Game over! Muscovites have their own HIMARS now. I VIDEO

Not just convicts but pregnant women and cripples, Russians captured a pregnant Ukrainian soldier, could have been in that condition before or one of the Kiev rapists were responsible.
sure ivan- 🇷🇺 rapist , sure

pederast 🇷🇺 🇸🇦

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Thats right you Nazi scumbag, the POA were Russian collaborators under Vlasov, they are the filth you support and celebrate, they got what was coming to them.
UAF in tatters .
Trenches alive with screaming from Ukey women and kids while the men run away .
Over a million dead Nazi supporters , including French and US personnel in big numbers .
There must have been many accidents and road crashes reported in the US and Europe to cover up the mercenaries who have gone to hell.
That was WWII, the deauce and a halves could carry nearly three time to load of Russian trucks cross country.
in 40s the majority (95%) of Bolshevik´s slaves didn´t have the home toilets & running water . AND literally starved

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