Gaza Battle Shifts To Beauty Aisle

And by that you revoke the Israelis from 'inner beauty' since we have two sides, Israel and the Palestinians it sound like you - pro-Palestinian - implying the Palestinians focus on inner beauty.

#1= I felt a lot of pain, and anger. No happiness at all but someone at the end of her rope. She is willing to give her life for the widows and orphans and for their sons who are bombed day and night in the attack.
Nah THEY won't defeat Israel by suicide bombing and killing 10 innocent civilians, so by that THEY are wasting the most precious gift of all - Life..and instead of helping widows and orphans, support them and feed them, well.
THEY does that to reach heaven, this is something you always fail to see, you can't understand that religious war exist because its unthinkable that someone would blow themselves to pieces just to kill few innocent people (kuffars - google it) and reach heaven as sacred warrior (sha'hid - google that)

Terrible pain and anger directly evolve to violence..that's not a good way to seek peace and happiness.that's selfishness, cruelty, and irrational thoughts..and all the anger and pain in the world doesn't justify anywhere in the world to do the smallest crime - all of that is a result of brainwashing and controlled hatred, you statement that it came out of emotional reaction could be accepted by law if it was an instant reaction maybe, but this is a long time of planning, don't let them fool you with that.

I Don't think there is much to understand, a 20 years old went through Qalandia checkpoint, she carried a knife in her bag, the guards went to check that against her refusal..and she pulled a knife out of her vagina and stabbed the guard for a mysterious reason, lot of anger and pain from the guard friends, but she is pretty much alive if you ask me.

She didn't lost her two girls by Israeli forces, stop analyzing lunatics, she is ungrateful psychopath and nothing beyond, this represent the absurd of the so called 'Israeli Apartheid' - and the same way you question every single detail about normal statements from Israeli sources, try investigate every word she says, Jerusalem is a Palestinians since when? one state solution with no Israel at all, and nobody else except Palestinians, remember the Arafat statement? 'Million suicide bombers on Jerusalem" - she supports it, killing Israeli civilians without even blinking, she also mentioned death is a natural thing to them, they are not afraid of death ('We love death as Israel loves life' - Hamas) - and above all she said its a RELIGIOUS MATTER..

Problem is you can't realize religious wars still exist..and no doubt this is very unlikely to think someone would wrap himself or his child with suicide explosives and tell him to go to a crowd full of heretics and press the button to wake up in heaven with 72 virgins..
OH did I say girls I meant boys. Wow what are you so angry about. Your not locked in a fence and loosing kids or have you. That is what happens to people when they are treated like animals, and you have no empathy at all. At least do you feel a little bad for all those dead and mained kids?

Unreal. So your military women are mainly there to entertain you guys. See the difference.

Matter of fact I'm so angry I'll probably go suicide killing some Christians because they don't see things my way.

PS. They are not 'military women'
I bet if those Gaza women disrobed they would put your IDF females to shame.
We both know this would never happen because of the way women being treated by Muslims, don't we? :lol:

Main beach at Gaza or should I say main bitch.

Those women were not attacking, unless attacked. That is different than being the aggressor.

Those woman look happy on the beach, but that is their lifestyle. They have come a long way in their dress. Give them time.

I don't know why your angry. Your free to do what you want. They are not.
Ok, First I never said the Palestinians had inner beauty, I said its better to have inner beauty that outer beauty.

I see she is willing to die for Allah and for Jerusalem.

Name ONE time Jerusalem is mentioned in the Quoran.
No deflections.

Hey they worshipped there as well for centuries. It doesn't belong to only Jews, it belongs to both, as well as Christians.

I said, "No deflections."
Jews and Christians have been worshiping in New York City for 200 years, yet have no "religious" claim to the city.
Ok, First I never said the Palestinians had inner beauty, I said its better to have inner beauty that outer beauty.

I see she is willing to die for Allah and for Jerusalem.

Name ONE time Jerusalem is mentioned in the Quoran.
No deflections.

Jerusalem is the capital and last I know Herod built the temple there or added on to the one that King Darius I paid to get built. Now why did you not stay and take care of that temple? the Palestinians stayed. So that gives them the right. Besides there is no evidence of king David or Solomon. Get over yourself.

Quoran, honey pie.
It's your problem that over a billion people have a different historical time line than you.
I guess you deny the Roman Conquest.
Jerusalem always had Jewish presence and even established by Jews, but of course they claim its theirs..
As a Christian I would like you to read Yehezkel prophecy regarding the Gog and Magog war of the last days.
Name ONE time Jerusalem is mentioned in the Quoran.
No deflections.

Jerusalem is the capital and last I know Herod built the temple there or added on to the one that King Darius I paid to get built. Now why did you not stay and take care of that temple? the Palestinians stayed. So that gives them the right. Besides there is no evidence of king David or Solomon. Get over yourself.

Quoran, honey pie.
It's your problem that over a billion people have a different historical time line than you.
I guess you deny the Roman Conquest.

Jerusalem would not be mentioned in the Quran as the book was closed 20 years after Muhammad died. According to the article below, the Al Aqsa Mosque and Temple Mount were built in 691 and 720 when the Muslims had control of Palestinia. It then became a holy site for them. Here is the article:

In 131, Emperor Hadrian renamed Jerusalem Aelia Capitolina and constructed a Temple of Jupiter on the site of the former Jewish temple. Jews were banned from Jerusalem and Roman Judaea was renamed Syria Palaestina, from which derived "Palestine" in English and "Filistin" in Arabic

In 638 CE, the Byzantine Empire lost the Levant to the Arab Islamic Empire
After the conquest, the majority of the population (probably including many Jews) became Arabized in culture and language, many also adopting the new faith of Islam.[68] The Muslims continued to ban the building of new synagogues.[69

Seventy Jewish families from Tiberias moved to Jerusalem in order to help strengthen the Jewish community there.[71] But with the construction of the Dome of the Rock in 691 and the Al-Aqsa Mosque in 705, the Muslims established the Temple Mount as an Islamic holy site. The dome enshrined the Foundation Stone, the holiest site for Jews. Before Omar Abd al-Aziz died in 720, he banned the Jews from worshipping on the Temple Mount,[72] a policy which remained in place for over the next 1,000 years of Islamic rule.[73] In around 875, Karaite leader Daniel al-Kumisi arrived in Jerusalem and established an ascetic community of Mourners of Zion.[74] Michael the Syrian notes thirty synagogues which were destroyed in Tiberias by the earthquake of 749.[75]

History of the Jews and Judaism in the Land of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The British mandate made Jerusalem a neutral area. So as it would appear the Palestinians have as much a right if not more than the Jewish people there, and the west wall maybe part of the temple of Jupiter. (how do you know its not?)
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[MENTION=50023]Penelope[/MENTION]: From your quote:

The dome enshrined the Foundation Stone, the holiest site for Jews.

Pretty much proves the prior claim, doesn't it?

And the question was pretty much just a yes or no . . . . a simple 'no' would have sufficed for all of us.
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[MENTION=50023]Penelope[/MENTION]: From your quote:

The dome enshrined the Foundation Stone, the holiest site for Jews.

Pretty much proves the prior claim, doesn't it?

No one said it was not a holy site for Jews but they lost it, and well Jews do just fine in all the other countries without the temple, unless some of you are preparing for the last days. That is one of the reasons the British made it a neutral area.
[MENTION=50023]Penelope[/MENTION]: From your quote:

The dome enshrined the Foundation Stone, the holiest site for Jews.

Pretty much proves the prior claim, doesn't it?

No one said it was not a holy site for Jews but they lost it, and well Jews do just fine in all the other countries without the temple, unless some of you are preparing for the last days. That is one of the reasons the British made it a neutral area.

That's because you haven't read the prophecies describing the eventual return of the Jews to the Holy Land.
Some people tend to read the verses about the destruction and dispersion but ignore the redemption.
Jerusalem was NEVER a Muslim holy site.
[MENTION=50023]Penelope[/MENTION]: From your quote:

Pretty much proves the prior claim, doesn't it?

No one said it was not a holy site for Jews but they lost it, and well Jews do just fine in all the other countries without the temple, unless some of you are preparing for the last days. That is one of the reasons the British made it a neutral area.

That's because you haven't read the prophecies describing the eventual return of the Jews to the Holy Land.
Some people tend to read the verses about the destruction and dispersion but ignore the redemption.
Jerusalem was NEVER a Muslim holy site.

NO I have read them and listened talks and videos about them and well I am not one who believes them. I am not a fundamentalist or evangelical Christian. Also I do not believe in fortune tellers or prophecies. Any of us can prophecy about the future and many do. Some have even been to heaven and back and seen the face of Jesus, and Jesus talks to them. I really have no problem with Jews returning to Israel/Palestine, but this bloodshed has to quit. The Palestinians have as much right to be there as you do and live under their own rules or laws. The true Torah Jews have a different take on this matter as well. I mean we all love fantasy stories, but we need to be realistic.
Palestinians have zero claim on Jerusalem in general, and ZERO religious claim on any part in Israel.
Palestinians have zero claim on Jerusalem in general, and ZERO religious claim on any part in Israel.

Not according to history and the simple fact that Britain made Jerusalem a neutral place. It has been a holy site for Muslims for hundreds of years, and because some Jews decided to return its now theirs, I don't think so. Its also a Christian site as well. It must be a shared site.
Palestinians have zero claim on Jerusalem in general, and ZERO religious claim on any part in Israel.
Not according to history and the simple fact that Britain made Jerusalem a neutral place. It has been a holy site for Muslims for hundreds of years, and because some Jews decided to return its now theirs, I don't think so. Its also a Christian site as well. It must be a shared site.
There was no "pilgrimage" to the "holy" Al Aqsa mosque in that turkish backyard. Jerusalem isn't the third holiest in islam and it's never mentioned in the koran, of course.
Palestinians have zero claim on Jerusalem in general, and ZERO religious claim on any part in Israel.
Not according to history and the simple fact that Britain made Jerusalem a neutral place. It has been a holy site for Muslims for hundreds of years, and because some Jews decided to return its now theirs, I don't think so. Its also a Christian site as well. It must be a shared site.
There was no "pilgrimage" to the "holy" Al Aqsa mosque in that turkish backyard. Jerusalem isn't the third holiest in islam and it's never mentioned in the koran, of course.

It doesn't matter, the Quran was closed when they took over Jerusalem and built their Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, which is why its not in the Quran.
Palestinians have zero claim on Jerusalem in general, and ZERO religious claim on any part in Israel.

Well apparently they do or why would they have a mosque there and the dome of the rock. Where were the Jews when this building was going on??

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