Gay Karma Bites Heteros in the Ass

He should be reprimanded the same as the Christian baker was.

If we're concerned with equality, that is.
There's a good chance this story isn't even true, as evidenced by a disclaimer in the article.
Don't you love all the geriatric old queens around here who use avatars of some guy 40 years their junior who weighs 100 lbs. less than they do?
Love this comment:

Marriage is either one man and one man, or one woman and one woman. If you let heterosexuals marry in couples, the next thing they'll want is polygamy.
The story is untrue. The comments were made up. The writer is a satirist and the site is a satire site.

Liberals are so gullible they will believe anything.
Gay's don't think that far ahead.

All they know is that they hate Christian people. ....... :cool:
Will the Gay baker serve Muslims?
Wedding cakes aren't part of the muslim marriage ceremony. ...... :cool:
or will the Gay Baker realize that Christianity is the foundation on which his freedom of speech and activity is built? Would the Gay Baker rather be in a Muslim culture, China, Russia?? See how it pays to think?
typical lib without IQ for substance

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