Gang shootings in Britain are escalating...but, they banned and confiscated guns, right?

They ban and confiscate heroin too. Is the heroin ban bad policy? Should they just sell heroin in the grocery stores because people are using it anyway? You`re a rather uncomplicated thinker are you not?
Meanwhile, another mass murder in Pa.
5 killed in shooting at car wash in Melcroft, Pennsylvania

You aren't very bright, are you. We have laws that already govern the legitimate use of guns the same way we have them for drugs.

If you use a gun to commit a crime, you go to jail. If you buy, own or carry a gun as a felon, you go to jail. We have all the laws on the books we need to regulate guns...our problem is that people like you keep letting the violent criminals out of jail...

Lock up violent criminals for 30 years and the actual gun crime problem will go down to almost nothing...

Keep letting violent offenders out...and you get to push what you really want, gun control for law abiding people who don't use guns for crime...

But Democrat Stateā€™s Attorney Julia Reitz cut a deal to let Robbie Patton, a sociopathic predator who will never contribute anything but sewage and sadness to our society, avoid serving hard time for attempted murder.

Itā€™s true. Bad guys in prison donā€™t victimize the innocent. Florida had proven success with 10-20-Life sentencing enhancements for the use of a firearmwhile committing a violent crime. A court struck down the law in 2016. Under the law, Floridaā€™s firearmviolent crime rate plummeted to the lowest levels in the Sunshine Stateā€™s recorded history.


John Boch: Lock Them Up! - The Truth About Guns

When you lock up violent criminals, you prevent them from victimizing other innocents. Crime in America dipped almost 50%after America abandoned ā€œsoft on crimeā€ attitudes of the 1970s. Of course, many soft-on-crime politicians like Reitz have once more taken a love to ā€œdiversionā€ programs. And thatā€™s how we get Robbie Patton (above), a local crime celebrity of sorts.

In 2015, he had an altercation at a Champaign Steak ā€˜n Shake restaurant commonly frequented by my friends and me. While none of us were enjoying a milkshake or steakburger at 5:30pm, Robbie was.

Robbie found himself in an altercation inside the restaurant. He felt one of his friends had been ā€œdisrespectedā€, so little Robbie went outside. He waited for the other group to emerge, pulled out of gun and tried to kill those other people.

He missed, and fled the scene with an Illinois State Trooper in hot pursuit. After a short, high-speed chase in a stolen car, Robbie crashed and escaped on foot.

Cops caught up with him. Local prosecutor Julia Reitz then went soft on little Robbie. She let him go to ā€œboot campā€, even though that sentencing option is not supposed to be available for violent offenders. And squeezing off a bunch of shots at other people, trying to kill them, pretty much fits the bill as a violent crime.

After serving eight months on an eight-year sentence, Robbie returned to the streets of Champaign-Urbana. In less than two days, cops arrested him again for drugs and who knows what else. Not even three weeks after that, heā€™s illegally got agun. When someone ā€œdisrespectsā€ another one of Robbieā€™s friends, guess what he does? He pulls out the gun and fires shots at those he believes responsible.

He misses his intended targets, but in the busy University of Illinois campustown district, his errant, not-so-late-night rounds found four innocent people within a block or two. George Korchev, the recent nursing school graduate due to start his career as a registered nurse at a hospital in Libertyville, IL, the following Monday morning, was struck and killed a blockaway from one of Robbieā€™s bullets.

How many of our mass shooters were felons, but were able to get the guns anyway? Obviously, your use of that talking point is just more effort to muddle the discussion

Almost zero. Mass shootings are different from criminal activity where multiple people are shot....please try to do some basic research. And those criminals are not going through the federally mandated background check that you need to pass to buy a gun....

In fact, your link to the shooting of those 5 people is likely criminal activity and not a mass public shooting....and odds are, the shooter or shooters are already felons, already banned from buying, owning or carrying the guns they used..

And the British criminals who are using guns are not able to buy them at stores...they are banned and confiscated on the island nation.....and yet they are getting them in increasing numbers...

So a mass shooting isn't a criminal activity where multiple people are shot? Your head is overheating again. Better cool it off.
In Britain, crooks are reduced to renting guns to do their crimes. They can't just buy one from an individual without a background check. Why do you want to make it easier for crooks and crazy people to have guns?
Gun shortages forcing rival gangs to 'rent weapons from middlemen' | Daily Mail Online
Gun shortage forces gangs to take turns renting SAME weapons from middlemen

Moron...our gangs do the same thing, the gang controls who gets the guns....the same thing. The FBI determines it moron....a mass public shooting is different than a gang shooting doofus....

And our criminals get around your background checks easily, they steal the guns or get a straw buyer....and our gun crime rate is going down, their gun crime rate, on an Island, where they banned going up....

Would you be in favor of stopping criminals from stealing guns, or having straw buyers? Of course you would. Gun sales without a background check is another way criminals get guns. Why don't you want to take that option from them? You support criminals easily buying guns without background checks. You should be ashamed.
And here we have it....more gang shootings in the island nation that banned and confiscated guns.......

And before the anti gunners a whiny voice..." that to the U.S...."

They banned and confiscated guns.

They are an island nation, without easy accessible borders.

And their gun crime rate is going up....and their criminals are now starting to shoot to kill, they are not playing around anymore.

Surge in London gangland shootings as record 880 guns seized in a year

The number of gangland shootings in London has surged as criminals used weapons to intimidate rivals and settle disputes.

New statistics reveal ā€œlethal barrel firearms dischargesā€ in the capital rose by nearly 13 per cent in 2017. Police also seized a record number of guns.
Detectives say they are also witnessing an increase in the number of linked shootings ā€” most involving gangs firing weapons at rivals or their property.

you should probably concern yourself more with the mass shootings in this country.
And here we have it....more gang shootings in the island nation that banned and confiscated guns.......

And before the anti gunners a whiny voice..." that to the U.S...."

They banned and confiscated guns.

They are an island nation, without easy accessible borders.

And their gun crime rate is going up....and their criminals are now starting to shoot to kill, they are not playing around anymore.

Surge in London gangland shootings as record 880 guns seized in a year

The number of gangland shootings in London has surged as criminals used weapons to intimidate rivals and settle disputes.

New statistics reveal ā€œlethal barrel firearms dischargesā€ in the capital rose by nearly 13 per cent in 2017. Police also seized a record number of guns.
Detectives say they are also witnessing an increase in the number of linked shootings ā€” most involving gangs firing weapons at rivals or their property.

Yes, it's tragic.They had 350 shootings in 12 months when they only had 310 in the previous 12 months. That's 40 more dead people per year. We have 30 to 40 people killed with guns each and every day. Like I said many times before, they are doing it right. We should copy them as much as we can.
Here is the most perfect answer:
Thanks to the original poster.


And the nutcase dream. Right here in America. Aren't you nutters going to be so proud when someone eclipses the Vegas shooters record?

Here is the most perfect answer:
Thanks to the original poster.


And the nutcase dream. Right here in America. Aren't you nutters going to be so proud when someone eclipses the Vegas shooters record?

I don`t know if they`ll be proud but I know they won`t care. Freedom means being able to gun down dozens at a time and Body Counts Don`t Matter.
Machine guns are NOT banned. Anyone who passes the background check can get a permit. And grenades are not firearms.

We have no federal gun bans
The yearly U.K. Gun deaths May be up to a weekend in Memphis before we know it
So what?

The point that sailed right over your head was that the UK gun laws did not reduce their murder rates in fact their murder rates actually went up after the gun laws and gun bans.

There are far more variables that account for the differences in the UK and the US murder rates than just guns and gun laws.

Their rates? They went up from 1 to 2?
are you seriously saying their rates are anywhere close to ours?
We were started by aggressive immigrants drowned in guns.
Wt do we expect?

I've said this over and over.

Our murder rate has always been higher than the UK as far back as I can find.

But all their gun laws gun bans etc did nothing to lower their murder rate.
The so called assault weapon ban in this country was allowed to expire because that gun ban had absolutely no effect on our murder rate.

Our murder rate has been on an overall decline for the last 3 decades and is really only as high as it is due to a handful of ultra violent urban shit holes

There are far more variables that contribute to the differences in murder rates between the UK and the US than just guns or gun laws.

Only simpletons think such a complex issue is due to guns and guns alone

Only a simpleton would believe the number of guns has nothing to do with it.

Then tell me why the murder rate in countries that have passed strict gun laws, bans and even confiscations do not see their murder rates drop after those laws are passed.

What you fail to understand is that anyone who will commit a murder with a gun will commit a murder without a gun.
The yearly U.K. Gun deaths May be up to a weekend in Memphis before we know it
So what?

The point that sailed right over your head was that the UK gun laws did not reduce their murder rates in fact their murder rates actually went up after the gun laws and gun bans.

There are far more variables that account for the differences in the UK and the US murder rates than just guns and gun laws.

Their rates? They went up from 1 to 2?
are you seriously saying their rates are anywhere close to ours?
We were started by aggressive immigrants drowned in guns.
Wt do we expect?

I've said this over and over.

Our murder rate has always been higher than the UK as far back as I can find.

But all their gun laws gun bans etc did nothing to lower their murder rate.
The so called assault weapon ban in this country was allowed to expire because that gun ban had absolutely no effect on our murder rate.

Our murder rate has been on an overall decline for the last 3 decades and is really only as high as it is due to a handful of ultra violent urban shit holes

There are far more variables that contribute to the differences in murder rates between the UK and the US than just guns or gun laws.

Only simpletons think such a complex issue is due to guns and guns alone

Only a simpleton would believe the number of guns has nothing to do with it.

Then tell me why the murder rate in countries that have passed strict gun laws, bans and even confiscations do not see their murder rates drop after those laws are passed.

What you fail to understand is that anyone who will commit a murder with a gun will commit a murder without a gun.

You mean like Britain where their gun deaths went all the way from 350 to 390? An increase of 40 per year? We have about 40 gun deaths per day here, don't we?
The yearly U.K. Gun deaths May be up to a weekend in Memphis before we know it
So what?

The point that sailed right over your head was that the UK gun laws did not reduce their murder rates in fact their murder rates actually went up after the gun laws and gun bans.

There are far more variables that account for the differences in the UK and the US murder rates than just guns and gun laws.

Their rates? They went up from 1 to 2?
are you seriously saying their rates are anywhere close to ours?
We were started by aggressive immigrants drowned in guns.
Wt do we expect?

I've said this over and over.

Our murder rate has always been higher than the UK as far back as I can find.

But all their gun laws gun bans etc did nothing to lower their murder rate.
The so called assault weapon ban in this country was allowed to expire because that gun ban had absolutely no effect on our murder rate.

Our murder rate has been on an overall decline for the last 3 decades and is really only as high as it is due to a handful of ultra violent urban shit holes

There are far more variables that contribute to the differences in murder rates between the UK and the US than just guns or gun laws.

Only simpletons think such a complex issue is due to guns and guns alone

Only a simpleton would believe the number of guns has nothing to do with it.

Then tell me why the murder rate in countries that have passed strict gun laws, bans and even confiscations do not see their murder rates drop after those laws are passed.

What you fail to understand is that anyone who will commit a murder with a gun will commit a murder without a gun.

No. lots of people have disagreements, or even fight. If there is a gun involved, someone has a good chance of being dead. Not so if a gun is not involved.
You aren't very bright, are you. We have laws that already govern the legitimate use of guns the same way we have them for drugs.

If you use a gun to commit a crime, you go to jail. If you buy, own or carry a gun as a felon, you go to jail. We have all the laws on the books we need to regulate guns...our problem is that people like you keep letting the violent criminals out of jail...

Lock up violent criminals for 30 years and the actual gun crime problem will go down to almost nothing...

Keep letting violent offenders out...and you get to push what you really want, gun control for law abiding people who don't use guns for crime...

But Democrat Stateā€™s Attorney Julia Reitz cut a deal to let Robbie Patton, a sociopathic predator who will never contribute anything but sewage and sadness to our society, avoid serving hard time for attempted murder.

Itā€™s true. Bad guys in prison donā€™t victimize the innocent. Florida had proven success with 10-20-Life sentencing enhancements for the use of a firearmwhile committing a violent crime. A court struck down the law in 2016. Under the law, Floridaā€™s firearmviolent crime rate plummeted to the lowest levels in the Sunshine Stateā€™s recorded history.


John Boch: Lock Them Up! - The Truth About Guns

When you lock up violent criminals, you prevent them from victimizing other innocents. Crime in America dipped almost 50%after America abandoned ā€œsoft on crimeā€ attitudes of the 1970s. Of course, many soft-on-crime politicians like Reitz have once more taken a love to ā€œdiversionā€ programs. And thatā€™s how we get Robbie Patton (above), a local crime celebrity of sorts.

In 2015, he had an altercation at a Champaign Steak ā€˜n Shake restaurant commonly frequented by my friends and me. While none of us were enjoying a milkshake or steakburger at 5:30pm, Robbie was.

Robbie found himself in an altercation inside the restaurant. He felt one of his friends had been ā€œdisrespectedā€, so little Robbie went outside. He waited for the other group to emerge, pulled out of gun and tried to kill those other people.

He missed, and fled the scene with an Illinois State Trooper in hot pursuit. After a short, high-speed chase in a stolen car, Robbie crashed and escaped on foot.

Cops caught up with him. Local prosecutor Julia Reitz then went soft on little Robbie. She let him go to ā€œboot campā€, even though that sentencing option is not supposed to be available for violent offenders. And squeezing off a bunch of shots at other people, trying to kill them, pretty much fits the bill as a violent crime.

After serving eight months on an eight-year sentence, Robbie returned to the streets of Champaign-Urbana. In less than two days, cops arrested him again for drugs and who knows what else. Not even three weeks after that, heā€™s illegally got agun. When someone ā€œdisrespectsā€ another one of Robbieā€™s friends, guess what he does? He pulls out the gun and fires shots at those he believes responsible.

He misses his intended targets, but in the busy University of Illinois campustown district, his errant, not-so-late-night rounds found four innocent people within a block or two. George Korchev, the recent nursing school graduate due to start his career as a registered nurse at a hospital in Libertyville, IL, the following Monday morning, was struck and killed a blockaway from one of Robbieā€™s bullets.

How many of our mass shooters were felons, but were able to get the guns anyway? Obviously, your use of that talking point is just more effort to muddle the discussion

Almost zero. Mass shootings are different from criminal activity where multiple people are shot....please try to do some basic research. And those criminals are not going through the federally mandated background check that you need to pass to buy a gun....

In fact, your link to the shooting of those 5 people is likely criminal activity and not a mass public shooting....and odds are, the shooter or shooters are already felons, already banned from buying, owning or carrying the guns they used..

And the British criminals who are using guns are not able to buy them at stores...they are banned and confiscated on the island nation.....and yet they are getting them in increasing numbers...

So a mass shooting isn't a criminal activity where multiple people are shot? Your head is overheating again. Better cool it off.
In Britain, crooks are reduced to renting guns to do their crimes. They can't just buy one from an individual without a background check. Why do you want to make it easier for crooks and crazy people to have guns?
Gun shortages forcing rival gangs to 'rent weapons from middlemen' | Daily Mail Online
Gun shortage forces gangs to take turns renting SAME weapons from middlemen

Moron...our gangs do the same thing, the gang controls who gets the guns....the same thing. The FBI determines it moron....a mass public shooting is different than a gang shooting doofus....

And our criminals get around your background checks easily, they steal the guns or get a straw buyer....and our gun crime rate is going down, their gun crime rate, on an Island, where they banned going up....

Would you be in favor of stopping criminals from stealing guns, or having straw buyers? Of course you would. Gun sales without a background check is another way criminals get guns. Why don't you want to take that option from them? You support criminals easily buying guns without background checks. You should be ashamed.
Firearm ownership is none of your fucking business, criminals steal firearms from other criminals mostly. Dip shit
And here we have it....more gang shootings in the island nation that banned and confiscated guns.......

And before the anti gunners a whiny voice..." that to the U.S...."

They banned and confiscated guns.

They are an island nation, without easy accessible borders.

And their gun crime rate is going up....and their criminals are now starting to shoot to kill, they are not playing around anymore.

Surge in London gangland shootings as record 880 guns seized in a year

The number of gangland shootings in London has surged as criminals used weapons to intimidate rivals and settle disputes.

New statistics reveal ā€œlethal barrel firearms dischargesā€ in the capital rose by nearly 13 per cent in 2017. Police also seized a record number of guns.
Detectives say they are also witnessing an increase in the number of linked shootings ā€” most involving gangs firing weapons at rivals or their property.

you should probably concern yourself more with the mass shootings in this country.
Itā€™s a nonissue, shit happens, anyway most of these mass shooters are progressive nut jobs...
And here we have it....more gang shootings in the island nation that banned and confiscated guns.......

And before the anti gunners a whiny voice..." that to the U.S...."

They banned and confiscated guns.

They are an island nation, without easy accessible borders.

And their gun crime rate is going up....and their criminals are now starting to shoot to kill, they are not playing around anymore.

Surge in London gangland shootings as record 880 guns seized in a year

The number of gangland shootings in London has surged as criminals used weapons to intimidate rivals and settle disputes.

New statistics reveal ā€œlethal barrel firearms dischargesā€ in the capital rose by nearly 13 per cent in 2017. Police also seized a record number of guns.
Detectives say they are also witnessing an increase in the number of linked shootings ā€” most involving gangs firing weapons at rivals or their property.

Yes, it's tragic.They had 350 shootings in 12 months when they only had 310 in the previous 12 months. That's 40 more dead people per year. We have 30 to 40 people killed with guns each and every day. Like I said many times before, they are doing it right. We should copy them as much as we can.
We have much bigger fish to fry, take your pick...
2018 Real Time Death Statistics in America
Here is the most perfect answer:
Thanks to the original poster.


And the nutcase dream. Right here in America. Aren't you nutters going to be so proud when someone eclipses the Vegas shooters record?

...and more frivolous gun laws will do nothing to change it, in fact they will make things much worse.
Trump and congress ignore your stupidity, rightly so. Lol
So what?

The point that sailed right over your head was that the UK gun laws did not reduce their murder rates in fact their murder rates actually went up after the gun laws and gun bans.

There are far more variables that account for the differences in the UK and the US murder rates than just guns and gun laws.

Their rates? They went up from 1 to 2?
are you seriously saying their rates are anywhere close to ours?
We were started by aggressive immigrants drowned in guns.
Wt do we expect?

I've said this over and over.

Our murder rate has always been higher than the UK as far back as I can find.

But all their gun laws gun bans etc did nothing to lower their murder rate.
The so called assault weapon ban in this country was allowed to expire because that gun ban had absolutely no effect on our murder rate.

Our murder rate has been on an overall decline for the last 3 decades and is really only as high as it is due to a handful of ultra violent urban shit holes

There are far more variables that contribute to the differences in murder rates between the UK and the US than just guns or gun laws.

Only simpletons think such a complex issue is due to guns and guns alone

Only a simpleton would believe the number of guns has nothing to do with it.

Then tell me why the murder rate in countries that have passed strict gun laws, bans and even confiscations do not see their murder rates drop after those laws are passed.

What you fail to understand is that anyone who will commit a murder with a gun will commit a murder without a gun.

You mean like Britain where their gun deaths went all the way from 350 to 390? An increase of 40 per year? We have about 40 gun deaths per day here, don't we?

So their gun laws did absolutely NOTHING to lower the murder rate yet you are convinced those same gun laws will reduce our murder rate.

And not all gun deaths are murders are they? I use murder and only murder rates
Here is the most perfect answer:
Thanks to the original poster.


And the nutcase dream. Right here in America. Aren't you nutters going to be so proud when someone eclipses the Vegas shooters record?

I don`t know if they`ll be proud but I know they won`t care. Freedom means being able to gun down dozens at a time and Body Counts Don`t Matter.
Na, People kill people not firearmsā€¦ You stupid bitch
So what?

The point that sailed right over your head was that the UK gun laws did not reduce their murder rates in fact their murder rates actually went up after the gun laws and gun bans.

There are far more variables that account for the differences in the UK and the US murder rates than just guns and gun laws.

Their rates? They went up from 1 to 2?
are you seriously saying their rates are anywhere close to ours?
We were started by aggressive immigrants drowned in guns.
Wt do we expect?

I've said this over and over.

Our murder rate has always been higher than the UK as far back as I can find.

But all their gun laws gun bans etc did nothing to lower their murder rate.
The so called assault weapon ban in this country was allowed to expire because that gun ban had absolutely no effect on our murder rate.

Our murder rate has been on an overall decline for the last 3 decades and is really only as high as it is due to a handful of ultra violent urban shit holes

There are far more variables that contribute to the differences in murder rates between the UK and the US than just guns or gun laws.

Only simpletons think such a complex issue is due to guns and guns alone

Only a simpleton would believe the number of guns has nothing to do with it.

Then tell me why the murder rate in countries that have passed strict gun laws, bans and even confiscations do not see their murder rates drop after those laws are passed.

What you fail to understand is that anyone who will commit a murder with a gun will commit a murder without a gun.

No. lots of people have disagreements, or even fight. If there is a gun involved, someone has a good chance of being dead. Not so if a gun is not involved.

Prove it.

A gun does not make a person more likely to kill anyone.
The yearly U.K. Gun deaths May be up to a weekend in Memphis before we know it
So what?

The point that sailed right over your head was that the UK gun laws did not reduce their murder rates in fact their murder rates actually went up after the gun laws and gun bans.

There are far more variables that account for the differences in the UK and the US murder rates than just guns and gun laws.

Their rates? They went up from 1 to 2?
are you seriously saying their rates are anywhere close to ours?
We were started by aggressive immigrants drowned in guns.
Wt do we expect?

I've said this over and over.

Our murder rate has always been higher than the UK as far back as I can find.

But all their gun laws gun bans etc did nothing to lower their murder rate.
The so called assault weapon ban in this country was allowed to expire because that gun ban had absolutely no effect on our murder rate.

Our murder rate has been on an overall decline for the last 3 decades and is really only as high as it is due to a handful of ultra violent urban shit holes

There are far more variables that contribute to the differences in murder rates between the UK and the US than just guns or gun laws.

Only simpletons think such a complex issue is due to guns and guns alone

Only a simpleton would believe the number of guns has nothing to do with it.

Then tell me why the murder rate in countries that have passed strict gun laws, bans and even confiscations do not see their murder rates drop after those laws are passed.

What you fail to understand is that anyone who will commit a murder with a gun will commit a murder without a gun.
Yep, There are many more more effective ways. Like vehicles and bombs. Fact
So what?

The point that sailed right over your head was that the UK gun laws did not reduce their murder rates in fact their murder rates actually went up after the gun laws and gun bans.

There are far more variables that account for the differences in the UK and the US murder rates than just guns and gun laws.

Their rates? They went up from 1 to 2?
are you seriously saying their rates are anywhere close to ours?
We were started by aggressive immigrants drowned in guns.
Wt do we expect?

I've said this over and over.

Our murder rate has always been higher than the UK as far back as I can find.

But all their gun laws gun bans etc did nothing to lower their murder rate.
The so called assault weapon ban in this country was allowed to expire because that gun ban had absolutely no effect on our murder rate.

Our murder rate has been on an overall decline for the last 3 decades and is really only as high as it is due to a handful of ultra violent urban shit holes

There are far more variables that contribute to the differences in murder rates between the UK and the US than just guns or gun laws.

Only simpletons think such a complex issue is due to guns and guns alone

Only a simpleton would believe the number of guns has nothing to do with it.

Then tell me why the murder rate in countries that have passed strict gun laws, bans and even confiscations do not see their murder rates drop after those laws are passed.

What you fail to understand is that anyone who will commit a murder with a gun will commit a murder without a gun.

You mean like Britain where their gun deaths went all the way from 350 to 390? An increase of 40 per year? We have about 40 gun deaths per day here, don't we?
We much bigger fish to fry, take your pick. Shit for brains
2018 Real Time Death Statistics in America
How many of our mass shooters were felons, but were able to get the guns anyway? Obviously, your use of that talking point is just more effort to muddle the discussion

Almost zero. Mass shootings are different from criminal activity where multiple people are shot....please try to do some basic research. And those criminals are not going through the federally mandated background check that you need to pass to buy a gun....

In fact, your link to the shooting of those 5 people is likely criminal activity and not a mass public shooting....and odds are, the shooter or shooters are already felons, already banned from buying, owning or carrying the guns they used..

And the British criminals who are using guns are not able to buy them at stores...they are banned and confiscated on the island nation.....and yet they are getting them in increasing numbers...

So a mass shooting isn't a criminal activity where multiple people are shot? Your head is overheating again. Better cool it off.
In Britain, crooks are reduced to renting guns to do their crimes. They can't just buy one from an individual without a background check. Why do you want to make it easier for crooks and crazy people to have guns?
Gun shortages forcing rival gangs to 'rent weapons from middlemen' | Daily Mail Online
Gun shortage forces gangs to take turns renting SAME weapons from middlemen

Moron...our gangs do the same thing, the gang controls who gets the guns....the same thing. The FBI determines it moron....a mass public shooting is different than a gang shooting doofus....

And our criminals get around your background checks easily, they steal the guns or get a straw buyer....and our gun crime rate is going down, their gun crime rate, on an Island, where they banned going up....

Would you be in favor of stopping criminals from stealing guns, or having straw buyers? Of course you would. Gun sales without a background check is another way criminals get guns. Why don't you want to take that option from them? You support criminals easily buying guns without background checks. You should be ashamed.
Firearm ownership is none of your fucking business, criminals steal firearms from other criminals mostly. Dip shit

Really? They only steal from other criminals? Nobody really believes that. Probably not even you.
So what?

The point that sailed right over your head was that the UK gun laws did not reduce their murder rates in fact their murder rates actually went up after the gun laws and gun bans.

There are far more variables that account for the differences in the UK and the US murder rates than just guns and gun laws.

Their rates? They went up from 1 to 2?
are you seriously saying their rates are anywhere close to ours?
We were started by aggressive immigrants drowned in guns.
Wt do we expect?

I've said this over and over.

Our murder rate has always been higher than the UK as far back as I can find.

But all their gun laws gun bans etc did nothing to lower their murder rate.
The so called assault weapon ban in this country was allowed to expire because that gun ban had absolutely no effect on our murder rate.

Our murder rate has been on an overall decline for the last 3 decades and is really only as high as it is due to a handful of ultra violent urban shit holes

There are far more variables that contribute to the differences in murder rates between the UK and the US than just guns or gun laws.

Only simpletons think such a complex issue is due to guns and guns alone

Only a simpleton would believe the number of guns has nothing to do with it.

Then tell me why the murder rate in countries that have passed strict gun laws, bans and even confiscations do not see their murder rates drop after those laws are passed.

What you fail to understand is that anyone who will commit a murder with a gun will commit a murder without a gun.

No. lots of people have disagreements, or even fight. If there is a gun involved, someone has a good chance of being dead. Not so if a gun is not involved.
Na, People kill people not firearmsā€¦ Firearms have nothing to do with it
Almost zero. Mass shootings are different from criminal activity where multiple people are shot....please try to do some basic research. And those criminals are not going through the federally mandated background check that you need to pass to buy a gun....

In fact, your link to the shooting of those 5 people is likely criminal activity and not a mass public shooting....and odds are, the shooter or shooters are already felons, already banned from buying, owning or carrying the guns they used..

And the British criminals who are using guns are not able to buy them at stores...they are banned and confiscated on the island nation.....and yet they are getting them in increasing numbers...

So a mass shooting isn't a criminal activity where multiple people are shot? Your head is overheating again. Better cool it off.
In Britain, crooks are reduced to renting guns to do their crimes. They can't just buy one from an individual without a background check. Why do you want to make it easier for crooks and crazy people to have guns?
Gun shortages forcing rival gangs to 'rent weapons from middlemen' | Daily Mail Online
Gun shortage forces gangs to take turns renting SAME weapons from middlemen

Moron...our gangs do the same thing, the gang controls who gets the guns....the same thing. The FBI determines it moron....a mass public shooting is different than a gang shooting doofus....

And our criminals get around your background checks easily, they steal the guns or get a straw buyer....and our gun crime rate is going down, their gun crime rate, on an Island, where they banned going up....

Would you be in favor of stopping criminals from stealing guns, or having straw buyers? Of course you would. Gun sales without a background check is another way criminals get guns. Why don't you want to take that option from them? You support criminals easily buying guns without background checks. You should be ashamed.
Firearm ownership is none of your fucking business, criminals steal firearms from other criminals mostly. Dip shit

Really? They only steal from other criminals? Nobody really believes that. Probably not even you.
where do you think gangs get their firearms from? from other gangs dumbass

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