Biden Calls for “Assault” Weapons and High Capacity Magazine Ban

We know you love cops killing unarmed citizens, no need to reiterate.

I remember you cheered for George Floyd's death, too.
Keep trying shitstain

Isn’t your trolling shift for the week almost over?
8-4 M-F ……….
I actually thought he had a very good point and fully support his point of view. We definitely need a ban on assault weapons, it is silly for people to even have the right to own them. You don't need an assault weapon to own for self defense, it's ridiculous.
Biden wants to ban guns that look like assault weapons. Few actually own full auto capable assault weapons. Of course, Biden could try to redefine assault weapons as any weapon used to assault someone.
Look..........his gun grab bills do violate the 2nd Amendment.....common man.
We're taking your guns, asshole! Whoa, who's dat knocking on your door? It's the gun police and you are in violation of the Dumbass with Weapons bill.
Yep, he is at it again. What an idiot.

From his SOTU address:

“After another school shooting in Iowa he said we should just “get over it.”

I say we must stop it.

I’m proud we beat the NRA when I signed the most significant gun safety law in nearly 30 years!

Now we must beat the NRA again!

I’m demanding a ban on

assault weapons

and high-capacity magazines!

Pass universal background checks!

None of this violates the Second Amendment or vilifies responsible gun owners.
What an asshole.

Joe Biden is on my ignore list.
Of course he did, dumb fck democrats have been trying for a decade and can't get it done.

But Tater spudettes believe it

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