Gas prices lower in SPITE of Obama signing fewest Federal oil leases in 26 years!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The Obama administration ostensibly supports America’s oil and natural gas boom, but government data shows that they have issued the lowest number of drilling leases since at least 1988.

The total number of oil and gas drilling leases issued in 2013 reached a nearly three-decade lows, according to the Bureau of Land Management.
The bureau says it issued 1,468 drilling leases last year, totaling 1.17 million acres of federal land —
the lowest figures since 1988, which is the oldest year for which the BLM has data.

When it comes to actually approving drilling permits in 2013,
the Obama administration approved the lowest number since 2002 — only 3,770 drilling permits.
This is down from 6,617 drilling permits that were approved in 2008, the last year of the Bush administration.
NOTE: This is nearly a 57% REDUCTION in drilling permits!

“The slow walking of permits and leases for natural gas and oil production has been a part of this president’s energy policy from the get go,” Chris Warren, spokesman for the free-market Institute for Energy Research told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

“Under this administration’s watch we have seen production on federal lands and waters plummet due to these policies.”

In 2013, it took 194 days on average for the BLM to approve oil and gas drilling permits — 99 days on average for companies to fix any problems with their application and 95 days for the BLM to approve the permits after problems have been fixed.

“Compare this to five days in Texas and 25 in North Dakota and it’s no wonder why production on federal lands has gone down,” Warren added.

Overall, U.S. oil production has boomed in recent years, but production on federal lands has been falling. The Congressional Research Service reports
that oil production on federal lands fell from 1,731,500 barrels per day in 2009 to
1,627,400 barrels per day in 2012,
and the total share of crude oil produced on federal lands fell to 26 percent in 2012 from 33 percent in 2009.

All of the increased production from FY2007 to FY2012 took place on non-federal lands, causing the federal share of total U.S. crude oil production to fall by about seven percentage points,” according to CRS.

The federal government has also locked up about 43 percent of all domestic oil reserves and 72 percent of oil shale acreage, according to the conservative American Action Forum (AAF).
Since 2008, oil and gas companies have nominated more federal acres to be leased, but the federal government has been listening and reducing the amount of federal land being put up for auction.
Obama. leases the lowest amount of federal land in 25 years The Daily Caller
Now for those LIPs that don't understand market dynamics... IF Obama's destructive energy policy which HE summed up with this statement:
Obama said I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly"
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available
and backs that belief hiring Energy secretary Chu, who said in 2008...
“Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”
OPEC and speculators set prices.
Our production is a drop in the bucket
Do you want prices to go lower?

Do you know what it costs Middle east oil companies to produce a barrel of oil? --$16.88
Do you know what it costs the USA to produce a barrel of oil? --$33.76

When you can produce MORE OIL it lowers the cost of producing oil, which lowers the cost of a gallon of gas.
BUT being a LIP like YOU, you have obviously very little Internet search skills to understand by opening Federal land to the same
rate it was before Obama more oil can be found and can be produced domestically.
THIS reduces the need for foreign oil.
Again.. you obviously don't comprehend the security issues in depending on foreign oil.
How much does it cost to produce crude oil and natural gas - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration EIA

Screen Shot 2015-03-11 at 8.23.34 AM.png
Gas prices are lower. Quit trying to blame Obama for something that isn't happening.
Do you want prices to go lower?

Do you know what it costs Middle east oil companies to produce a barrel of oil? --$16.88
Do you know what it costs the USA to produce a barrel of oil? --$33.76

When you can produce MORE OIL it lowers the cost of producing oil, which lowers the cost of a gallon of gas.
BUT being a LIP like YOU, you have obviously very little Internet search skills to understand by opening Federal land to the same
rate it was before Obama more oil can be found and can be produced domestically.
THIS reduces the need for foreign oil.
Again.. you obviously don't comprehend the security issues in depending on foreign oil.
How much does it cost to produce crude oil and natural gas - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration EIA

View attachment 37693

Whether Dem or Repub, right or left, now or than, the president of the United States has no control over gas prices.

Obama has issued more oil permits than any other president. The US is now the biggest producer of oil in the world.
Do you want prices to go lower?

Do you know what it costs Middle east oil companies to produce a barrel of oil? --$16.88
Do you know what it costs the USA to produce a barrel of oil? --$33.76

When you can produce MORE OIL it lowers the cost of producing oil, which lowers the cost of a gallon of gas.
BUT being a LIP like YOU, you have obviously very little Internet search skills to understand by opening Federal land to the same
rate it was before Obama more oil can be found and can be produced domestically.
THIS reduces the need for foreign oil.
Again.. you obviously don't comprehend the security issues in depending on foreign oil.
How much does it cost to produce crude oil and natural gas - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration EIA

View attachment 37693

Your numbers are seven years old.
OPEC and speculators set prices.
Our production is a drop in the bucket

I really don't know how f...king dumb you have to be to make stupid statements that can be totally refuted using the Internet!
top 10

USA is 3rd at 12.23% IS THAT A F...king DROP in the bucket???
OPEC countries: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, UAE,Venezuela.. total 27.86%
Russia 14.05%
List of countries by oil production - Wikipedia the free encyclopediaView attachment 37694

First you acknowledge that the US is the top oil producer in the world. Now you say we are third.

BTW, you still didn't answer my question. Do you want prices to go lower?
Whether Dem or Repub, right or left, now or than, the president of the United States has no control over gas prices.

Obama has issued more oil permits than any other president. The US is now the biggest producer of oil in the world.

Obviously YOU both are totally out of touch with reality!
Luddly.... IF the President can sign MORE oil leases on federal lands would that NOT InCREASE OIL production which increases the supply which lowers the costs to you the driver? That is ONE of the ways a President can affect the price of gas at the pump.
Do you understand market supply and demand concepts???

And the FACTS are he has NOT issued more permits!
The total number of oil and gas drilling leases issued in 2013 reached a nearly three-decade lows, according to the Bureau of Land Management.
The bureau says it issued 1,468 drilling leases last year, totaling 1.17 million acres of federal land —
the lowest figures since 1988, which is the oldest year for which the BLM has data.
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Whether Dem or Repub, right or left, now or than, the president of the United States has no control over gas prices.

Obama has issued more oil permits than any other president. The US is now the biggest producer of oil in the world.

Obviously YOU know are totally both out of touch with reality!
Luddly.... IF the President can sign MORE oil leases on federal lands would that NOT InCREASE OIL production which increases the supply which lowers the costs to you the driver? That is ONE of the ways a President can affect the price of gas at the pump.
Do you understand market supply and demand concepts???

And the FACTS are he has NOT issued more permits!
The total number of oil and gas drilling leases issued in 2013 reached a nearly three-decade lows, according to the Bureau of Land Management.
The bureau says it issued 1,468 drilling leases last year, totaling 1.17 million acres of federal land —
the lowest figures since 1988, which is the oldest year for which the BLM has data.

So answer my damn question. Do you want prices to be lower?
OPEC and speculators set prices.
Our production is a drop in the bucket

I really don't know how f...king dumb you have to be to make stupid statements that can be totally refuted using the Internet!
top 10

USA is 3rd at 12.23% IS THAT A F...king DROP in the bucket???
OPEC countries: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, UAE,Venezuela.. total 27.86%
Russia 14.05%
List of countries by oil production - Wikipedia the free encyclopediaView attachment 37694

First you acknowledge that the US is the top oil producer in the world. Now you say we are third.

BTW, you still didn't answer my question. Do you want prices to go lower?
YOu are so stupid!
Show me where I said the US is the top oil producer?

AND YES I did answer! Of course I'd like to see the price of gas as it was when I was a senior in high school... less then 30¢ a gallon.
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Countries - U.S. Energy Information Administration EIA

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