Gas prices on the rise


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
Blame who you want, but fact is Saudi is drifting into another oil bust cycle. Lowering their production 1 million barrels per day. Which is what's driving the prices up. US oil producers are about the same as they were during Trump. But because the way oil is traded, the less oil being produced, especially with OPEC, the higher the trade value is.

Question is, will the US oil producers lower their production right along with OPEC? Historically speaking, that's what they always do. When OPEC goes into an oil bust cycle, so does US oil producers. Driving the cost at the pump even higher.

NOTE: At the moment, US oil producers are at 12+ million bpd. If they lower their production rate, it'll be on them. Not Biden. Biden doesn't tell US oil companies how much oil to produce.
Blame who you want, but fact is Saudi is drifting into another oil bust cycle. Lowering their production 1 million barrels per day. Which is what's driving the prices up. US oil producers are about the same as they were during Trump. But because the way oil is traded, the less oil being produced, especially with OPEC, the higher the trade value is.

Question is, will the US oil producers lower their production right along with OPEC? Historically speaking, that's what they always do. When OPEC goes into an oil bust cycle, so does US oil producers. Driving the cost at the pump even higher.

NOTE: At the moment, US oil producers are at 12+ million bpd. If they lower their production rate, it'll be on them. Not Biden. Biden doesn't tell US oil companies how much oil to produce.
Of course if we didnt have a Mo Fo for a President, he could open the spigot for drilling in the United States which would then make America energy independent and force OPEC and Russia to start losing money again. But since China Joe is owned by all the corrupt leaders, he will take it up the ass before he does anything for US citizens...
Of course if we didnt have a Mo Fo for a President, he could open the spigot for drilling in the United States which would then make America energy independent and force OPEC and Russia to start losing money again. But since China Joe is owned by all the corrupt leaders, he will take it up the ass before he does anything for US citizens...

Average number of barrels produced per day in the US (in thousands)

U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

Of course if we didnt have a Mo Fo for a President, he could open the spigot for drilling in the United States which would then make America energy independent

Total U.S. energy production was also the highest on record. Overall, the U.S. produced 2.5% more energy in 2022 than we consumed. By comparison, in 2005 the U.S. consumed 44% more energy than we produced.

In conclusion, 2022 marked the highest level of US energy independence since before 1950.
Of course if we didnt have a Mo Fo for a President, he could open the spigot for drilling in the United States which would then make America energy independent and force OPEC and Russia to start losing money again. But since China Joe is owned by all the corrupt leaders, he will take it up the ass before he does anything for US citizens...
Under Biden's leadership the US oil patch has made the US more energy independent than ever before.

20 years ago we were importing over 10 million barrels of oil a day. That number too will soon zero out.

If the New Republicans didn't believe lies, they'd have nothing to believe in.
there is no massive increase in US OIL production since Trump years.
Safe to say there was no decrease in US oil production due to Biden's energy policies, like the pause in leasing, but a continued increase in our production levels since 2008.
Of course if we didnt have a Mo Fo for a President, he could open the spigot for drilling in the United States which would then make America energy independent and force OPEC and Russia to start losing money again. But since China Joe is owned by all the corrupt leaders, he will take it up the ass before he does anything for US citizens...
Hey, you fucking fool...

We are sick of telling you and your type this...

Who owns the oil extracted in the US?
  1. Oil Companies
  2. US Government
I you answered 2, you are na idiot.

If you answer 1, then know they can sell that Oil to anyone they wish and market price. Cost of transport is <1c a gallon.

So there is no such thing as "America Energy Independent".. There is absolutely no such thing, ther is no such thing as American Oil, there is Oil and anyone with the cash can buy it..

And if you think this is some sort of Biden conspiracy, it is Oil companies that want it this way and they pay heavily for it... Which party do you think they donate too... And don't say RINOs, Trump had his face in the trough too..

Of course if we didnt have a Mo Fo for a President, he could open the spigot for drilling in the United States which would then make America energy independent and force OPEC and Russia to start losing money again. But since China Joe is owned by all the corrupt leaders, he will take it up the ass before he does anything for US citizens...

The spigot is open. But the president doesn't control the spigot. The oil companies do. BLM drilling permits are up. Oil field hands are working. We're producing about as much as we've ever produced.
39% increase 2016 to 2019. Yes, it was ramping up big time.
2020 2021 got mucked up from DEM CHINA Virus to wipe out the country to rid Trump.

2022 down from 2019.
2023 up 2% from 2019.

there is no massive increase in US OIL production since Trump years.

The Trump years ended in Jan 2021, why do you all always forget that?

Total U.S. energy production was also the highest on record. Overall, the U.S. produced 2.5% more energy in 2022 than we consumed. By comparison, in 2005 the U.S. consumed 44% more energy than we produced.

In conclusion, 2022 marked the highest level of US energy independence since before 1950.

I see you point. But your numbers are skewed. We never actually produced more oil than we've consumed. We consume about 19 million barrels per day. We've never produced that much. It's not really possible, due to the oil infrastructure and the amount of drillers there are in the US.
There are ways of skewing those numbers.

For example: Say an oil storage tank hold 100,000 barrels of crude. 99% of it came from Saudi. Add 1% of US oil to that tank, and count it as American oil.

It's sneaky, but technically correct. Since we bought the 99%, we now own it. So it's US oil.
Also, say like during Covid, when the demand was very low, and the oil bust cycle was just beginning, we still had a LOT of oil in storage. High capacity vs low demand, makes for a some good numbers skewing.
The bottom line to all this, as it has been for decades, the oil companies don't take orders from the president. The president doesn't set the oil prices, he doesn't force oil companies to produce more or less oil.

Gas/oil in the US isn't state owned. And we don't have a chancellor.
As were the decreases in 2020 and 2021. Biden policies had nothing to do with the decreases in production under Trumpybear.

You blinded ignorant OX. The entire Country was shut down in 2020 and 2021.
You idiots just keep digging.

Don't any of you ever get tired of being wrong? spinning? lying? At least 95% of the time on this board you and you clowns are in the wrong?
You ride it as long as possible then run off to another thread, wounded but un-learned.
At least DirtyMACBlackGater just posted something of possible relevance about the number of Active wells (too hard to verify his numbers).

Give it a rest. you and your ilk are pathetic.
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You blinded ignorant OX. The entire Country was shut down in 2020 and 2021.
You idiots just keep digging.
Hey Firstbaseman, pretending not to know that the Rabid Right blamed Joe Biden's EO's for the slow down in US oil production as well as higher gas prices after the Covid bubble passed and the world went back to work. Now ya'll are pretending that never happened aintcha?

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