Biden’s Approval Rating Among Young Voters Craters to 27 Percent

What's trump's approval with young voters?
Trump is beating Briben by 6 points with voters under 30 .
We don't have to make up a 7.1million vote deficit or worry that the independents and women aren't buying the extreme bullshit coming from our candidate.
since we have an electoral college Briben skimmed by less than 60 thousand votes .
If Democrats lost their uninformed voters, they would garner about 1 percent of the popular vote.
actually about 50 % of the dem vote are uninformed voters ... the other half which are informed voters are homosexuals .
Well, Taylor Swift has here work cut out for her. I heard here and elsewhere how she's signing up voters. Maybe they'll vote for anyone but Biden if they do vote?

Joe Biden’s approval rating has cratered among 18-29-year-olds. A key demographic for the Democrat in 2020, younger voters now give him one of the worst ratings of any cohort in the country, with 27 percent approving of his performance against 71 percent disapproving.
The President’s popularity among voters under 30 may have been damaged by his stance on the Israel-Hamas war. Members of his own government and campaign staff are in revolt over his position, with some penning an open letter warning it is “a moral and electoral imperative for [him] to publicly call for a cessation of violence” as “Biden for President staff have seen volunteers quit in droves.”
Black Americans, Biden’s other key demographic, also give the 81-year-old Democrat a slightly negative approval rating, with 48 percent approval versus 49 percent disapproval. He commanded 92 percent of the black vote in 2020.
This is still his strongest approval rating by ethnicity by far, however. Among Asians, his approval-to-disapproval rating is 39-59, while among Hispanics it is 32-65, scarcely better than his rating among whites, which stands at 30-68.

But that's because he has shown support for Israel.

So they aren't going to switch to GOP voters.
Yeah, idealistic young voters who want to make the world they will live in better, vote for the party that will do it.

If the maga fuckup party wants to have younger voters in their party, they should offer better policies.
the young voters that vote republican dont have blue or pink hair and dont have faces that look like tackle boxes .. young people that vote republican are usually clean cut and more emotionally stable than their leftist counterparts .
the young voters that vote republican dont have blue or pink hair and dont have faces that look like tackle boxes .. young people that vote republican are usually clean cut and more emotionally stable than their leftist counterparts .
Ya sure fuckup, based on what
"Polls show a close race, with Trump appearing to hold an edge over Bide..."

Biden's image on inflation, the Israeli war, and particularly as the GOP screws up immigration in the House, and the economy is definitely improving, and the Israeli war.
actually about 50 % of the dem vote are uninformed voters ... the other half which are informed voters are homosexuals .
Wait, so only the gays are informed?

That's a new theory, I haven't heard that one before. :p
"Polls show a close race, with Trump appearing to hold an edge over Bide..."

Biden's image on inflation, the Israeli war, and particularly as the GOP screws up immigration in the House, and the economy is definitely improving, and the Israeli war.

The GOPers had to drop the economy talking point.

Now they find themselves impeaching someone over the border at the same time they are voting against a border security bill.


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