Gay marriage more important than law in Mass.

Are you sure you want to make that claim?

I mean this is the sick fucker that sat around with his buddies "experimenting" and rubbed each other off. He's also the sick fucker that thinks it's OK for daddy to fuck his daughter.

Is that the sick kind of perverted piss bag you want for a friend?

I certainly don't agree with those points of view, but I'm sure he must have SOME redeeming qualities as a person. I don't know him well enough to call him my "friend," but I don't hate him.
I certainly don't agree with those points of view, but I'm sure he must have SOME redeeming qualities as a person. I don't know him well enough to call him my "friend," but I don't hate him.

Of course I do. Pale Rider seems to have a hang up on the fact that, years ago, one male friend and I “experimented” with each other – only going as far as mutual masturbation. He also can’t come to terms with the fact that I thing that consenting adults, even within the same family should be allowed to engage in sexual activity if they so choose.

I’m a happily married to a great woman, work as a professional, and still consider myself to be a person of class and character, though a bit arrogant at times. You might be surprised to know that I’m against the death penalty but I think that we should get tough on crime. “Life in prison” should be life in prison with no special benefits. Abortion should be outlawed but to save the mother’s life. Government welfare should be more difficult to acquire. Anyway, on some topics we agree to disagree but Pale Rider seems to have a fit about it and seems to try to rattle my cage. LOL. He needs to get some help, get a life, and learn to get off me.
Okay, but do you think that thes judge in MA has the right to cancel out law in order to allow gay marriage?
Okay, but do you think that thes judge in MA has the right to cancel out law in order to allow gay marriage?

Okay. I suppose that it was wrong for the judge to cancel out the law. I was just wondering if the people who complained about the “activist judge” were really complaining about the process or about the result. Is it that their opposition to gay marriage has clouded their thinking and has them conclude that, because an activist judge permitted it, all activist judgments are wrong. Were there ever any laws that conservatives like that happened to be created by activist judges? If so, would these conservatives be intellectually honest and consistent by calling on those laws to be over-turned.

Regardless, I’ll be intellectually honest and consistent. A judge is not to create law but interpret law given certain cases. It is up to congress to make the law.
Earth – on several continents. Even in America, go to any downtown bar that has an out-door patio, preferably on a Friday or Saturday night. You are likely to find several people there who are smoking with some people who are not smoking. Walk down a long stretch of sidewalk. In some places you are likely to find an occasional smoker. You are less likely to find someone say to a smoker, “I’m sorry but I do not accept that. Put that cigarette away now.” Smoking still exists and it is still accepted by many people.

I tell you you what, If I see a queer smoking another queer then I'm calling Ripley's. Otherwise your comparision isn't valid. Also, I believe in public that men holding hands is allowed. It isn't liked by everyone, but it is not always challenged. Just like smoking. Try again.
I tell you you what, If I see a queer smoking another queer then I'm calling Ripley's. Otherwise your comparision isn't valid. Also, I believe in public that men holding hands is allowed. It isn't liked by everyone, but it is not always challenged. Just like smoking. Try again.

The comparison is valid. This is merely an example of why the appeal to natural law is a fallacy. Smoking is an unhealthy and unnatural. Yet, people accept smoking. Gay behavior is unhealthy and unnatural. Yet people don’t accept gay behavior.
The comparison is valid. This is merely an example of why the appeal to natural law is a fallacy. Smoking is an unhealthy and unnatural. Yet, people accept smoking. Gay behavior is unhealthy and unnatural. Yet people don’t accept gay behavior.

Why is smoking unnatural? Tobacco is from the earth. Homosexuality isn't.
Why is smoking unnatural? Tobacco is from the earth. Homosexuality isn't.

I think that you are confusing natural items with the unnatural behavior done with the items. Pardon my bluntness but the anus, penis, and mouth is a natural thing. Homosexual behavior with those things may not be natural. Likewise, paper and grass may be natural but it is not natural to stuff dry leaves into a paper tube, light one end of the tube, and breathe in toxic smoke.
I think that you are confusing natural items with the unnatural behavior done with the items. Pardon my bluntness but the anus, penis, and mouth is a natural thing. Homosexual behavior with those things may not be natural. Likewise, paper and grass may be natural but it is not natural to stuff dry leaves into a paper tube, light one end of the tube, and breathe in toxic smoke.

So you are admitting that homosexuality and having sex with your daughter are unnatural acts. By your comparison, smoking is unnatural and bad for you. Could it be that taking it in the butt and having sexual relations with your daughter be just as bad?
The comparison is valid. This is merely an example of why the appeal to natural law is a fallacy. Smoking is an unhealthy and unnatural. Yet, people accept smoking. Gay behavior is unhealthy and unnatural. Yet people don’t accept gay behavior.

Both those statements are wrong. You cannot be a smoker or you wouldn't say that smoking is accepted. It isn't. Laws have been passed that STOP me from smoking anywhere but my own home, and they'd love to stop even that. Lowe's Home Improvement Center will not hire smokers, or allow them to smoke anywhere during working hours. Not even sitting in their cars in the parking lot. Teachers are not allowed to smoke anywhere on school grounds. Smoking has been banned in many out door venues including sports arena's, public parks, and the beach. Even in places where outdoor smoking IS still allowed, we smokers are treated like shit on the bottom of someone's shoe.

I have had people tell me I stink. I have the phantom wave of the hand and the phony cough when someone just gets a glance at the fact that I have a cigarette in my hand, even if I'm not smoking it and it's unlit. I have had employees in my company complain about the fact that I have to walk by their desks to get to the back door of my building so I could get to the only place I can still smoke, which is next to a dumpster.

Gay behavior is NOT accepted, huh? Again, on what planet? The media can't depict a gay person in any other way than saintly and attractive without the gay rights advocates going balistic. Straight celebrities can't even deny being gay without being called intolerant bigots and homophomes. And heaven forbid they ever depict a bi-sexual character. Gays hate bi-sexuals because they screw up their arguments that their choice of sex partners is not just that, a choice.

Wanna talk about schools? Ever heard of the book Heather Has Two Mommies? Gay behavior is NOT accepted? Then how come any 6 year old can go to any public school in this country and read all about it?

You are making very dishonest arguments. I'm not sure if you are doing it on purpose, or if you really believe them. But you are wrong. In either case.
So you are admitting that homosexuality and having sex with your daughter are unnatural acts. By your comparison, smoking is unnatural and bad for you. Could it be that taking it in the butt and having sexual relations with your daughter be just as bad?

Yep. For the sake of argument, I’ll say that incest and homosexual behavior is unhealthy. We allow people to make bad choices.
Both those statements are wrong. You cannot be a smoker or you wouldn't say that smoking is accepted. It isn't. Laws have been passed that STOP me from smoking anywhere but my own home, and they'd love to stop even that. Lowe's Home Improvement Center will not hire smokers, or allow them to smoke anywhere during working hours. Not even sitting in their cars in the parking lot. Teachers are not allowed to smoke anywhere on school grounds. Smoking has been banned in many out door venues including sports arena's, public parks, and the beach. Even in places where outdoor smoking IS still allowed, we smokers are treated like shit on the bottom of someone's shoe.

I have had people tell me I stink. I have the phantom wave of the hand and the phony cough when someone just gets a glance at the fact that I have a cigarette in my hand, even if I'm not smoking it and it's unlit. I have had employees in my company complain about the fact that I have to walk by their desks to get to the back door of my building so I could get to the only place I can still smoke, which is next to a dumpster.

Gay behavior is NOT accepted, huh? Again, on what planet? The media can't depict a gay person in any other way than saintly and attractive without the gay rights advocates going balistic. Straight celebrities can't even deny being gay without being called intolerant bigots and homophomes. And heaven forbid they ever depict a bi-sexual character. Gays hate bi-sexuals because they screw up their arguments that their choice of sex partners is not just that, a choice.

Wanna talk about schools? Ever heard of the book Heather Has Two Mommies? Gay behavior is NOT accepted? Then how come any 6 year old can go to any public school in this country and read all about it?

You are making very dishonest arguments. I'm not sure if you are doing it on purpose, or if you really believe them. But you are wrong. In either case.

It is just relative and a matter of degrees. Okay. You gave some examples. Smoking is still allowed and accepted on bar patios and on public sidewalks in down town. Homosexual behavior (such as holding hands, kissing, and other signs of affection) is not accepted in certain neighborhoods.

In some places smoking is not accepted. In some places smoking is accepted. In some places, homosexual behavior is not accepted. In some places, homosexual behavior is accepted.
I certainly don't agree with those points of view, but I'm sure he must have SOME redeeming qualities as a person. I don't know him well enough to call him my "friend," but I don't hate him.

You said, "I like you matt". I was just wondering if you liked all people that thought screwing your daughter was OK...
Of course I do. Pale Rider seems to have a hang up on the fact that, years ago, one male friend and I “experimented” with each other – only going as far as mutual masturbation. He also can’t come to terms with the fact that I think that consenting adults, even within the same family should be allowed to engage in sexual activity if they so choose.

You're right krammer. I can't "come to terms" with sick fucking behavior like that. How you can you puke out that vile, disgusting, deviant, stomach wrenching shit openly is beyond me.

You're so fucking low you could walk under a snake, and you'd have to REACH UP to scratch it's belly.

Go ahead nienna... I don't want to "turn you away" from your newfound pervert friend. Maybe later on her can describe to you just HOW and WHAT he thinks is OK for daddy to do to daughter. Maybe you share that opinion.
Yep. For the sake of argument, I’ll say that incest and homosexual behavior is unhealthy. We allow people to make bad choices.

Do you also think that pedophilia is a misunderstood sexual orientation?

Many homosexuals believe that it is, you know. And no, I am not saying that pedophilia and homosexuality are the same thing. I am saying that I have seen more than one gay person argue that pedophilia is a sexual orientation and should not be a crime.

I'm not talking about NAMBLA. I've seen the argument made by very reasonable people, and I've seen discussions about it that take it very seriously.

They're all fucking nuts if you ask me.
You said, "I like you matt". I was just wondering if you liked all people that thought screwing your daughter was OK...

Of course not, Pale. I just tend to start out "liking" someone rather than being more "neutral," I guess. I'm not defending his point of view about incest or homosexuality; I stridently disagree with them. I just don't HATE him. That's all. Just a lack of hatred.

I'm a little confused about why you are baiting me about this. :confused:
Of course not, Pale. I just tend to start out "liking" someone rather than being more "neutral," I guess. I'm not defending his point of view about incest or homosexuality; I stridently disagree with them. I just don't HATE him. That's all. Just a lack of hatred.

I'm a little confused about why you are baiting me about this. :confused:

Not trying to "bait" you Nienna. I just thought it important to bring to your attention the sick opinions and thoughts that run through krammer's perverted mind.

When he came to this board it was... :blah2: He was unable to take a stand on anything. He was and still is more or less a fence sitter. But, with time, he's exposed himself as the deviant sack of horse piss that he is, and now all he say's is SICK... :blah2:

I don't have the time or patience to wade through all the screwed up psycho babble this incest defending homo shyster pumps out. I just thought maybe I'd bring you up to date and save you some time and effort as well.
Do you also think that pedophilia is a misunderstood sexual orientation?

Many homosexuals believe that it is, you know. And no, I am not saying that pedophilia and homosexuality are the same thing. I am saying that I have seen more than one gay person argue that pedophilia is a sexual orientation and should not be a crime.

I'm not talking about NAMBLA. I've seen the argument made by very reasonable people, and I've seen discussions about it that take it very seriously.

They're all fucking nuts if you ask me.

I’m somewhat libertarian with respect to sexual activity. It centers on informed mutual consent. A child is not in a position to really give informed mutual consent. An under-age child is not an equal in authority and power to an adult. Also the child is generally not mature enough or knowledgeable enough to really consider the possible emotional and physical consequences of having sex. We set minimum age limits for people. You can’t even be the president of the USA before age 35. You can’t drink before you reach a certain age. Pedophilia might or might not be a sexual orientation but I think that sex with a minor child should not be allowed. In fact, it should be treated as a crime – statutory rape.

Now, the minimum age limit for engaging in consensual sex may be up for debate. I don’t know what the exact minimum age should be. Should it be 16, 17, 18, or 21?
Not trying to "bait" you Nienna. I just thought it important to bring to your attention the sick opinions and thoughts that run through krammer's perverted mind.

When he came to this board it was... :blah2: He was unable to take a stand on anything. He was and still is more or less a fence sitter. But, with time, he's exposed himself as the deviant sack of horse piss that he is, and now all he say's is SICK... :blah2:

I don't have the time or patience to wade through all the screwed up psycho babble this incest defending homo shyster pumps out. I just thought maybe I'd bring you up to date and save you some time and effort as well.

Aaaw. I don’t think that people really need your help in understanding me. They can think and learn for themselves (perhaps better than you can) but don't worry, Pale Rider. I might post a warning that those people who dare to reply to me need to know that I think that civil unions should be allowed for gay couples and that adult incest should be allowed.

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