Gallup: 95% of Americans say, jobs and the economy should be the top priority


Nov 7, 2012
I am guessing people have different idea's on how to do that. 4th on the list is, significantly reduce US dependence on oil,gas and coal. That does not indicate producing our own. What's funny is I didn't see using magic, to make it happen, on the list.

On the list of priorities, immigration ranked 8th.

Economy, Entitlements, Iran Are Americans' Top Priorities
Thats the problem. They think they can jump from A to C. Call up the job committees, seminars, conferences, and the problem will just go away. Doesnt work like that in reality.
They didn't vote that way. People are funny. Men fainted and women had orgasms when Hitler spoke too and we all know how well that turned out.

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