Both those statements are wrong. You cannot be a smoker or you wouldn't say that smoking is accepted. It isn't. Laws have been passed that STOP me from smoking anywhere but my own home, and they'd love to stop even that. Lowe's Home Improvement Center will not hire smokers, or allow them to smoke anywhere during working hours. Not even sitting in their cars in the parking lot. Teachers are not allowed to smoke anywhere on school grounds. Smoking has been banned in many out door venues including sports arena's, public parks, and the beach. Even in places where outdoor smoking IS still allowed, we smokers are treated like shit on the bottom of someone's shoe.
I have had people tell me I stink. I have the phantom wave of the hand and the phony cough when someone just gets a glance at the fact that I have a cigarette in my hand, even if I'm not smoking it and it's unlit. I have had employees in my company complain about the fact that I have to walk by their desks to get to the back door of my building so I could get to the only place I can still smoke, which is next to a dumpster.
Gay behavior is NOT accepted, huh? Again, on what planet? The media can't depict a gay person in any other way than saintly and attractive without the gay rights advocates going balistic. Straight celebrities can't even deny being gay without being called intolerant bigots and homophomes. And heaven forbid they ever depict a bi-sexual character. Gays hate bi-sexuals because they screw up their arguments that their choice of sex partners is not just that, a choice.
Wanna talk about schools? Ever heard of the book Heather Has Two Mommies? Gay behavior is NOT accepted? Then how come any 6 year old can go to any public school in this country and read all about it?
You are making very dishonest arguments. I'm not sure if you are doing it on purpose, or if you really believe them. But you are wrong. In either case.