Gabby Giffords and why background checks don't work......


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Here is the thing...I know she was shot....the problem...she came to the wrong conclusions about her shooting....she and her husband are pushing background checks for every single gun purchase....which means more money...and having to use a gun store to sell your brother your old gun........

Oh...and they won't stop one gun crime or mass shooting....since the background checks, and laws we have now haven't stopped the 8-9,000 gun murders each year or any of the mass shootings we have had...

And....the shooter who shot giffords passed a background check for his did so many other mass shooters......

Background checks are stupid an pointless....

Why background checks don t work

In the case of mandatory background checks on gun purchasers, first, keep in mind that it is already illegal for a “prohibited person,” someone who has been convicted of a felony or certain misdemeanors, or “adjudicated mentally incompetent,” to purchase or possess a firearm. Most of those people know they are prohibited, and, therefore, those who want to obtain guns get them through illegal means – theft, straw purchases or from the same guy who sells them their drugs. In 2010, only 13 people were successfully prosecuted for lying on a gun purchase form.

Also remember that background checks are not a free service; they cost money – a lot of money. At this point, the U.S. has spent, and is spending, billions of dollars to build, maintain and operate the federal firearm purchase background check system. And of course, the vast majority of that money is spent verifying that someone like me, who already owns a number of guns, is not prohibited from buying another one.

Finally, consider the civil rights aspect of this issue. The right to keep and bear arms is one of the few rights originally enumerated and attached to the U.S. Constitution. This was done long before the right to vote was even considered a universal right. Yet many of the same people who tell us that even requiring identification to vote is a violation of civil rights. But these same people insist that paying a fee, filling out an extensive questionnaire, presenting picture ID and having a criminal records check before being allowed to exercise the enumerated right to arms is just “common sense” and definitely not a violation of civil rights.
gabby gifords and her girlfriend the seal killer . I don't care what either of them think about anything .
Like in all the school shootings, Giffords didn't have any security on hand. A fact that the Pima County sheriff, a leftist turd, seemed to ignore. An off-duty officer would have cost her $100 for the entire event.
Like in all the school shootings, Giffords didn't have any security on hand. A fact that the Pima County sheriff, a leftist turd, seemed to ignore. An off-duty officer would have cost her $100 for the entire event.

Ronald Reagan had security. So did Gerald Ford. Want to try again? Run that by James Brady's widow.
Like in all the school shootings, Giffords didn't have any security on hand. A fact that the Pima County sheriff, a leftist turd, seemed to ignore. An off-duty officer would have cost her $100 for the entire event.

Ronald Reagan had security. So did Gerald Ford. Want to try again? Run that by James Brady's widow.
Where there's a will, there's a way. Whether it's a gun, a knife, a twist of the neck, or a bust of Lincoln...

Giffords' husband Mark Kelly could be the poster child for the hypocrisy and dishonesty of the anti-gun crowd.

While touring the country pushing for 'background checks' and bans on 'assault rifles', this hypocritical dirtbag was exposed for purchasing an AR15, the very type of rifle he doesn't feel the public 'needs to own'.
Gabby Giffords s Husband Buys AR-15 - Breitbart
Of course once the news got out, he suddenly announced he just bought the rifle with intentions of turning it over to the local PD.
Even if one believes his story, that would make him guilty of making a straw purchase which is clearly illegal.

Then again I'm sure creating and taking control of a political action committee that suddenly has Bloomberg's backing and takes in millions of dollars has it's perks.
Giffords Anti-Gun Group Gets 1 Million Texas Donation - Bloomberg Business
Gabrielle Giffords PAC Raises 6.5 Million Bloomberg Donates Political MoneyLine Blog
Gabrielle Giffords guns group raises 11 million -
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Like in all the school shootings, Giffords didn't have any security on hand. A fact that the Pima County sheriff, a leftist turd, seemed to ignore. An off-duty officer would have cost her $100 for the entire event.

Ronald Reagan had security. So did Gerald Ford. Want to try again? Run that by James Brady's widow.

Listen shit-for-brains, Rep. Giffords set up a campaign meet and greet in a grocery store parking lot less than a hundred miles from the mehican border. Drug cartels had been openly threatening US politicians. That alone should have warranted armed security at the event. As it was, Jared Loughner showed up instead. ONE armed off-duty cop would have prevented the shooting. Getting shot was nobody's fault but her own.

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