Gas prices are now below $4 per gallon. Biden policy is at least one of the reasons why

So you asked a question that not only you did not know the answer to, but it would have been pointless for me to answer it anyway. Wow. Solid stuff!

So you asked a question that not only you did not know the answer to,

I didn't know that we were dependent on China for our energy. Tell me where you learned we were.

but it would have been pointless for me to answer it anyway.

Yeah, your admission of your own ignorance would have been pointless.
So you asked a question that not only you did not know the answer to,

I didn't know that we were dependent on China for our energy. Tell me where you learned we were.

but it would have been pointless for me to answer it anyway.

Yeah, your admission of your own ignorance would have been pointless.
If you think that’s true, prove me wrong. What are you waiting for?
There has only been increases since he became president.

That's great!

Which Biden policies caused the increased production?

We cant use much of what we produce due to the type of oil it is.

We can't use much of the light sweet crude we produce? Why not?
No we cannot. We produce a light grade for which we don’t have the refineries available to turn that oil into finished products like oil and airline fuel. The heavy oil we import does work with our refineries. The reason our refineries were built this way is because we primarily used to import oil. But now that we have oil coming from our country, it’s a different grade we cannot use. We need different kinds of refineries, but we don’t have them.

There are no policies that Biden has implemented that has hurt production. The proof is in the increased production. Duh.
Brandon’s “policies” are a main reason gasoline prices ever got so fucking high in the first place.
Lol by a penny? Where did that figure come from?
We announced release in November, the price went up. We announced more reserved oil being released in April, the price went up.

There is nothin out there other than left wing excuse makers claiming it made a dent. Most articles claim there is little to no effect on prices falling. The release of strategic reserves was a political ploy to show Biden cares and nothing else. Symbolism seems to be the friend of the extreme left wing nuts.
If you think that’s true, prove me wrong. What are you waiting for?


Hmmmmm.....I don't seen China mentioned. DURR
No we cannot. We produce a light grade for which we don’t have the refineries available to turn that oil into finished products like oil and airline fuel. The heavy oil we import does work with our refineries. The reason our refineries were built this way is because we primarily used to import oil. But now that we have oil coming from our country, it’s a different grade we cannot use. We need different kinds of refineries, but we don’t have them.

There are no policies that Biden has implemented that has hurt production. The proof is in the increased production. Duh.

No we cannot. We produce a light grade for which we don’t have the refineries available to turn that oil into finished products like oil and airline fuel.

Post a source that shows we can't refine light sweet crude.

There are no policies that Biden has implemented that has hurt production.

Which Biden policies have helped production? Be specific.
Now I won’t pretend this is some impressive achievement. Obviously prices were high to begin with. And when I say that Biden is partially the reason, it’s not because I am giving him a pat on the back. However it at least disproves the narrative that he isn’t doing anything about the problem. His dip into the national reserve is credited as being ONE of the reasons prices have gone down.

My main point is about how this may affect the midterms. There is more of an ease on Americans’ wallets even if it isn’t yet enough. It should at least give some hope for democrats in the midterm when before it seemed rather bleak. Couple this with democrats other recent achievements and Trump’s consistent legal troubles, it may be something for democrats to get excited about. Too soon to be sure, but it is something.

No gas is not below 4.00 a gallon
No we cannot. We produce a light grade for which we don’t have the refineries available to turn that oil into finished products like oil and airline fuel.

Post a source that shows we can't refine light sweet crude.

There are no policies that Biden has implemented that has hurt production.

Which Biden policies have helped production? Be specific.
LMGTFY (its all over the internet in many reputable places)

Here is a pic of the relevant part...

The claim is Biden's policies have hurt production.... they havent. Why would I list policies if they havent hurt them. Burden is on you.
LMGTFY (its all over the internet in many reputable places)

Here is a pic of the relevant part...
View attachment 681376

The claim is Biden's policies have hurt production.... they havent. Why would I list policies if they havent hurt them. Burden is on you.



This doesn't show we can't refine it.

The claim is Biden's policies have hurt production.... they havent.

Your claim is Biden helped production. Are you saying he didn't help?

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