Gavin Mcinnes: Suit against SPLC precursor to action against socials


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
GAVIN MCINNES: Suit against SPLC precursor to action against socials - The American Mirror
Is a lawsuit against the Southern Poverty Law Center a precursor to action against social media giants like Facebook and Twitter?

The SPLC omg these are like hiring these most severe Trump haters there are as far as a alleged for humanity group goes.

These losers would sink if not kill you just to get rid of a Trump hater they put on a fabricated bs lie story how they are for " EVERYONE" but just like the NAACP, ACLU, they are all democrat geared and controlled the rest of you rotting in prison can go to hell.

Those of you dumping enough money into the Democ**t side will have plenty of money to get your ways that's what big babies do.


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