GA gov. hopeful, ‘Blue Wave’ Is ‘Comprised of Those Who Are Documented and Undocumented’


VIP Member
Mar 2, 2018
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Georgia Dem Abrams Predicts ‘Blue Wave’ That's ‘Comprised of Those Who Are Documented and Undocumented’

My worst fears are being realized, but not in the shadows of obscurity and deception any longer! This is the DNC's wet dream & what they have been working toward for decades. There is a referendum on U the citizen having a voice; if U do not fit into the DNC's NARRATIVE & vision U need to be marginalized and replaced at the ballot box...
Clearly most conservatives are truly this stupid to think anyone would believe their ridiculous lies – this being one of many examples.

And most conservatives are as ignorant as they are stupid: only citizens can vote – non-citizens cannot vote, regardless whether they’re documented or undocumented.
Surreptitiously it has been going on for decades. Why is it that ID's are such a vitriolic issue for Dems, U really think that it's the few dollars & minimal effort that it takes to obtain an ID like they claim... ROTFL, not even close. I went to one of the most liberal institutions of higher education for my undergrad in SoCal. They set up a polling place across from the main entrance to campus & there was always a string of vans rotating through the curb parking every time I went to vote. Interestingly, there were translators there directing people (provisional ballots & otherwise). Any time an ID was pulled out the poll workers would urgently admonish the person that 'no ID's required'... But of course Clayton, the law is the law and the law is never subverted (especially by the progressive contingent of the DNC). If this was occurring in the W Bush years, I'm sure the Dem's have completely rectified the situation and cracked down on voter fraud.

A few years later I was living up in La Cresta, CA which was nothing but mcmansions. More than a few of the properties had illegals living 'out back' and/or working on them. I of course, got to know quite a few of these friendly and hard working illegals and socialized with them on occasion (usually involving more than a few Tecates). I was surprised to learn that a fair number had crossed the border several times without incident & that a few had cast ballots due to incentives / perks. But Clayton, I'm sure that has all been sorted out & rectified over the last dozen or so years...
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Clearly most conservatives are truly this stupid to think anyone would believe their ridiculous lies – this being one of many examples.

And most conservatives are as ignorant as they are stupid: only citizens can vote – non-citizens cannot vote, regardless whether they’re documented or undocumented.
One of the tell-tale signs of a good education is the ability to communicate without name calling under all conditions, no is how academia keeps track of itself and separates the educated from what you refer to as "ignorant and stupid"...I would check the reaction of the poster you saw it necessary to label in those terms and see how they responded to find out who best fits your description.
(Just breaking in TX) Apparently there was a fraud ring targeting seniors (I'm sure it was an isolated incident). These 4 women arrested seem to have more than one thing in common with each other; I'll leave it up to y'all to come to your own conclusions... I hate to burst your bubble Clayton.

Four women in ‘voter fraud ring’ arrested. They targeted seniors on city’s north side



Also recently in the news...
DMV acknowledges non-citizens registered to vote
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