Game of Thrones Season 6

As far as deaths go in GOT, Wun Wun had a good one. He was the last giant, and he won the siege of Winterfell for the wildlings and the Starks. He broke through that door when Winterfell could have lasted years in a siege.

I wish the whole episode had just been the dragons destroying things. Hell... how awesome would it have been if for some reason the dragons had shown up in the north and destroyed the Bolton army? Who cares why? Let's see some more dragons!!!

Agree on Wun Wun, a lot of deaths have been meaningless ones in GoT, going out for a purpose seems to be reserved for only the select few.
How about Rickon's completely pointless existence and death? Talk about meaningless...
Yep he was barely seen and then when he makes his reappearance he says nothing for the 30 secs he was on screen. Then Ramsay parades him out and he still has no lines and then he is shot with an arrow.

Hint: If someone is trying to shoot you in an open field, never run straight. Zigzag a little.

From what I recall in the books, Rikon wasn't quite right in the head. It showed in his Dire Wolf.
Rickon was like 3 years old in the books

In the beginning, but towards the end when he was wandering with the Wildling Girl he got older.
Ramsay got off much too easy.

He was dead and oblivious in a matter of hours. I was hoping they would keep him alive and in good condition for at least two weeks while taking him apart day by day, finger by finger, toe by toe, tooth by tooth, and end up with a white hot poker in his rectum. Then feed what's left and still conscious to the hounds.

You know -- justice.
Ramsay got off much too easy.

He was dead and oblivious in a matter of hours. I was hoping they would keep him alive and in good condition for at least two weeks while taking him apart day by day, finger by finger, toe by toe, tooth by tooth, and end up with a white hot poker in his rectum. Then feed what's left and still conscious to the hounds.

You know -- justice.

Seems there may be an offspring in the works....Demon seed
Ramsay got off much too easy.

He was dead and oblivious in a matter of hours. I was hoping they would keep him alive and in good condition for at least two weeks while taking him apart day by day, finger by finger, toe by toe, tooth by tooth, and end up with a white hot poker in his rectum. Then feed what's left and still conscious to the hounds.

You know -- justice.

Seems there may be an offspring in the works....Demon seed

I also got that feeling from his comment "I am part of you now."
Last Wednesday, I had back surgery since I came home, I've been binge watching GOT.

I have discovered the reason for its popularity.

It is a daytime drauma, a "Soap Opera" if you are old enough to know that title. It is set in Midevil Times, so it has action, and violence, along with the drama.

Make no mistake, I love it. I am almost finished with season 4.
2 hours and 34 minutes until the Season Finale!!!!!!!!!
Totally AWESOME. Totally.
Great final episode

Cersei, Dani and John Snow fight till the end

(Sansa seems pissed)
(1) Arya kills the Waif and makes it to Westros. Her first victim is Walder Frey.
(2) The Blackfish out-maneuvers and beats the Lanisters.
(3) The Mountain kills the High Sparrow
(4) Littlefinger gets the Knights of Vale to march on Wintetfell. Jon, Knights of Vale and the Wildlings take Winterfell. Ramsay is captured and executed.
(5) Sansa uses the defeat to punish the umber and Carstark. Sansa rules over Winterfell and Jon goes back to Castle Black

So far

1) Partial credit
2) Nope
3) Still not clear yet
4) Hopefully find out next episode
5) Probably next episode.


1. Still partial credit
2. Still nope
3. Not clear yet
4. Yep
5. Still remains to be seen.
I was well off the Blackfish, but I am doing pretty good thus. The Umbers are toast now that Rickon got killed. Carstarks are who kept the Boltons I power. Expect some severe retribution now that they lost.

You still may be right on the blackfish. Some of the Tully men didn't seem to pleased about giving up. Maybe they let him go.

Nailed the Arya prediction. Walder Frey and the Freys go down!
Great final episode

Cersei, Dani and John Snow fight till the end

(Sansa seems pissed)

Usually the season finale is a little dull. This one was awesome. I don't see Cersi's end game. She has enemies in the North in the Stark and Knights of the Vale, she has enemies in the South in Martels and now she made the largest house in Westros her enemy. What army will back her? Darynery is going to walk right in and take over pretty damn easily.

I loved house the girl head of House Mormont's speech. Truly awesome.
Great final episode

Cersei, Dani and John Snow fight till the end

(Sansa seems pissed)

Usually the season finale is a little dull. This one was awesome. I don't see Cersi's end game. She has enemies in the North in the Stark and Knights of the Vale, she has enemies in the South in Martels and now she made the largest house in Westros her enemy. What army will back her? Darynery is going to walk right in and take over pretty damn easily.

I loved house the girl head of House Mormont's speech. Truly awesome.

Cersei is played as a reactionary person, always trying to fix her own messes, which usually end up with a bigger mess. She "won" this round, but as we have seen in the past, every time she tries to win, something else pops up.
Totally AWESOME. Totally.
Wasn't it? Blew me away about four times......

Indeed. And getting the confirmation that Jon Snow is the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna was quite good.

Cersei is turning into The Mad Queen - is Jamie going to become the Queen Slayer to keep her from burning all of King's Landing?
Totally AWESOME. Totally.
Wasn't it? Blew me away about four times......

Indeed. And getting the confirmation that Jon Snow is the son of Rhaegar and Leanna was quite good.

Cersei is turning into The Mad Queen - is Jamie going to become the Queen Slayer to keep her from burning all of King's Landing?

I don't think she has any enemies left to burn. all the people who hate her are on the outside, looking in.
Great final episode

Cersei, Dani and John Snow fight till the end

(Sansa seems pissed)

Usually the season finale is a little dull. This one was awesome. I don't see Cersi's end game. She has enemies in the North in the Stark and Knights of the Vale, she has enemies in the South in Martels and now she made the largest house in Westros her enemy. What army will back her? Darynery is going to walk right in and take over pretty damn easily.

I loved house the girl head of House Mormont's speech. Truly awesome.
Yes...was glad she survived the Battle of the Bastards....and she's quite the leader (sad to say, she's probably gonna die next year)
Totally AWESOME. Totally.
Wasn't it? Blew me away about four times......

Indeed. And getting the confirmation that Jon Snow is the son of Rhaegar and Leanna was quite good.

Cersei is turning into The Mad Queen - is Jamie going to become the Queen Slayer to keep her from burning all of King's Landing?

I don't think she has any enemies left to burn. all the people who hate her are on the outside, looking in.

She has plenty of enemies "outside". Dorne, the Vale, and the entire Tyrell army wasn't in the Sept, for starters.

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