Gasland vs FrackNation


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Mark Cuban's AXS TV Picks Up Pro-Fracking Documentary 'FrackNation'

by Paul Bond

The right-wing doc is set to air in January to take advantage of publicity for Matt Damon's "Promised Land."
AXS TV, the cable network owned by Mark Cuban, Ryan Seacrest, CAA and AEG, has picked up rights to FrackNation, a right-wing answer to Gasland, a documentary that sought to show that hydraulic “fracking” is harmful to the environment. FrackNation makes the case that dangers associated with fracking, a technology for extracting energy from rock formations, are way overblown.

The debate, though, no doubt will expand beyond the relatively small audiences who view scientific documentaries, as fracking also is put front and center in Promised Land, a movie opening Jan. 4 that stars Matt Damon as a natural-gas salesman and John Krasinski as an environmentalist. Promised Land is one reason AXS wants FrackNation to air in January.


'FrackNation': Mark Cuban's AXS TV Picks Up Pro-Fracking Doc - The Hollywood Reporter

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The truth will be shouted down and hid into obscurity.....What they need is to do what the left does.....Make a ovie but instead of using lies and idiots Like Matt Dumbass Use real actors that dont suck.
At least the author left no doubt of his bias. Kind of makes you wonder if his mommy explained the difference between entertainment and real life. Anyone who has any real knowledge of fracking knows it's as safe as any drilling process can be. They have been doing it for decades with no real problems. And for anyone who wants to bring up the documentary the showed the burning water, it was staged. The broad that made it and subsequently testified in court as an expert, was discredited and has been barred from testifying as an expert witness in any court proceedings.
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Not enough research yet to know truthfully if we should be concerned. I really wish we knew more. It would be unfortunate to find out in thirty years that we caused a lot of damage that wasn't necessary. I did see Promised Land, and it was entertaining. The main point to me at least, wasn't so much that fracking is a major hazard that we must stop, but that if it is a major hazard, the energy companies will make certain they can drill regardless. They will game the system one way or another. That I do believe.
Not enough research yet to know truthfully if we should be concerned. I really wish we knew more. It would be unfortunate to find out in thirty years that we caused a lot of damage that wasn't necessary. I did see Promised Land, and it was entertaining. The main point to me at least, wasn't so much that fracking is a major hazard that we must stop, but that if it is a major hazard, the energy companies will make certain they can drill regardless. They will game the system one way or another. That I do believe.

I drove in the oil field for 6 years and have seen first hand the technology in use. I sat in a control house one night and watched the acoustical mapping of the areas as they fractured. The technology is amazing and I just hope the new documentary shows it in detail, I think it will go a long way in allaying people's fear and maybe stop some of the fear mongering the enviro weenies are doing.

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