Gallup: "Global warming" is least important issue!!!

Hey Frank......Im thinking some victory laps by GIGANTOR are in order.
It's a good thing that Democrats, unlike Wrongpublicans, aren't a single-issue party.

This poll, while producing good to know information, isn't really decisive on who will win anything in 2014. Deal with it.
No doubt the democrats will blame their upcoming humiliating defeat at the polls on Nov 4, to "global warming deniers." Those poor saps aren't happy unless they're making complete fools of themselves.
No doubt the democrats will blame their upcoming humiliating defeat at the polls on Nov 4, to "global warming deniers." Those poor saps aren't happy unless they're making complete fools of themselves.

Yet they continue to stick to the original plan, concocted back in about 1991......keep throwing bombs until the folks are scared shitless.

Hasn't worked.

Because most of the bombs are duds = far out predictions that end up falling flat on their face. The people have tuned out these OCD mental cases now in 2014. Shit is on nobody's radar.

A the end of the day......all the global warming banter doesn't add up to dick if the public is yawning.
Just in case anybody missed this gem of a news story!!!

Have to ask yourself how much the AGW k00ks heads are exploding!!!????:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rock:
In case any curious peeps missed it...........

Nobody is caring about global warming in 2014.
Yeah, if you visit this board often, you would get the idea that AGW was a hot topic....but if you look out in the real world, all you hear are crickets....any more, warmers don't talk much in public because everyone thinks they are idiots. No one shows up at climate change conferences except poor sobs who are trying to get rich off the scam....even the 24 hour weather doesn't mention the topic much anymore for fear of losing watchers.
And that has what to do with the validity of AGW? Nothing.

LOL......these people test your sanity, do they not? Why do you think that I have to take 24 or 48 hour respites from this forum??!!:coffee:

Total disconnect.

Weve been told by these mental cases that the validity of AGW is NOT IN QUESTION!!!! For 20 years.:2up:

So the question becomes......why are they on forums like this???

I'll tell you why........

Because the validity is not mattering in the real world.....that's why. And the k00ks know it.......that's why guys like CRICK have posted up over 3,000 posts in 3 or 4 months!!! :lmao:Green energy is still laughable as an energy resource all around the world, but especially in America.:oops-28:
I post here because fools such as yourself DO argue that AGW is invalid and those arguments have slowed the response that humanity's well being requires. You are doing humanity an enormous disservice.
I post here because fools such as yourself DO argue that AGW is invalid and those arguments have slowed the response that humanity's well being requires. You are doing humanity an enormous disservice.

probably in 75 or 100,000 years or so we'll all regret our error and we'll look back and say good 'ol crick..he was right.
Well before 75 years the world will have seen major effects. The WAIS is crumbling and nothing will stop it. We have not slowed CO2 emission in the slightest. The world's oceans are currently collecting the heat our atmosphere is trapping, but that won't last. Acidification is taking place at a rate in excess of that which caused the Great Dying: the Permian-Triassic extinction event, greatest marine extinction event in the history of life on this planet.

Nothing to worry about. Nothing at all.
Like I said s0n.......too much time on your hands to be worrying about this stuff.

Time for Plan B

We cant help you!!

A huge majority have a lot more important things to worry about than extinction how the fuck they are going to pay their mortgage in this crappy economy?? Its Realville s0n.......where most people live.
Well before 75 years the world will have seen major effects. The WAIS is crumbling and nothing will stop it. We have not slowed CO2 emission in the slightest. The world's oceans are currently collecting the heat our atmosphere is trapping, but that won't last. Acidification is taking place at a rate in excess of that which caused the Great Dying: the Permian-Triassic extinction event, greatest marine extinction event in the history of life on this planet.

Nothing to worry about. Nothing at all.

Oh tried to warn us...
Moving on to other matters, now.

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