Gates and Pharma head global coalition to develop RNA vaccines


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Gates and Pharma Head Global Coalition to Develop RNA Vaccines

America’s Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Great Britain’s Wellcome Trust Foundation have banded together with a handful of organizations and governments to establish and fund the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) for the purpose of quickly developing new vaccines, particularly RNA vaccines, to address emerging infectious diseases that could become epidemics.1


Some will take it and learn some won't do a thing until the lights in their kids eyes go out , but by then it is too late.


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Gates and Pharma Head Global Coalition to Develop RNA Vaccines

America’s Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Great Britain’s Wellcome Trust Foundation have banded together with a handful of organizations and governments to establish and fund the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) for the purpose of quickly developing new vaccines, particularly RNA vaccines, to address emerging infectious diseases that could become epidemics.1


Some will take it and learn some won't do a thing until the lights in their kids eyes go out , but by then it is too late.
Satan's servants are busy, aren't they? People such as the Gates have sold their souls to Satan in exchange for filthy lucre. I find them incredibly short sighted and one may even call it "blind." What will it profit a man to gain the whole world only to lose his own soul? Is that not the height of idiocy? To think these people have a say in the world's education system! Truly amazing, isn't it?

I was thinking about Michael Boldea's recollection of having attended air shows where these planes / jets would soar in the air and suddenly plummet to the earth but then they would soar back up toward the sky. Sometimes the plane would spiral too far out of control and the pilot could not pull out of that spiral. The plane would crash and burn. He was comparing this out of control downward spiral to the actions of people and how sometimes you may think you can pull out of it but it is too late.

This would be a good comparison for our nation which appears to be on a downward spiral with certain individuals determined to risk everything and could very well result in the crash and burn of our nation. We've permitted so much that should never been permitted. Mandatory vaccinations and an epidemic of autism in our children. Our educators (many) have become corrupt. Our legal system (many) have become corrupt and no longer honor the oaths they took. Even lawyers are known now for openly lying and telling their clients to lie (even under oath!) and they appear to have no fear of God whatsoever. How truly disturbing it is to see our nation in such a downward spiral. Surely the prostitute and the tax collector will enter into heaven before these will. They know what they are doing and do it anyway. It's awful.

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