Gay couple demand name change for homophobic road

What! They should be demanding that the entire family change their name. Just the road isn't good enough.

They should tell the snowflakes to pound sand
Why does posters like Sassy keep trying to shove homosexual "news" down our throats?

Or Breitbart.

They're going all the way to the UK to be offended by people being offended.

It's the guys last name, and there is absolutely no intent to be offensive.

It is however offensive of these individuals to make attempts to keep this man from being honored.

No, that's not his last name.

His name was Frank Bangay.

The sign -


That's what I meant dumbass. His last name is Bangay.
What! They should be demanding that the entire family change their name. Just the road isn't good enough.

They should tell the snowflakes to pound sand
Why does posters like Sassy keep trying to shove homosexual "news" down our throats?

Or Breitbart.

They're going all the way to the UK to be offended by people being offended.

It's the guys last name, and there is absolutely no intent to be offensive.

It is however offensive of these individuals to make attempts to keep this man from being honored.

No, that's not his last name.

His name was Frank Bangay.

The sign -


That's what I meant dumbass. His last name is Bangay.

Read the sign.

If you look REEEL hard, you'll find the letter S.

There is no S in the man's name.

Oh hell, never mind.

People demand all sorts of things- folks take offense at names of things for bizarre reasons.

A group of prominent Cape Town Christians are unhappy that a mountain at the centre of the city is named after the devil.

The movement to “rechristen” Devil’s Peak is gaining support, most noticeably from the African Christian Democratic Party – and soon a petition will be doing the rounds in Cape Town.
The group reportedly wants “Cape Town liberated from the demonic name” and believes “renaming the mountain would set a precedent for peace within the city”.

Western Cape ACDP leader Ferlon Christians said the name was an “insult” to Capetonians. He said the party supported the Mountain Name Change Campaign, whose members approached the Western Cape Geographical Names Committee about two weeks ago to propose a less “offensive” name.
Everything is offensive, if it's not then make it offensive. Good grief


Married couple Phillip and Ian Tucker have written to their local council to complain about the decision to name a new road Bangays Way, because they consider it homophobic.

Despite the name of the new cul-de-sac having been arrived at because of the late Frank Bangay’s dedication to the village, having sat as a school governor, councillor, and a writer of local history, the couple feel they are being discriminated against. Mr. Tucker says the addition of an ‘S’ makes the name unforgivable, and it should be renamed Frank Bangay Way.

The Express reports Tucker’s remarks, as he recalled first seeing the street name: “My husband and I went to look round the new development, as you do. Having got over the initial humour, we reflected that this street name was actually pretty offensive.

Gay Couple Demand Name Change for Homophobic Road - Breitbart
People ask for road name changes all the time. We had a concerted effort here to change a road from Diablo because it means "Devil".....but I guess it's only a big deal to you because it's gays, right? And yet it's people like YOU complaining about gays being in the news all the time and "shoving it down our throats"? :lol:

Those who complain like the O/P have something they are a closet. ;)
Anyone who believes this is an issue either way should be taken out back and summarily executed.

calm down, francis, no one needs to die over a local news story. :rolleyes:

who said they should? I in fact said that anyone who makes a big deal of this should be executed. Hyperbole? Perhaps, but I'm sick of idiots constantly trying to take little stupid petty stories like this and turn into some sort of political statement.
People demand all sorts of things- folks take offense at names of things for bizarre reasons.

A group of prominent Cape Town Christians are unhappy that a mountain at the centre of the city is named after the devil.

The movement to “rechristen” Devil’s Peak is gaining support, most noticeably from the African Christian Democratic Party – and soon a petition will be doing the rounds in Cape Town.
The group reportedly wants “Cape Town liberated from the demonic name” and believes “renaming the mountain would set a precedent for peace within the city”.

Western Cape ACDP leader Ferlon Christians said the name was an “insult” to Capetonians. He said the party supported the Mountain Name Change Campaign, whose members approached the Western Cape Geographical Names Committee about two weeks ago to propose a less “offensive” name.

Anybody know what the Tampa Bay baseball team used to be called?
Maybe they should just call it Bangay Way. Then all the homos in town can quibble over which one of them is banned from that road.
We're really scrapping the bottom of the outrage barrel when we have to go across the pond for a story. Either way, this couple should get over it.
We're really scrapping the bottom of the outrage barrel when we have to go across the pond for a story. Either way, this couple should get over it.

Yea....they should go back to their home on Deadfag Lane
What! They should be demanding that the entire family change their name. Just the road isn't good enough.

They should tell the snowflakes to pound sand
Why does posters like Sassy keep trying to shove homosexual "news" down our throats?

Or Breitbart.

They're going all the way to the UK to be offended by people being offended.

It's the guys last name, and there is absolutely no intent to be offensive.

It is however offensive of these individuals to make attempts to keep this man from being honored.

No, that's not his last name.

His name was Frank Bangay.

The sign -


That's what I meant dumbass. His last name is Bangay.

Read the sign.

If you look REEEL hard, you'll find the letter S.

There is no S in the man's name.

Oh hell, never mind.


So they forgot an apostrophe. I dont see whats so horrible about someones little grammar error. Its not a big deal.

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