G. Beck had an interesting point on his show.

Presence of government.

Capitalism works best with a democratic form of government...a system of laws that allows a free market and respects private property...

It is not capitalism, sorry. I know how much wingnuts want the country to be Capitalist but it wasn't at any point in history. NEVER!

As to your idiotism I can say that Capitalism doesn't require democracy at all, in fact it tends to stay in the way. Public tends to lower profits and increase risks.

Pls explain how it is not capitalism....
Capitalism works best with a democratic form of government...a system of laws that allows a free market and respects private property...

It is not capitalism, sorry. I know how much wingnuts want the country to be Capitalist but it wasn't at any point in history. NEVER!

As to your idiotism I can say that Capitalism doesn't require democracy at all, in fact it tends to stay in the way. Public tends to lower profits and increase risks.

Pls explain how it is not capitalism....

Main Entry: cap·i·tal·ism
Pronunciation: \ˈka-pə-tə-ˌliz-əm, ˈkap-tə-, British also kə-ˈpi-tə-\
Function: noun
Date: 1877

: an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market

Even if we go back to founders of the Republic. The first thing that was done is to make means of communications(Post Office) Public. You can argue that America was always the freest country in terms of allowing generation of capital with public staying out of it, however you need to brush up on economic history learn about corporation being declared individuals, reliance on slave labor etc etc.
It is not capitalism, sorry. I know how much wingnuts want the country to be Capitalist but it wasn't at any point in history. NEVER!

As to your idiotism I can say that Capitalism doesn't require democracy at all, in fact it tends to stay in the way. Public tends to lower profits and increase risks.

Pls explain how it is not capitalism....

Main Entry: cap·i·tal·ism
Pronunciation: \ˈka-pə-tə-ˌliz-əm, ˈkap-tə-, British also kə-ˈpi-tə-\
Function: noun
Date: 1877

: an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market

Even if we go back to founders of the Republic. The first thing that was done is to make means of communications(Post Office) Public. You can argue that America was always the freest country in terms of allowing generation of capital with public staying out of it, however you need to brush up on economic history learn about corporation being declared individuals, reliance on slave labor etc etc.

hey bro....have another one....:booze:
Pls explain how it is not capitalism....

Main Entry: cap·i·tal·ism
Pronunciation: \ˈka-pə-tə-ˌliz-əm, ˈkap-tə-, British also kə-ˈpi-tə-\
Function: noun
Date: 1877

: an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market

Even if we go back to founders of the Republic. The first thing that was done is to make means of communications(Post Office) Public. You can argue that America was always the freest country in terms of allowing generation of capital with public staying out of it, however you need to brush up on economic history learn about corporation being declared individuals, reliance on slave labor etc etc.

hey bro....have another one....:booze:

Sure! Lets celebrate one more step to you being less ignorant :lol:
The means may be communally owned but you are not and your work is what is taken. You are not afforded the right to your own works in a communistic society. I never meant to say that a dictatorship was necessary, just likely.

You're not afforded right to your work in a capitalistic society either. Your work is taken by your owner who affords you with whatever he seems fit.

I wonder how is that possible when I see a ton of people working in a capatilistic society. Clearly they have the right to work if they are working.
It says 'to your work', not 'to work'. :eusa_eh:
I think Kex is suggesting the employee often does not receive fair return from his employer for the labor and effort he gives to the employer.
I get the distinct impression that IHHF is barely literate.
You are not really making yourself very clear......what is a capitalist to you in the real world?

My definition of a CAPITALIST.....(per the dictionary).....a person who has capital, esp. extensive capital, invested in business enterprises.

I am using the second definition, a person who favors capitalism.

Uh...OK....so what makes you think the American system is not capitalistic...?
We have socialized healthcare.

We have welfare.

We have unions.

We have workers' rights laws.

We have environmental protection laws

Need I continue?
This is where previous knowledge interferes with new knowledge. Try and use a perspective that's a little more open.

try to present your *new knowledge* outside the constructs of the existing system, or acknowledge the effect your ..knowledge.. would have within the construct. pick.

I did. But if you use a tool that's really for analysing applies you might find it doesn't work if you're analysing oranges.
He pointed out that the right calls left communist and left calls the right fascist whenever one side seeks to gain power over someone else but he pointed out that communism and fascism were nearly identical to each other on a philosophical level about the rights of individuals. He then pointed out that America doesn't have a communist or fascist problem but a progressive problem witch is neither liberal or conservative in any way. The philospophy that started in the beginning of the 20th century in American and has always infected both parties and definately was not friendly to the rights of individuals or freedom in any way.

It kind of made me wonder if you stripped the progressive out of both parties would would liberals and conservative be any different from each other?

Yep... and I wish he'd get his own material...

I've been preaching that for 15 years...
When I was offline for a few weeks moving house and getting my ISP sorted out, I had to keep my right wingnut habit so I watched Fox News. I watched Beck. Shallow. Very shallow. That was the most disappointing aspect. Not loud and boofheaded like Hannity, just shallow.

Beck's claim that fascism and communism are both the same relative to the issue of individualism is simply wrong. Fascism is, to fascists, a complete and final stage in social development. The state incorporates everything into itself, including corporations, the military and individuals. Communism is a complex political and social theory that argues that humans are constantly in transition and that transition is to a stateless society, that's the nirvana of communism, where the state no longer exists. So I think Beck is wrong. And shallow.


Sweet mother that's HYSTERICAL! (In at least two contexts and on several levels)

There's nothing complex about Communism.... or leftism in general.

Leftists crave the power which they are otherwise incapable of acheiving through the competitive market.

They crave the wealth of the industrious; without need of bearing the burden of industry and they crave the determination inherent in the faithful; without bearing the burden inherent in faith; and so on.

Fascism differs from communism only in the degree of application... The Fascist desires to realize the empty promises of Socialism and prepared to test the water with a cultural toe... while the communist demands total emersion... period.
He pointed out that the right calls left communist and left calls the right fascist whenever one side seeks to gain power over someone else but he pointed out that communism and fascism were nearly identical to each other on a philosophical level about the rights of individuals. He then pointed out that America doesn't have a communist or fascist problem but a progressive problem witch is neither liberal or conservative in any way. The philosophy that started in the beginning of the 20th century in American and has always infected both parties and definitely was not friendly to the rights of individuals or freedom in any way.

It kind of made me wonder if you stripped the progressive out of both parties would would liberals and conservative be any different from each other?

If you actually listen to what Beck says, instead of listening to what people say about him and his words. You will notice the guy is pretty sharp and makes great points almost nightly.

I've been trying to explain the similarities between Fasicism and Communism for a long time now to anyone who will listen. It makes me cringe every time I hear some Liberal Idiot say that Bush was Fascist or Hitler was Right Wing.

Read the Book, Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg. He does a great job making this all clear in a way that no school ever will.
When I was offline for a few weeks moving house and getting my ISP sorted out, I had to keep my right wingnut habit so I watched Fox News. I watched Beck. Shallow. Very shallow. That was the most disappointing aspect. Not loud and boofheaded like Hannity, just shallow.

Beck's claim that fascism and communism are both the same relative to the issue of individualism is simply wrong. Fascism is, to fascists, a complete and final stage in social development. The state incorporates everything into itself, including corporations, the military and individuals. Communism is a complex political and social theory that argues that humans are constantly in transition and that transition is to a stateless society, that's the nirvana of communism, where the state no longer exists. So I think Beck is wrong. And shallow.


Sweet mother that's HYSTERICAL! (In at least two contexts and on several levels)

There's nothing complex about Communism.... or leftism in general.

Leftists crave the power which they are otherwise incapable of acheiving through the competitive market.

They crave the wealth of the industrious; without need of bearing the burden of industry and they crave the determination inherent in the faithful; without bearing the burden inherent in faith; and so on.

Fascism differs from communism only in the degree of application... The Fascist desires to realize the empty promises of Socialism and prepared to test the water with a cultural toe... while the communist demands total emersion... period.

Sounds like you're talking out of your ass...and not based on any study of the subject.

While they share an element of collectivism in government, they're not the same thing in the least. Fascism requires a hierarchical society as communism espouses a completely equal society.

Taking that even further, with fascism, industry and military control the government where as with Communism: The government controls industry.

Hell, if you take collectivism to its most basic meaning almost any political movement can be brought into the fold you're misapplying.

Beck tries to pump himself up by acting like a teacher to the people. He never went to college and it's highly doubtful that he's spent much time in deep study of such subjects. Even if he has studied on his own, without a teacher or an expert guiding him, he'll never pierce the strata he needs to in order to be an authority.
☭proletarian☭;2071436 said:
I am using the second definition, a person who favors capitalism.

Uh...OK....so what makes you think the American system is not capitalistic...?
We have socialized healthcare.

We have welfare.

We have unions.

We have workers' rights laws.

We have environmental protection laws

Need I continue?
America IS capitalistic and property still has meaning here but it is not pure capitalism, nor should it be. We tried that form of commerce a long time ago and realized that pure capitalism is not a good idea. Such a system leads to mass exploitation of the lower classes. The key is a good balance between a capitalist base and socialist safeguards. The problem is that socialism rarely regresses so we find ourselves in a continual fall toward socialism and abandoning our capitalist base. We are veering too far off course here as more and more regulation gets in the way of capitalist progress. Even though the above are part of our society it does not mean that we are not a capitalist society, it mean we have recognized that capitalism is extreme in its nature and needs some socialized programs to temper it.


I wasn't discussing this. I was replying to the comment that suggested that in 'communistic' society fruits of labor belong to the government, while in capitalistic it belongs to you, what is clearly false. You're afforded just part of it.
The government IS the community and whether or not the theory of communism affords ownership to the government or not, in practice it does.
He pointed out that the right calls left communist and left calls the right fascist whenever one side seeks to gain power over someone else but he pointed out that communism and fascism were nearly identical to each other on a philosophical level about the rights of individuals. He then pointed out that America doesn't have a communist or fascist problem but a progressive problem witch is neither liberal or conservative in any way. The philosophy that started in the beginning of the 20th century in American and has always infected both parties and definitely was not friendly to the rights of individuals or freedom in any way.

It kind of made me wonder if you stripped the progressive out of both parties would would liberals and conservative be any different from each other?

If you actually listen to what Beck says, instead of listening to what people say about him and his words. You will notice the guy is pretty sharp and makes great points almost nightly.

I've been trying to explain the similarities between Fasicism and Communism for a long time now to anyone who will listen. It makes me cringe every time I hear some Liberal Idiot say that Bush was Fascist or Hitler was Right Wing.

Read the Book, Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg. He does a great job making this all clear in a way that no school ever will.

where fascism is taking a set of ideology to an authoritarian level on your citizens and on other populations, it doesn't actually choose a wing... that's in the set of ideology itself.

after the WMD/bin laden witch hunt was unsustainable, the government abandoned that justification for war, and adopted the even more fascist concept that we should attack other countries to make them democracies sympathetic to the US.

for better or worse, thats why people think the bush administration was fascist and akin to hitler.

beck's not sharp, he's just on tv.
You can only get to Fascism or Totalitarianism by adopting Socialist/Communist/Progressive ideologies first. People talk of Fascism all the time without even understanding what the Fascist roots were. For example,the Nazis were above all Socialists. Hitler himself considered himself to be a loyal Socialist right up till the end. Most people just can't grasp the concept that you cannot possibly get to Fascism or Totalitarianism without adopting Socialist/Communist/Progressive ideologies first. I blame our failing schools on all levels for not properly educating the people on this reality. Our Founding Fathers really did have it right all those years ago. Their brilliance is still astounding.
"You can only get to Fascism or Totalitarianism by adopting Socialist/Communist/Progressive ideologies first." Evidence, lib, or you are just speaking out your butt. That is one of the more unintelligible statements anyone has made here, including CaliforniGirl and Contumacious and a couple of others, but only a couple of others.

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