Gallup: Conservatives Embrace Romney...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
What do you think about this? Is is just a matter of choosing the lesser of two Big Government Evils? The Liberal/Moderate Republican vs. the Socialist/Progressive Democrat? Or does Romney have some Conservative cred?


Mitt Romney is the now the only candidate that a majority of conservative and moderate/liberal Republicans nationwide see as an "acceptable" GOP nominee for president. Conservative Republicans are more likely to say Romney would be an acceptable nominee than either Newt Gingrich or Rick Santorum.

Romney's broad acceptability across ideological lines is decidedly not the case for his competitors. Conservative Republicans view Gingrich, Santorum, and Perry as more acceptable than do moderate/liberal Republicans. On the other hand, moderate/liberal Republicans on average view Paul and Huntsman as more acceptable than conservatives.

Majority of Conservatives See Romney as "Acceptable"
So how's it feel to not have a party? Will you support Ron Paul to run independent?
That's because independent conservatives tend to be rational, thoughtful individuals.... like me. He is most definitely a 'lesser of two evils' to me. But he remains the only candidate of the current crop that I would consider voting for.
Well... even Reagan was a filthy DEM and how to show that he was going to follow thru on his word that he changed...

I think it comes down to having SOME cred of a history of action... and the believability that they will indeed act conservatively... and it then also comes down to that if they win and do not live up to reducing spending/government/etc... then we have to act conservatively and remove them from office for someone who will

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