Geico pig ad celebrates bestiality


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
[ame=]Maxwell the GEICO Pig Goes on a Date - New Piggy Commercial - YouTube[/ame]

Geico pig ad celebrates bestiality, Christian mothers group says (VIDEO)

Alexander Besant

A new commercial by the insurance company Geico that sees a pig and a woman on a date promotes bestiality, says a Christian group.

One Million Moms says that the commercial is sleazy and gives kids the wrong idea about animals, said ABC News.

"It was just a pretty sleazy type of commercial because the girl [in the commercial] was really disappointed when she realized they wouldn't be able to pass the time alone together," said Monica Cole, Director of One Million Moms, according to Gawker.


Geico pig ad celebrates bestiality, Christian mothers group says

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The pig is only interested in video games. Note to one million moms....pigs don't talk
Wait till the One Million Moms group sees this ad!
It may push them over the edge.

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Remember the Oikos commercial with John Stamos, where he was teasing a woman with yogurt, but denies her, so she headbutts him and knocks him to the ground? If the roles were reversed and a man headbutted a woman and knocked her 10 feet away, would you just be saying "stupid Oikos commercial". Liberals and feminists would be having the biggeset, limp wristedest hissy fit of all time.
Remember the Oikos commercial with John Stamos, where he was teasing a woman with yogurt, but denies her, so she headbutts him and knocks him to the ground? If the roles were reversed and a man headbutted a woman and knocked her 10 feet away, would you just be saying "stupid Oikos commercial". Liberals and feminists would be having the biggeset, limp wristedest hissy fit of all time.

Headbutting John Stamos is almost like headbutting a girl. :D
Remember the Oikos commercial with John Stamos, where he was teasing a woman with yogurt, but denies her, so she headbutts him and knocks him to the ground? If the roles were reversed and a man headbutted a woman and knocked her 10 feet away, would you just be saying "stupid Oikos commercial". Liberals and feminists would be having the biggeset, limp wristedest hissy fit of all time.

This commercial was offensive even before anyone else complained.

Here we have a reasonably attractive young woman who wants to fuck a pig. There's no one else available, the pig will do. I immediately thought of Sandra Fluke. Didn't anyone see this commercial and just want to say "Hey lady, are you so hard up you want to fuck a PIG?" Even a cute pig. The punchline being, not even the pig wants her!

Geico is no stranger to making women appear sexually foolish. They had a commercial where some teenager was giving the gecko the come on at a wedding. The gecko at least had the grace to respond "Good Grief". The punchline being, not even the gecko wants her.

The commercials are reduced to the message "Women will fuck anything". They just want someone else to pay for it.
Some people find the most trivial things to be offended by.

Perhaps I should amend my previous post to say a million and one "moms" are in desperate need of finding a life.
Gosh, I wonder if they know about this...

[ame=]Geico Emergency Road Care Commercial - YouTube[/ame]
This commercial was offensive even before anyone else complained.

Here we have a reasonably attractive young woman who wants to fuck a pig. There's no one else available, the pig will do. I immediately thought of Sandra Fluke. Didn't anyone see this commercial and just want to say "Hey lady, are you so hard up you want to fuck a PIG?" Even a cute pig. The punchline being, not even the pig wants her!

Geico is no stranger to making women appear sexually foolish. They had a commercial where some teenager was giving the gecko the come on at a wedding. The gecko at least had the grace to respond "Good Grief". The punchline being, not even the gecko wants her.

The commercials are reduced to the message "Women will fuck anything". They just want someone else to pay for it.

Ya know, if there was a matchmaking forum here, I'd want to introduce you to novasteve.
LOL I thought the 'when pigs fly' ad funny as it plays on common used phrases and draws you in. I guess they got carried away with the success of that ad.
This commercial was offensive even before anyone else complained.

Here we have a reasonably attractive young woman who wants to fuck a pig. There's no one else available, the pig will do. I immediately thought of Sandra Fluke. Didn't anyone see this commercial and just want to say "Hey lady, are you so hard up you want to fuck a PIG?" Even a cute pig. The punchline being, not even the pig wants her!

Geico is no stranger to making women appear sexually foolish. They had a commercial where some teenager was giving the gecko the come on at a wedding. The gecko at least had the grace to respond "Good Grief". The punchline being, not even the gecko wants her.

The commercials are reduced to the message "Women will fuck anything". They just want someone else to pay for it.

Ya know, if there was a matchmaking forum here, I'd want to introduce you to novasteve.

If there were a matchmaking service here, there would probably be a lot more emotionally damaged children running around, so it's probably just as well there isn't.
It says more about how we think of women. Women should be outraged and they aren't. They accept that when no one else is available women will fuck pigs. Even attractive women will fuck pigs. Where are the feminists? They should be first up there screaming that women don't fuck pigs and how dare you portray us like that just to sell insurance. Women, the butt of every bawdy joke. That's what they put up with today. It's funny.

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