General energy news

I noticed the zero evidence that you offered. A lot of words, all about what you wish was true.

Experience, with oil and gas, or, is the basis for the words.

You want evidence? Sure…here is terrified of the great natural gas cliff in 2005. Gee…what foresight, right?

Without even trying hard…took 1 minute….and look, they even talk about Darley! Quick fact check…where do the roots of PCI come from?:eusa_whistle:

You can just SMELL the same sort of fear mongering that peak oilers manufacture by the boatload, and PCI is desperately trying to sell in their trips to Washington to try and convince the professionals.

A Halfwit circa 2005 when they were really scared! said:
As Julian Darley described so well in his recent book High Noon For Natural Gas, North America is now in the early stages of a continent-wide natural gas supply crisis.

The Energy Potential of Geopressurized Brine : Energy Technology - Peak Oil News and Message Boards

and here is PCI hoping, wishing, DREAMING for some credibility, and just not being able to sell their hopes and wishes…

Post Carbon Institute Goes to Washington

PMZ said:
While you can wish for the moon, people who solve problems and make progress have to be more grounded in reality.

Damn straight. Those of us who have drilled wells, purchased commercial power, delivered CH4 to the burner tip, done the science, explained the analysis to the world and others know darn well the value of solving these problems.

And we don't pimp the latest investor hopes and dreams when it comes to keeping the lights on, and the power flowing.
In the meantime, its radar passes will continue to fill in gaps in the scientists' surface map. One key flyover next year will allow the probe to take similar bathymetric measurements at Kraken.

"Kraken's area is four to five times the size Ligeia, so if it has a similar depth profile you would expect it to have about 200 times the proven oil reserves on Earth," said Alex Hayes from Cornell University.

"By way of comparison, the estimate for the volume of Ligeia is twice that of Lake Michigan. And for all the [seas on Titan], it is 15 times the volume of Lake Michigan."

BBC News - Titan moon's colossal methane seas

You fossil fuel fuckers must be licking your fucking lips ;) This is the only way you can honestly compete with solar in the long run.
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I noticed the zero evidence that you offered. A lot of words, all about what you wish was true.

Experience, with oil and gas, or, is the basis for the words.

You want evidence? Sure…here is terrified of the great natural gas cliff in 2005. Gee…what foresight, right?

Without even trying hard…took 1 minute….and look, they even talk about Darley! Quick fact check…where do the roots of PCI come from?:eusa_whistle:

You can just SMELL the same sort of fear mongering that peak oilers manufacture by the boatload, and PCI is desperately trying to sell in their trips to Washington to try and convince the professionals.

A Halfwit circa 2005 when they were really scared! said:
As Julian Darley described so well in his recent book High Noon For Natural Gas, North America is now in the early stages of a continent-wide natural gas supply crisis.

The Energy Potential of Geopressurized Brine : Energy Technology - Peak Oil News and Message Boards

and here is PCI hoping, wishing, DREAMING for some credibility, and just not being able to sell their hopes and wishes…

Post Carbon Institute Goes to Washington

PMZ said:
While you can wish for the moon, people who solve problems and make progress have to be more grounded in reality.

Damn straight. Those of us who have drilled wells, purchased commercial power, delivered CH4 to the burner tip, done the science, explained the analysis to the world and others know darn well the value of solving these problems.

And we don't pimp the latest investor hopes and dreams when it comes to keeping the lights on, and the power flowing.

Investors live in the future, you in the past. Here's a hint. The past is not coming back.
Investors live in the future, you in the past. Here's a hint. The past is not coming back.

Yes. Those of us who invest are well aware of that. Those of us actually providing a majority of the energy used in the country, and world, are also aware of this.

Feel free to find as many Solyndras as possible and invest in them.
Investors live in the future, you in the past. Here's a hint. The past is not coming back.

Yes. Those of us who invest are well aware of that. Those of us actually providing a majority of the energy used in the country, and world, are also aware of this.

Feel free to find as many Solyndras as possible and invest in them.

Your comment reveals the majestic depth of your ignorance in the business risk inherent in new technology, and why, if we waited for people like you to fund it, we'd be decades behind the rest of the world.

Conservatism is always unaffordable.
CPI completes massive hybrid solar PV/hydro plant in Western China

A subsidiary of China Power Investment Corp. (CPI, Beijing) has completed 320 MW solar photovoltaic (PV) plant co-located with an existing hydroelectric dam in Qinghai Province, Northwestern China.

Through this design, the 1.28 GW Longyangxia Hydro Power Station will smooth the output of the PV portion of the plant. This is one of the largest PV plants in the world, as well as the largest PV/hydro project to date.

Hydroelectric generation has been used successfully in other regions of the world to balance the variable output of renewable energy sources cheaply on a very large scale. The very high rate of wind penetration on the Danish grid – around a third of electricity demand – is made possible by balancing the variable output with hydroelectric generation in Sweden and Norway.

KW50*|*CPI completes massive hybrid solar PV/hydro plant in Western China*-*SolarServer
Feel free to find as many Solyndras as possible and invest in them.

Your comment reveals the majestic depth of your ignorance in the business risk inherent in new technology, and why, if we waited for people like you to fund it, we'd be decades behind the rest of the world.

Conservatism is always unaffordable.

While you might be correct, that with experience in an industry that has been around since, and itself lifted mankind out of the wonders of a horse powered world, I am less experienced in risk of a new business, that is basically irrelevant to the point.

I have no objection to solar, wind, tide, dairy farms and land fill methane projects in the least. But no objection does not translate to either Matthews whole hearted pimping of investor presentations of things that are not ready for prime time, let alone pretending that spectacular failures to date, backed by the US government and possibly financed because they were pimping the ignorant in that government.

FUNDING is not the issue, the ability to meet the criteria laid down by flacaltenn is.

Tell me about your particular favorite technologies ability to deliver my 150 MW at 10PM on next Thursday night to the northern Arkansas power grid. And after you convince me that you can deliver said power, tell me how much you would like for said power.

Make it cheaper than the folks I normally would buy such power from, and undoubtedly you will succeed. Your hopes and dreams can not yet be counted on to fulfill this basic requirement of power sales, even after how many decades of government funded, and wasted, monies?

Pimp investors all you'd like, answer the above question with a number less than that provided by NG and you are golden and require no idiots like Matthew to pimp uniform farts and hopium.
Feel free to find as many Solyndras as possible and invest in them.

Your comment reveals the majestic depth of your ignorance in the business risk inherent in new technology, and why, if we waited for people like you to fund it, we'd be decades behind the rest of the world.

Conservatism is always unaffordable.

While you might be correct, that with experience in an industry that has been around since, and itself lifted mankind out of the wonders of a horse powered world, I am less experienced in risk of a new business, that is basically irrelevant to the point.

I have no objection to solar, wind, tide, dairy farms and land fill methane projects in the least. But no objection does not translate to either Matthews whole hearted pimping of investor presentations of things that are not ready for prime time, let alone pretending that spectacular failures to date, backed by the US government and possibly financed because they were pimping the ignorant in that government.

FUNDING is not the issue, the ability to meet the criteria laid down by flacaltenn is.

Tell me about your particular favorite technologies ability to deliver my 150 MW at 10PM on next Thursday night to the northern Arkansas power grid. And after you convince me that you can deliver said power, tell me how much you would like for said power.

Make it cheaper than the folks I normally would buy such power from, and undoubtedly you will succeed. Your hopes and dreams can not yet be counted on to fulfill this basic requirement of power sales, even after how many decades of government funded, and wasted, monies?

Pimp investors all you'd like, answer the above question with a number less than that provided by NG and you are golden and require no idiots like Matthew to pimp uniform farts and hopium.

Of course, there is no long term solution to your future energy needs. Only past memories. That’s why government is the only man standing in developing a long term solution.

To not squeeze all that can be from fuel-less and waste-less sources would be monumental foolishness.

Especially when it's so clear that the first major problem to be solved is in transportation. Which requires built in energy storage.

We can't move to EVs charged by intermittent energy sources load matched by variable pricing quick enough. Any progress saves diminishing oil reserves for things that we have no alternative for like airplanes.
Of course, there is no long term solution to your future energy needs. Only past memories. That’s why government is the only man standing in developing a long term solution.

Government is the gang throwing money into Solyndra. That isn't called last man standing, but how much taxpayer funds will be used to pay off the loans on ideas that don't work.

PMZ said:
To not squeeze all that can be from fuel-less and waste-less sources would be monumental foolishness.

Of course it would be. And to recognize that renewables have a real, REAL problem with providing base load is the same.

PMZ said:
Especially when it's so clear that the first major problem to be solved is in transportation. Which requires built in energy storage.

Transportation is kids stuff. I already do it, other folks at my kids school do it, the solutions are easy as walking down to your favorite car dealer and buying one. My UPS delivery truck isn't even powered by liquid fuels anymore but compressed natural gas….you could turn entire communities into places transported without needing crude oil from countries either contributing to the US trade imbalance or just want to kill Americans…but no…Americans can't even be counted on to do the right thing when it really is the right thing, now can they?

But that is why the solution to much of this is generational in nature.

PMZ said:
We can't move to EVs charged by intermittent energy sources load matched by variable pricing quick enough. Any progress saves diminishing oil reserves for things that we have no alternative for like airplanes.

Oil reserves haven't "diminished" in decades, and certainly aren't showing signs of doing it anytime soon either.
I noticed the zero evidence that you offered. A lot of words, all about what you wish was true.

Experience, with oil and gas, or, is the basis for the words.

You want evidence? Sure…here is terrified of the great natural gas cliff in 2005. Gee…what foresight, right?

Without even trying hard…took 1 minute….and look, they even talk about Darley! Quick fact check…where do the roots of PCI come from?:eusa_whistle:

You can just SMELL the same sort of fear mongering that peak oilers manufacture by the boatload, and PCI is desperately trying to sell in their trips to Washington to try and convince the professionals.

A Halfwit circa 2005 when they were really scared! said:
As Julian Darley described so well in his recent book High Noon For Natural Gas, North America is now in the early stages of a continent-wide natural gas supply crisis.

The Energy Potential of Geopressurized Brine : Energy Technology - Peak Oil News and Message Boards

and here is PCI hoping, wishing, DREAMING for some credibility, and just not being able to sell their hopes and wishes…

Post Carbon Institute Goes to Washington

PMZ said:
While you can wish for the moon, people who solve problems and make progress have to be more grounded in reality.

Damn straight. Those of us who have drilled wells, purchased commercial power, delivered CH4 to the burner tip, done the science, explained the analysis to the world and others know darn well the value of solving these problems.

And we don't pimp the latest investor hopes and dreams when it comes to keeping the lights on, and the power flowing.

Sounds like you're trying to keep your job in a dying industry. You're obsolete. Wishing otherwise is not going to cut it.
Sounds like you're trying to keep your job in a dying industry.

Oh…doesn't strike me as dying quite yet, if measured in terms of who makes the most QUADS of BTUs for human use. And will for the foreseeable future. You have seen the IEA estimates on such things I assume? Funny…they don't assume that everything will be run by windmills and solar over the next quarter century any more then I do.

PMZ said:
You're obsolete. Wishing otherwise is not going to cut it.

Oil is obsolete. That doesn't mean it, and me, don't have plenty of time left because folks…they just keep asking for the stuff.

Renewables at 14% in 2035…go renewables!!

The oil reserves might last, if we stretch them, for 100 years. Probably less. We can burn them up in devices for which we have options, or save them for things with no options. We can also decide not to waste what we burn in ridiculous cars.

We can also save ourselves a ton of money by not putting all of that sequestered carbon back into the atmosphere as GHG.
I am not fighting to replace fossil fuels but to use less of them.

Why do you need to "fight" to use less fossil fuels? It's so easy, you walk, you mass transit, you go EV and put panels on the roof. Pimping investor hopium to the masses certainly isn't fighting.

Matthew said:
Why not 20% of our electricy from wind, solar, wave and hydro? Less imports from the middle east that hates us.

20% is fine. Or even the 14% in the graphic I provided. And then after that bring in the nukes and natural gas!!!
The oil reserves might last, if we stretch them, for 100 years.

Stretching them, they might go 200.

PMZ said:
We can burn them up in devices for which we have options, or save them for things with no options. We can also decide not to waste what we burn in ridiculous cars.

Plenty folks are already covering that base!! They even reduced the price this year so others can join in on the boycotting of any fuels from outside the country!


PMZ said:
We can also save ourselves a ton of money by not putting all of that sequestered carbon back into the atmosphere as GHG.

We can save ourselves a ton of money by using the products that cost us the least money! Bring on more CH4!! Burn it and get the work out of it before it becomes CO2 using natural processes anyway!
Why do you believe methane after these millennia underground will, all of a sudden pop out?

You believe that your denial of AGW will turn it off. I don't think that you have anywhere near that much power.

It is already taking hundreds of lives and costing billions of dollars every year. That's a drop in the bucket compared to what it will do, whether or not you deny it.
Why do you believe methane after these millennia underground will, all of a sudden pop out?

I don't. But just as geologic time (not all of a sudden by human measure) will unroof oil and gas fields in time, it will do the same for the hydrates. Might as well get the work out of them before all of this happens.

PMZ said:
You believe that your denial of AGW will turn it off. I don't think that you have anywhere near that much power.

Nobody who has taken Geology 101 can deny climate warming, it can be proven with the glacial boulders and other evidence in Central Park to anyone silly enough to not believe that the planet has warmed substantially. Apparently, more than a few times since the last ice age.

PMZ said:
It is already taking hundreds of lives and costing billions of dollars every year. That's a drop in the bucket compared to what it will do, whether or not you deny it.

Warming has already opened up more opportunities and land for humans than the "warm is bad" gang will ever admit. People have been getting killed by weather events during the Little Ice Age as well as prior periods of warming, so pretending that the death toll is some sort of measure is just standard fear mongering.
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AGW is what we control. We're doing it and we can stop doing it. Anybody who tries to sell that changes to the climate that mankind has adapted to in everything that we've built will be a piece of cake is guilty of dreaming rather than planning.

We can put all of the carbon that nature sequestered for us back into the atmosphere and recreate the hostile climate that existed then, then move to sustainable energy sources, or we can move more rapidly to sustainable and spend less on adaptation to a new climate.

I choose the less expensive route, you, the more costly.

The only reason that I can imagine that you'd do that is to kick the can down the road to our grandchildren.

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