Gallup Poll: Conservatives 42%, Liberals 21%

That's nonsense. People self-report wrong. Most Americans are liberals. Everybody knows this.

/liberal, whistling past the graveyard
Most people I know that describe themselves as "moderate" are pretty darn liberal.
Most people I know that describe themselves as "moderate" are pretty darn liberal.

I agree. there are alot of liberals who think themselves superior liberals by not being honest about their liberalism.
Thanks for the sideways insult.
It says more about you than it does about me.

Sideways insult? I'm sorry, I must not have spoken clearly. Please allow me to rephrase: If that's what you think than you're must be a radical wing-nut. Anything that disagrees with you is liberal, right? Anyone who isn't at least as conservative as you must be a liberal, amiright? And that means everyone, because let's be honest, how can anyone be as conservative as your Godly conservativeness?
btw how does someone lie by citing and quoting a poll?
Apparently it's a lie when leftists refuse to acknowledge most of America is tired of their shit.

Let's watch the results of tomorrow's elections and see if you are doing your usual lying, proven liar.
Are you ever going to explain how it's a lie to post a poll?

Be honest and say it's just because you don't like the results. Because, of course, that's the only reason.

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