I Told You 8 Years Ago, What Needed To Be Done

Thank you on your comment regarding illegal immigration enforcement but why and how would there be environmental damages? To be clear, I’m not advocating absence of environmental controls but I am advocating less overreaching (egregious) environmental regulations that hinder the economy and put US more dependent on foreign oil.

The problem is, it would be based on economic pressures, not actual environmental issues. Backing off because the economy needs it will always be a viable excuse.
Deny is one of the three Ds of Trump’s plans for escaping responsibility. There other two are delay and distraction. We see it play out every day and MAGA is in cahoots with his criminality.

If you actually think Trump has criminality, and these kangaroo courts have an ounce of legitimacy, you're even dupe-dumber than I thought. :rolleyes:
I don't think you have a clue to what my "alley" is. 😐

I know that you have a habit of posting shit like you are an expert, and then absolutely refuse to discuss the matter again. I guess ignoring questions is better than actually having an answer.
Denial? He was tried and found guilty. There are consequences to breaking the law.
So you also think these political theaters are legitimate courts. And you think Trump has done something wrong. That's amazing.

If Trump wasnt running for POTUS, do you think any of this would be happening ?
So you also think these political theaters are legitimate courts. And you think Trump has done something wrong. That's amazing.

If Trump wasnt running for POTUS, do you think any of this would be happening ?

I am happy to answer questions in a discussion. But you first.

I asked you these questions the day you posted (or reposted) your plan about what needed to be done. Answer them and I'll happily answer any question you ask.
The problem is, it would be based on economic pressures, not actual environmental issues. Backing off because the economy needs it will always be a viable excuse.
So what is that optimal balance of addressing all environmental issues while not compromising or hindering the economy? I dont expect any of us to have that answer but my sense is that the current administration and their party go beyond what is necessary when it comes to environmental policy.
So what is that optimal balance of addressing all environmental issues while not compromising or hindering the economy? I dont expect any of us to have that answer but my sense is that the current administration and their party go beyond what is necessary when it comes to environmental policy.

It is difficult to balance it. But if we are to err, it needs to be on the side of conservation. Once that effort dies the rest doesn't matter.
It is difficult to balance it. But if we are to err, it needs to be on the side of conservation. Once that effort dies the rest doesn't matter.
So we err on the side of conservation while even under the most pro fossil fuel administrations, the US still has better conservation and environmental scores vs. all of the other fossil fuel producing nations. How does that help US?

Go tell Asia, The Middle East, Africa, and Latin America to be on the side of conservation. They will smile at you as they pump fossil fuel out of their land with comparatively little or no regard to the environment.
So we err on the side of conservation while even under the most pro fossil fuel administrations, the US still has better conservation and environmental scores vs. all of the other fossil fuel producing nations. How does that help US?

Go tell Asia, The Middle East, Africa, and Latin America to be on the side of conservation. They will smile at you as they pump fossil fuel out of their land with comparatively little or no regard to the environment.

And, sadly, we will end up helping them deal with the consequences.
8 Years ago, I wrote this OP >>

By not separating into 2 separate countries (one blue, the other red), and trusting the Democrats to be civil, this has been shown to be a huge mistake. Look at the results of keeping the Democrats as part of the same country as Republicans.

  • Months of BLM/Antifa riots in 2000 after George Floyd death. 150 federal buildings were defaced and 750 police officers injured nationwide in the liberal Democrat/Socialist violence.
  • Democrats killed US democracy & 2000 election stolen by malicious Democrats
  • Oil drilling cancelled causing massive inflation (100-200% in rental housing and gas prices)
  • Open border with millions of unvetted illegal aliens pouring in, wrecking blue sanctuary cities.
  • Woke lunacies being dumped on everyone including kids in schools.
  • US Constitution abandoned by Biden DOJ wih due process denied to 1000+ Jan 6 protestors, illegally incarcerated past time limits.
  • Political witch hunt & farce indictments and conviction of President Trump, in banana republic "trials". Who's next ?
All this has shown that these idiot lunatics are not capable of a modicum of decency and intelligence, and keeping them in the same country with you, a major mistake.

Nation - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, economic life, distinctive culture, and language in common. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th edition).

Just as idiotic now as it was then...
What specific consequences and how will we help them deal with them? When will all of this happen?
You’re asking questions that can’t be answered definitely, with an attitude that guarantees that nothing will ever get done. It’s why you’re ignored.
You’re asking questions that can’t be answered definitely, with an attitude that guarantees that nothing will ever get done. It’s why you’re ignored.
If the consequences can’t at least be defined, nothing will ever get done.
Trump's record is one of 4 years of massive success for the American people. Biden's record is a train wreck.

Trump's record is one of 4 years of failure to accomplish any of the stated goals of his administration. He just went around the nation declaring National Emergencies and then doing nothing about them, until the nation was in chaos and the economy collapsed - again.
If the consequences can’t at least be defined, nothing will ever get done.

Here is thing you keep pretending isn't happening. While you are "erring on the side of conservatism", you're already spending $200 billion per year on climate change catastrophies - wild fires, floods, hurricanes, so you're gonna spend that money either way. And that $200 billion is going up by more than $20 billion per year.

So we err on the side of conservation while even under the most pro fossil fuel administrations, the US still has better conservation and environmental scores vs. all of the other fossil fuel producing nations. How does that help US?

Go tell Asia, The Middle East, Africa, and Latin America to be on the side of conservation. They will smile at you as they pump fossil fuel out of their land with comparatively little or no regard to the environment.

The nation of Africa and Asia aren't building for carbon fuelled energy, they're building for green energy because that is the future. Elon Musk just signed a deal with China to build his EV's there for the Asian market. Nobody is drilling for oil, these days, because it's too expensive. Europeans are already paying $8 a gallon for gasoline.

Here is a list of gasoline prices in the G20. It's based on retail price per litre (1 gal. = 3.79 litres). Any nation paying more than $1.05 per litre, is paying $4.00 per gallon. Europeans are paying more than $8 a gallon for gasoline.

The US Government has bailed out the US auto industry twice because of bankruptcies, which happened because the US government didn't hold American car makers to the same mileage and emissions standards that the rest of the first world was mandating, so their cars couldn't be sold in Europe or Asia. Now you're going to stubborning cling to gasoline powered automobiles while the rest of the first world moves to EV's.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.


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