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Gay Marriage to the Rescue!

OCA said:
Search USMB, the facts on these things that I will state have been posted dozens of times: homosexuals are disproportionately higher represented in spousal(partner) and drug and alcohol abuse not to mention that they carry a higher instance of infectious communicable diseases and they are represented higher in instances of pedophilia, kind of goes with the territory when you have to live with a disastorous lifestyle choice that they made. Don't ya think that these factors will ultimately lead to a high divorce if by some act of the devil they are granted the right to *gulp* marry?

ONe of the reasons why same sex marriages would fail at an alarming rate is because men are notoriously promiscuous. There is no woman in the relationship to demand fidelity. Men can have sex with a doorknob and not feel guilty, not so with women, FOR THE MOST PART. For a woman, sex is not merely a physical act, they mostly see it as an act of intimacy, men can, not always, but easily can do it merely as a physical act. Hell why do you think all men masturbate? hahah, cuz they are needing intimacy with themselves? This last part is not aimed at you OCA
Baloney. WHere does it say that?

It doesnt. The Declaration of Independence comes out and states it. The Bill of Rights, and many of the other Amendments though do assert that one of the basic principles behind the Constitution was to secure the rights of the minority, and to protect every individual from the tyranny of government.

Baloney, its a poor analogy at best. First off, a vast majority of blacks HATE it when people compare the two.


Interracial marriage has to do with how you were BORN, homosexual marriage and slavery both have something to do with a persons actions that can be construed, and is by most, as immoral. Is it immoral to be born with black skin? No, I dont think even you can go that far.

Let me play devils advocate here for a second. They may be born black, but they can marry another black person without problem. Why then should they want to marry a white? After all it is about CHOICE. Should they have the right to CHOOSE who they marry? The analogy does hold water, because the analogy is about the right to choose who you can marry (before you come in with the typical slippery slope argument, I mean consenting adult). The supreme court upheld that you have the right to choose who you marry.

You are delusional. The ONLY time the minority usurps the majority, is when the majority try to take away a Constitutional right by instituting a law without changing the Constitution. The majority can at any time, if they have a large enough majority, change the Constitution to anything they want. They can make slavery legal, they can put a nuclear power plant in your back yard. Majority rules, your psuedo liberal parroting of "minorities are protected from the majority" blah, blah blah, bullshit dont wash with me. SHOW ME where it says that.

Bill of Rights? 14th Amendment? Really now... If the majority rules so much, why the hell did the Federal Marriage Amendment just get shot down so hard? Seems to me like there isnt as great a majority as you would like us to believe. Come on now...

IDIOT, the Constitution was written, amended (still is today) and put into law because THE MAJORITY voted for it. The MAJORITY can change it anytime they want. THE MINORITY NEVER CAN NEVER.

Did I say anything to that effect? Unfortunately for you, you are not in the majority... It doesn't look like you will be stripping anyone of their rights anytime soon.

12 year old on steroids taking you apart piece by piece, hahha, you should be ashamed.

Temper, temper.
LuvRPgrl said:
what is a moderate conservative????????

The one who doesn't believe in interfering in other's affairs. The one who believes that the best government is the least government. The one who believes that the government should be fiscally controlled...

anyways, you dont know if most think like that. Your personal experiences with them is irrlevant, unless you travel the whole country and talk to hundreds of them in each location.

Why do that? Polling is an accurate representation of the public's opinion regarding an issue. The latest polls seem to show the country split half in half.

Besides, how can that be? when the issue went to the ballot box in about 18 states, every one of them overwhelmingly voted to ban same sex marriage. Some by nearly 80%, thats AN INCREDIBLE percentage.

Dear, what's 18/50?

Only Saddam ever did better, getting 99% and 100%, respectively, of the votes in Iraq, for his presidency.
And those who dont have issues with same sex marriage all that much are for the most part just thinking, as long as they dont bother me....


Homosexuals shouldnt have the same tax benefits of married couples. Why should a homosexual have a tax break that a single person doesnt get? Married couples are afforded tax breaks because for the most part, they are the ones who have kids, kids ARE EXPENSIVE, the tax break is for the kids, not the adults.

seperate but equal is a red herring, nice try though.

What the hell are you talking about? Homosexual couples should receive the same legal benefits that heterosexual couples do. Seriously? Why do you want to deny them of the same rights especially in the event of emergency? If their loved one has to be rushed to the emergency room, why should they have to wait for their loved one's parents to arrive to make medical decisions if they have been together for a significant amount of time? Do you feel that somehow doing so will justify their lifestyle? If so, why the hell do you care anyways? I don't care about what you do behind closed doors... Why the hell should you care about what other people do behind closed doors?

Who said anything about seperate but equal?
LuvRPgrl said:
ONe of the reasons why same sex marriages would fail at an alarming rate is because men are notoriously promiscuous. There is no woman in the relationship to demand fidelity. Men can have sex with a doorknob and not feel guilty, not so with women, FOR THE MOST PART. For a woman, sex is not merely a physical act, they mostly see it as an act of intimacy, men can, not always, but easily can do it merely as a physical act. Hell why do you think all men masturbate? hahah, cuz they are needing intimacy with themselves? This last part is not aimed at you OCA

Your generalization is flawed, at best, suggesting that men are little more than rutting beasts, incapable of controlling their emotions and desires.
Bullypulpit said:
Your generalization is flawed, at best, suggesting that men are little more than rutting beasts, incapable of controlling their emotions and desires.

As hard as I find it to believe, you obviously have never been in a "Gay" bar.
sitarro said:
As hard as I find it to believe, you obviously have never been in a "Gay" bar.

And you have...? The scene at a local leather bar is little different from that at the local dance clubs. Both are meat-markets.

Just as there are traditional establishments with better, and quieter, clientlele, so I have found there to be similar establishments frequented predominantly by gay couples. Like a local watering-hole wher you go to have a quiet drink and conversation with friends.

For every extreme you might wish to point out in the gay community, there is a similar extreme to be found in the straight community.
What's wrong to make the english language "official and unifying language". look around? There are milions who reside legally or illegally in U.S. and many of the can not say even a word in English. The country was founded but people who had English as their native language and it probably should be like this!

The US is going pretty liberal. Do you know that there are EU states like France and Greece... especially which do not recognize there are minorities in their countries. Those both signed a convention about national minorities. You can not get a job (or it is at least very had to do it) in any EU country withous speaking the language.

At the same time US taxpayers spend billions each year on rograms that aim to better integrate ethnic communities only because many people don't do nothing to study english.
aeromit said:
What's wrong to make the english language "official and unifying language". look around? There are milions who reside legally or illegally in U.S. and many of the can not say even a word in English. The country was founded but people who had English as their native language and it probably should be like this!

The US is going pretty liberal. Do you know that there are EU states like France and Greece... especially which do not recognize there are minorities in their countries. Those both signed a convention about national minorities. You can not get a job (or it is at least very had to do it) in any EU country withous speaking the language.

At the same time US taxpayers spend billions each year on rograms that aim to better integrate ethnic communities only because many people don't do nothing to study english.

A little off topic, aren't we? And, your own grasp of the English language appears tenuous at best.
Bullypulpit said:
And you have...? The scene at a local leather bar is little different from that at the local dance clubs. Both are meat-markets.

Just as there are traditional establishments with better, and quieter, clientlele, so I have found there to be similar establishments frequented predominantly by gay couples. Like a local watering-hole wher you go to have a quiet drink and conversation with friends.

For every extreme you might wish to point out in the gay community, there is a similar extreme to be found in the straight community.

As I have stated many times on this board, I have had many homosexual friends, both male and female. I also dated a woman who worked with a couple of guys who felt most comfortable at their favorite "gay" bar. When invited to join them, we would go. The bartenders(male, kind of) would almost always be wearing nothing but a g string and would kiss each of the guys that would approach the bar to order a drink.....my girlfriend would order our drinks for us because I wasn't interested in being anywhere near the bar. The guys in there wearing poorly applied makeup and extraordinarily drugged and drunk were the most disgusting after of course the bartenders.

This was 30 years ago and the AIDS epidemic hadn't hit the homosexual community yet. It was amazing to see the incredible contrast between one of these bars and a straight bar. What a joke to hear someone say that "gays" are nodifferent from straight(normal) people, if straight women acted the way "gay" men act they would be accussed of being whores and sluts. If straight men acted the way homosexuals act, they would be called promiscuous, sexually deviant jerks.
sitarro said:
So this is what passes for science in Europe today? What do you know about animals dumbass? Does your dog hump your leg? Do you think it is because he is a homosexual? Because a chimpanzee plays with his shit does that make you think it is appropriate behavior? Animals don't work the same way as humans, only a dimwitted liberal would use animal behavior to justify stupid behavior. Most people with any knowledge of animal behavior understand that they aren't homosexual, they will do things that may look like what homos do to each other but it is a form of domination over others or submission to others, it's not about sex(check the prisons for the same animal like behavior). Evolutionary standard....what a maroon. In the real world if a species isn't capable of reproducing itself it disappears by any evolutionary standard. It is either a birth defect or a lifestyle choice....period.
I'm always enthralled when I encounter someone who does not understand the scientific method, who seems to prefer self-induced fantasy to the facts at hand.

In this case, I posted some research on the subject. You posted nothing but a lot of hot air. I suggest you try to refute the information I sourced before your belief engine gets completely out of control.
LuvRPgrl said:
I see you are fairly new here. I have been challenged to provide proof many times in these forums on this site, and EVERY time I provided the information. The sources I have are extremely reliable and thats where I get my information. Unemployment has skyrocketed. The rest is quite easily verifiable.
Well, when you decide to release your extremely reliable sources so that others can verify them, please let me know.

In the meantime, you might find that the the Human Development Index contradicts many of the claims you made about European countries.

The UN Human Development Index (HDI) is a comparative measure of poverty, literacy, education, life expectancy, childbirth, and other factors for countries worldwide. It is a standard means of measuring well-being, especially child welfare.
I'm afraid that fantasy scenarios about life in Europe do not quite measure up to the hard facts.
LuvRPgrl said:
Now the amendment could be worded to simply put a federal restriction involving same sex unions and ONLY same sex unions.
It could also be worded "all human beings are equal but some are more equal than others. :)
LuvRPgrl said:
Also, liberals can scream all they want that homosexuality is natural and normal, but most of us are NEVER going to accept that when a man doesnt find a Halle Barry of Angeliina Joli, sexually stimulating, that there isnt something wrong with him.
Moral acceptance is not the issue with gay marriage. There was a time when people believed in witches and they burnt them at the stake. Not so long ago, rock and roll was considered by some as "the devil's music" and Elvis Presley was not "family entertainment", according to a certain Ed Sullivan.

There is a distinction between what some find "morally acceptable" and what others consider to be basic human rights and equality before the law. Americans no longer burn their fellow human beings at the stake. They no longer try to outlaw artistic expression they do not understand or appreciate. The Constitution has prevented them from doing so.

By any realistic measure, there is no base of support for a constitutional amendment against gay marriage in the USA. Those who wish to impose their subjective moral views on others, as history has shown repeatedly, are doomed to fail.
OCA said:
Search USMB, the facts on these things that I will state have been posted dozens of times: homosexuals are disproportionately higher represented in spousal(partner) and drug and alcohol abuse not to mention that they carry a higher instance of infectious communicable diseases and they are represented higher in instances of pedophilia, kind of goes with the territory when you have to live with a disastorous lifestyle choice that they made. Don't ya think that these factors will ultimately lead to a high divorce if by some act of the devil they are granted the right to *gulp* marry?
I think you're bluffing, OCA. As far as I know, even in countries that have homo-friendly legal structures (Canada and the EU), there are no reliable statistics about homosexual behavior.

Why don't you list two sources that provide such information, so that the skeptics among us can check them out?

Show me some facts; then I'll take you seriously.
LuvRPgrl said:
ONe of the reasons why same sex marriages would fail at an alarming rate is because men are notoriously promiscuous. There is no woman in the relationship to demand fidelity. Men can have sex with a doorknob and not feel guilty, not so with women, FOR THE MOST PART. For a woman, sex is not merely a physical act, they mostly see it as an act of intimacy, men can, not always, but easily can do it merely as a physical act. Hell why do you think all men masturbate? hahah, cuz they are needing intimacy with themselves? This last part is not aimed at you OCA
You didn't think this one through very carefully, LuvRPgrl. Same-sex marriages are not limited to two men, but also include two women.

According to your logic, then, lesbian marriages would not fail to the same extent as marriages between two men. Does this mean that, in order to save face, you are willing to cut off your nose? :)
sitarro said:
As I have stated many times on this board, I have had many homosexual friends, both male and female. I also dated a woman who worked with a couple of guys who felt most comfortable at their favorite "gay" bar. When invited to join them, we would go. The bartenders(male, kind of) would almost always be wearing nothing but a g string and would kiss each of the guys that would approach the bar to order a drink.....my girlfriend would order our drinks for us because I wasn't interested in being anywhere near the bar. The guys in there wearing poorly applied makeup and extraordinarily drugged and drunk were the most disgusting after of course the bartenders.

This was 30 years ago and the AIDS epidemic hadn't hit the homosexual community yet. It was amazing to see the incredible contrast between one of these bars and a straight bar. What a joke to hear someone say that "gays" are nodifferent from straight(normal) people, if straight women acted the way "gay" men act they would be accussed of being whores and sluts. If straight men acted the way homosexuals act, they would be called promiscuous, sexually deviant jerks.
Stereotypying is one of your strong points, I see. In logic, this line of argument is called a hasty generalization. The size of the sample is too small to support the conclusion.
sitarro said:
As I have stated many times on this board, I have had many homosexual friends, both male and female. I also dated a woman who worked with a couple of guys who felt most comfortable at their favorite "gay" bar. When invited to join them, we would go. The bartenders(male, kind of) would almost always be wearing nothing but a g string and would kiss each of the guys that would approach the bar to order a drink.....my girlfriend would order our drinks for us because I wasn't interested in being anywhere near the bar. The guys in there wearing poorly applied makeup and extraordinarily drugged and drunk were the most disgusting after of course the bartenders.

This was 30 years ago and the AIDS epidemic hadn't hit the homosexual community yet. It was amazing to see the incredible contrast between one of these bars and a straight bar. What a joke to hear someone say that "gays" are nodifferent from straight(normal) people, if straight women acted the way "gay" men act they would be accussed of being whores and sluts. If straight men acted the way homosexuals act, they would be called promiscuous, sexually deviant jerks.

There are women that are whores and sluts, there are gay men that are whores and sluts, hell there are even straight men that are "man whores".

You are quite a bit older than me and probably spend most of your time in standard neighborhood bars. Go into a club or bar that is filled with the high school (would have to be a club) or college age crowd and it is likely that there are quite a few people that are drunk, high from the reefer they smoked outside, rolling on ex, or buzzed from the line of blow they snorted off a urinal. I am sure the amount of drugged up gays also depends on the gay bar or club you attend.
1549 said:
There are women that are whores and sluts, there are gay men that are whores and sluts, hell there are even straight men that are "man whores".

You are quite a bit older than me and probably spend most of your time in standard neighborhood bars. Go into a club or bar that is filled with the high school (would have to be a club) or college age crowd and it is likely that there are quite a few people that are drunk, high from the reefer they smoked outside, rolling on ex, or buzzed from the line of blow they snorted off a urinal. I am sure the amount of drugged up gays also depends on the gay bar or club you attend.

15, you need to find a better class of bar to hang in. :wtf:

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