Gallup: Obama Plummets to Lowest Annual Approval Rating Ever


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Going up lately, but the annual average, not so hot.

With six years down and just two left in which to build a legacy, President Barack Obama has posted his lowest-ever average annual approval rating.

A Gallup poll finds that Obama, in the one-year period between Jan. 20, 2014, and Monday, posted an approval average of just 42.6 percent.

During their sixth year in office, Presidents Dwight Eisenhower, Lyndon Johnson, and Richard Nixon showed their lowest approval rating as well, with the sixth-year approval rating of every president since 1945 averaging just 45.5 percent, Politico notes.

President George W. Bush tapped out the lowest at 37.3 percent, while President Bill Clinton scored an average approval of 63.8 percent, just before the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke, Politico reports. Ronald Reagan, in his sixth year, averaged a 59.9 percent approval rating, Gallup reports.

Previously, Obama's lowest yearly average came during the third year of his presidency, 44.4 percent, and his current yearly average is below last year's average of 45.8 percent, Politico notes.

Obama gets slightly better news from Real Clear Politics, which lists him as averaging a 44.7 current approval rating, according to the site's roundup of polls, which shows various polls giving him approval ratings ranging from a low of 38 percent, from Reuters, to a high of 48 percent, from Rasmussen Reports.

"President Obama certainly had a trying sixth year in office as he dealt with challenges abroad, such as the rise of Islamic militants in the Middle East, and faced continued partisan gridlock in trying to address key domestic issues," Gallup commented.

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Don't worry, after the Republican Congress reminds us of what assclowns you are, his approval rating will be up in the fifties.
Don't worry, after the Republican Congress reminds us of what assclowns you are, his approval rating will be up in the fifties.
It doesn't matter at this point, he is quickly running out of time and the GOP controlled House and Senate will slow him down ever further.
Obama should just go golfing. Maybe he can meet up with some members of the GB Packers on a beach somewhere and look at girls.
It doesn't matter at this point, he is quickly running out of time and the GOP controlled House and Senate will slow him down ever further.
Obama should just go golfing. Maybe he can meet up with some members of the GB Packers on a beach somewhere and look at girls.

actually, he's probably liberated in that he has no more elections. Watch for a lot of executive orders.

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