that already existed DA

no new energy was created, nor was any destroyed

Einstein said, "Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another"
the match is simply X amount of energy used to trigger XXX amount that already existed DA

no new energy was created, nor was any destroyed

Einstein said, "Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another"
That's what I said. I don't know what you don't understand
In a fusion bomb, the TRIGGER is a FISSION bomb. In this case, a FISSION bomb is it match that ignites a FUSION reaction releasing 1,000 times more energy
Einstein said, "Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another"
Indeed, he did, and he was full of shit, rejecting the Aether and thus the very existence of counterspace, replacing it all with a silly fudge factor. But he got famous and did well for himself nonetheless. Better than Howard Johnson who was a swell guy that would never claim an invention of his "produced 100% free energy" as that scam video does, duct(Duck?) tape or no.
the idea of a magnet motor has been increasingly propagated on the internet and a number of fake videos showing pretended running magnet motors have appeared on online video-sharing platforms.
The only term one should apply to such questions is Coefficient Of Performance. A boy flying a kite obviously supplies less energy keeping it aloft than the wind. Same for a girl sailing or windsurfing. It applies to everything, not just heat pumps.
“Also known as scientific energy breakeven, the experiment produced more energy from fusion than the laser energy used to drive it.”
What a great breakthrough!
Now... does that solve the ICE to EV conversion costs?
The fact is that right now all the power plants in the USA generated in 2021 over 4,165,030,000,000 kWh.
Now if in fact, all 37,900,000 trucks at 4.3 kWh/ mile for the 84,433 miles used for business purposes and all the cars driven 14,263 miles @0.346 kWh/mile per year by 228,200,000 Americans were EVs the total electricity required, (even if generated by fusion!!!) would be 10,151,170,439,575 kWh.
OR nearly 2.4 TIMES the amount of electricity generated today.
Say in 10 years though just half the number of trucks and cars are EVs... That will still require over 5 trillion kWh PLUS the 5 trillion kWh used for other purposes. Someone will have to pay for the additional power generating processes be it fossil fuels, nuclear or renewables.
The cost of which will be passed on to all of us consumers.
The attached shows it will still cost the 129,930m,000 American consumers
1) 5,448 NEW nuclear plants for the additional 5 trillion kWh $38.133 Trillion or per households directly or indirectly $1,222/mo/for 20 years.
2) or the 17.9 million solar panels at $4 Trillion or $1,510/month for 20 years!
3) or 538,521 Wind Turbines(WT) at $56 Trillion or $1,824/month for 20 years!
Now the attached shows greater detail AND sources for the information.
The point of this is while Fusion energy development is EXCITING and promising and definitely NEEDED... It still doesn't replace the use of electricity will triple with EVs replacing ICE. And this is totally related to this totally divisive statement:
I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

“Also known as scientific energy breakeven, the experiment produced more energy from fusion than the laser energy used to drive it.”
What a great breakthrough!
Now... does that solve the ICE to EV conversion costs?
The fact is that right now all the power plants in the USA generated in 2021 over 4,165,030,000,000 kWh.
Now if in fact, all 37,900,000 trucks at 4.3 kWh/ mile for the 84,433 miles used for business purposes and all the cars driven 14,263 miles @0.346 kWh/mile per year by 228,200,000 Americans were EVs the total electricity required, (even if generated by fusion!!!) would be 10,151,170,439,575 kWh.
OR nearly 2.4 TIMES the amount of electricity generated today.
Say in 10 years though just half the number of trucks and cars are EVs... That will still require over 5 trillion kWh PLUS the 5 trillion kWh used for other purposes. Someone will have to pay for the additional power generating processes be it fossil fuels, nuclear or renewables.
The cost of which will be passed on to all of us consumers.
The attached shows it will still cost the 129,930m,000 American consumers
1) 5,448 NEW nuclear plants for the additional 5 trillion kWh $38.133 Trillion or per households directly or indirectly $1,222/mo/for 20 years.
2) or the 17.9 million solar panels at $4 Trillion or $1,510/month for 20 years!
3) or 538,521 Wind Turbines(WT) at $56 Trillion or $1,824/month for 20 years!
Now the attached shows greater detail AND sources for the information.
The point of this is while Fusion energy development is EXCITING and promising and definitely NEEDED... It still doesn't replace the use of electricity will triple with EVs replacing ICE. And this is totally related to this totally divisive statement:
I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

View attachment 738294

Oh look another conservative raging impotently against the future
“Also known as scientific energy breakeven, the experiment produced more energy from fusion than the laser energy used to drive it.”
What a great breakthrough!
Now... does that solve the ICE to EV conversion costs?
The fact is that right now all the power plants in the USA generated in 2021 over 4,165,030,000,000 kWh.
Now if in fact, all 37,900,000 trucks at 4.3 kWh/ mile for the 84,433 miles used for business purposes and all the cars driven 14,263 miles @0.346 kWh/mile per year by 228,200,000 Americans were EVs the total electricity required, (even if generated by fusion!!!) would be 10,151,170,439,575 kWh.
OR nearly 2.4 TIMES the amount of electricity generated today.
Say in 10 years though just half the number of trucks and cars are EVs... That will still require over 5 trillion kWh PLUS the 5 trillion kWh used for other purposes. Someone will have to pay for the additional power generating processes be it fossil fuels, nuclear or renewables.
The cost of which will be passed on to all of us consumers.
The attached shows it will still cost the 129,930m,000 American consumers
1) 5,448 NEW nuclear plants for the additional 5 trillion kWh $38.133 Trillion or per households directly or indirectly $1,222/mo/for 20 years.
2) or the 17.9 million solar panels at $4 Trillion or $1,510/month for 20 years!
3) or 538,521 Wind Turbines(WT) at $56 Trillion or $1,824/month for 20 years!
Now the attached shows greater detail AND sources for the information.
The point of this is while Fusion energy development is EXCITING and promising and definitely NEEDED... It still doesn't replace the use of electricity will triple with EVs replacing ICE. And this is totally related to this totally divisive statement:
I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

View attachment 738294

Consider this. My ebike will last 500 charges. If I ride 25 times a year that ebike will last me 20 years.

Or I could buy a motorcycle and pollute for the next 25 years. I bet the motorcycle eventually overcomes the Ebike on energy needed.

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