Gates cutting Pentagon budget by $78bn over five years; HASC Chairman not happy

Well, how serious are the Repukes about cost cutting? Governor Rick Scott of Florida, an outstanding Repuke, had the company he ran as CEO convicted of fourteen felonies, and fined 1.7 billion dollars for fraud concerning Medicare. And that is just what they could prove. Wonder how much will be left of Florida's treasury when he is done?
You are either kidding or I don't understand your point.

The teatards haven't cut a penny from the deficit yet.

gates has been cutting delaying and canceling for years. I have spelled it out.

My reference is to the additional 70 and change in the op, my request is for a list of entitlements from sallow etc. that are going to be trimmed and made effecient the same tune.

a puny $78 billion out of $3.5 trillion. Gates has merely chosen to make the buttons on military dress uniforms out of plastic instead of nickel.

:eusa_eh:78 bn from 3.5 trillion? why are you using the entire budget as a bench mark?

..and as I said, 4 times now hes has cut delayed or canceled a great deal more than that over the last 3 years, these are I have since read, mostly additions to cuts already made and they will impact Manpower more so than systems.

So, Okay then, how much does medicare and medicaid take up of the budget?

I have it at;




how am I doing so far? :eusa_think:

I await YOUR cut(s) suggestions....take your time bro. ;)
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Well, how serious are the Repukes about cost cutting? Governor Rick Scott of Florida, an outstanding Repuke, had the company he ran as CEO convicted of fourteen felonies, and fined 1.7 billion dollars for fraud concerning Medicare. And that is just what they could prove. Wonder how much will be left of Florida's treasury when he is done?

uh huh.


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Because they account for the vast majority of the debt.

You keep braying on and on about this..and for the most's completely wrong. SSI doesn't add to the debt..because it's paid for. Medicare does somewhat. But wars and the military expenditures are through the roof. Especially when you count veterans benefits. Another fallacy you keep putting out there is that somehow Bush didn't add much to the debt or deficit. That's because he was creative with book keeping. They kept 2 wars off budget. They called it "Emergency Supplemental Spending". President Obama added back into the total budget when he came into office.
Well, how serious are the Repukes about cost cutting? Governor Rick Scott of Florida, an outstanding Repuke, had the company he ran as CEO convicted of fourteen felonies, and fined 1.7 billion dollars for fraud concerning Medicare. And that is just what they could prove. Wonder how much will be left of Florida's treasury when he is done?

uh huh.

Why is that a "Strawman"?

Several posts back I pointed out this was a problem. Medicare is lousy with fraud.
Because they account for the vast majority of the debt.

You keep braying on and on about this..and for the most's completely wrong. SSI doesn't add to the debt..because it's paid for. Medicare does somewhat. But wars and the military expenditures are through the roof. Especially when you count veterans benefits. Another fallacy you keep putting out there is that somehow Bush didn't add much to the debt or deficit. That's because he was creative with book keeping. They kept 2 wars off budget. They called it "Emergency Supplemental Spending". President Obama added back into the total budget when he came into office.

So you want to cut Veterans benefits?

Sounds like the standard Left approach to saving money.
Well, how serious are the Repukes about cost cutting? Governor Rick Scott of Florida, an outstanding Repuke, had the company he ran as CEO convicted of fourteen felonies, and fined 1.7 billion dollars for fraud concerning Medicare. And that is just what they could prove. Wonder how much will be left of Florida's treasury when he is done?

uh huh.

Why is that a "Strawman"?

Several posts back I pointed out this was a problem. Medicare is lousy with fraud.

if he is going to address an issue that is in discussion he may want to QUOTE it..after a page or 2, other things pop up, I am not in the habit of keeping track of peoples mental meanderings apropos ....what exactly? I have to guess? read the entire thread again and figure how or what exactly he is addressing? Or if its just a mental twitch launched by a conversation hes having with himself? :lol:
Because they account for the vast majority of the debt.

You keep braying on and on about this..and for the most's completely wrong. SSI doesn't add to the debt..because it's paid for. Medicare does somewhat. But wars and the military expenditures are through the roof. Especially when you count veterans benefits. Another fallacy you keep putting out there is that somehow Bush didn't add much to the debt or deficit. That's because he was creative with book keeping. They kept 2 wars off budget. They called it "Emergency Supplemental Spending". President Obama added back into the total budget when he came into office.

So you want to cut Veterans benefits?

Sounds like the standard Left approach to saving money.

You've either got a very short memory..or a selective one. In multiple posts I've said Veterans benefits should not be touched..and in fact raised.
Entirely to small.

And still waiting for the 100 billion the Republicans promised to cut.

Why didnt your guys cut it when they had the chance to pass a budget?

Why is it always the Republicans responsibility to cut when we all know the budget needs to be cut?

Maybe because the Republicans repeatedly cut revenue?

so glad you stopped by bro. Can I ask for and see what your list of cuts is?

lets use 78 Bn as a bench mark.
gates has been cutting delaying and canceling for years. I have spelled it out.

My reference is to the additional 70 and change in the op, my request is for a list of entitlements from sallow etc. that are going to be trimmed and made effecient the same tune.

a puny $78 billion out of $3.5 trillion. Gates has merely chosen to make the buttons on military dress uniforms out of plastic instead of nickel.

:eusa_eh:78 bn from 3.5 trillion? why are you using the entire budget as a bench mark?

..and as I said, 4 times now hes has cut delayed or canceled a great deal more than that over the last 3 years, these are I have since read, mostly additions to cuts already made and they will impact Manpower more so than systems.

So, Okay then, how much does medicare and medicaid take up of the budget?

I have it at;




how am I doing so far? :eusa_think:

I await YOUR cut(s) suggestions....take your time bro. ;)

First off I wasn't using the entire budget. The cuts Gates announced were over a 5 year period so I compared 5 years of the 2009 military budget to the $78 billion.

And second, Gates is not a teatard, or the GOP majority in Congress.

So you are still at zero.

Third, despite what "he" may have cut or cancelled military spending increased every year since Gates was appointed.
There is nothing sacred about the Defense budget

The budget is based on the mission given to the armed services and the degree of readiness they are required to maintain. If we adjust the mission to the point where we are not the defender of the rest of the world there is plenty of room for budget cuts.

Do we need 11 Aircraft Super Carrier task forces when no other nation has one?
Do we need all of our 1500+ nuclear warheads with associated submarines and missiles and bombers when they haven't been used in 65 years and will probably never be used?
Do we need to provide for the defense of Europe?
There is nothing sacred about the Defense budget

The budget is based on the mission given to the armed services and the degree of readiness they are required to maintain. If we adjust the mission to the point where we are not the defender of the rest of the world there is plenty of room for budget cuts.

Do we need 11 Aircraft Super Carrier task forces when no other nation has one?
Do we need all of our 1500+ nuclear warheads with associated submarines and missiles and bombers when they haven't been used in 65 years and will probably never be used?
Do we need to provide for the defense of Europe?

Add in..the Benefits of Veterans from past wars aren't counted as "Military Spending". As are other things related to the Military..

Other defense-related expenditures
Per-capita Defense Spending 1962-2015 (inflation-adjusted 2009 dollars)
Defense Spending 1962-2015 (inflation-adjusted 2009 dollars)[12][13]This does not include many military-related items that are outside of the Defense Department budget, such as nuclear weapons research, maintenance, cleanup, and production, which is in the Department of Energy budget, Veterans Affairs, the Treasury Department's payments in pensions to military retirees and widows and their families, interest on debt incurred in past wars, or State Department financing of foreign arms sales and militarily-related development assistance. Neither does it include defense spending that is not military in nature, such as the Department of Homeland Security, counter-terrorism spending by the FBI, and intelligence-gathering spending by NASA.
Military budget of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sacrifices have to be made all across the board. Military cuts have to be on the table. Obviously you have to be very careful making these cuts though. National Security is pretty serious business. But some Military cuts are necessary. It's just the way it has to be.
More can be saved immediately by cutting the dead weight from nearly every Department of our Government. Slash everything by 10% across the board.
Per usual, the only real cuts the socialist President proposes are the military.

Maybe China phoned them in.
....And, MAYBE he's listening to The know....kinda like McBush said HE would??!!!


"Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that all four service chiefs supported the proposals, and that the military would still be able to manage global risks. “We can’t hold ourselves exempt from the belt-tightening,” he said. “Neither can we allow ourselves to contribute to the very debt that puts our long-term security at risk.”
Per usual, the only real cuts the socialist President proposes are the military.

Maybe China phoned them in.
....And, MAYBE he's listening to The know....kinda like McBush said HE would??!!!


"Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that all four service chiefs supported the proposals, and that the military would still be able to manage global risks. “We can’t hold ourselves exempt from the belt-tightening,” he said. “Neither can we allow ourselves to contribute to the very debt that puts our long-term security at risk.”

If Mr Obama is listening to the Generals it would be the first time he did so. Personally, I kinda doubt it.
a puny $78 billion out of $3.5 trillion. Gates has merely chosen to make the buttons on military dress uniforms out of plastic instead of nickel.

:eusa_eh:78 bn from 3.5 trillion? why are you using the entire budget as a bench mark?

..and as I said, 4 times now hes has cut delayed or canceled a great deal more than that over the last 3 years, these are I have since read, mostly additions to cuts already made and they will impact Manpower more so than systems.

So, Okay then, how much does medicare and medicaid take up of the budget?

I have it at;




how am I doing so far? :eusa_think:

I await YOUR cut(s) suggestions....take your time bro. ;)

First off I wasn't using the entire budget. The cuts Gates announced were over a 5 year period so I compared 5 years of the 2009 military budget to the $78 billion.

And second, Gates is not a teatard, or the GOP majority in Congress.

So you are still at zero.

Third, despite what "he" may have cut or cancelled military spending increased every year since Gates was appointed.

you are conflating issues. the increase has been primarily for iraq and Afghanistan the hardware issue is one we have punted on and have been, the Quadrennial review I mentioned, you can read it if you wish. we have reached the end of the rope in several venues, they do 5 and 10 year forecasts, he has cut heavily into those replacements and in fact items already ordered and made part of a budget he then pulled back.

General note- I am still waiting to hear what cuts will be made to programs other than military ones.......any takers?
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There is nothing sacred about the Defense budget

The budget is based on the mission given to the armed services and the degree of readiness they are required to maintain. If we adjust the mission to the point where we are not the defender of the rest of the world there is plenty of room for budget cuts.

yes, in fact we are. and we have been for 60 years. reality is a hard taskmaster huh?

Do we need 11 Aircraft Super Carrier task forces when no other nation has one?

asked and answered several times. we don't have 11 we have 7 at sea and 4 laid up in rotation. And we had 13 ...when?

Do we need all of our 1500+ nuclear warheads with associated submarines and missiles and bombers when they haven't been used in 65 years and will probably never be used?

ask the Russians, we just signed a start treaty that you were ecstatic over, wtf?

Do we need to provide for the defense of Europe?

yes , we do because they don't. and in the end nato is a shadow of its former self, that peace dividend was cashed in by Clinton.
Per usual, the only real cuts the socialist President proposes are the military.

Maybe China phoned them in.
....And, MAYBE he's listening to The know....kinda like McBush said HE would??!!!


"Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that all four service chiefs supported the proposals, and that the military would still be able to manage global risks. “We can’t hold ourselves exempt from the belt-tightening,” he said. “Neither can we allow ourselves to contribute to the very debt that puts our long-term security at risk.”

If Mr Obama is listening to the Generals it would be the first time he did so. Personally, I kinda doubt it.


ooooooooooooooooooooooooo.....whatta commitment.


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