General Flynn pleads - GUILTY! - Lock him up!... and Hillary laughs and laughs and laughs!

He was probably guilty of much more than lying but made a deal to plead guilty for the lesser charge.

You know what that means!!!!!?!?!?!???!?!?!?!?!

He's flipping on Trump.

I hope so. I hope Flynn brings the big orange motherfuckin' liar down to his fat knees.
read the charge, lying to the FBI. Not russia russia. what's wrong with you. I think your hate for trump is over the top there bubba. you need some help. I would love to see secret service show up at your door. You think you're safe behind a PC.
read the charge, lying to the FBI.

Yes, lying about his contacts with the Russian ambassador, dope.
yep, so? what's that got to do with trump? a lie is on flynn. ain't it? no where do I see colluding with russia. no where there at all. do you feel it's trump's fault he lied? I'm trying to figure out where your needle's going.
It's comical how often the butt-hurt crew gets their hopes up to have them dashed by facts It is a combination of dishonest and fake news and exceedingly low intelligence more than any real hope they wish they had.
/——/ Flynn worked in the Obozo administration and the two hated each other so much, Obozo warned Trump not to deal with him. Trump fired him after 25 days. Flynn was charged with a process crime of lying to the FBI to get Cooperation. If there was an espionage crime out there Flynn would have been changed with that instead. Libs got nothing
He probably wanted Flynn to spite Obama.
probably because he was a general and had experience. Seems reasonable to me. The problem was his experience was with obummer and he learned some pretty stupid lessons.
If it was a deal he would have walked.
Some lie is all they had. Said he liked blue when everyone knows he likes green.
Yet another wet dream wakes up to a bucket of cold water being poured.

Pleading guilty to a 5 year felony, in return for cooperation and dropping the other dozens of felonies they indicted him for.
Nothing burger.
Nothing burger with a side of Felony.

It's that side that gives you heartburn.
felony for who?
My question is why is he being charged if he is supposedly flipping on Trump? I thought people who flipped got immunity?

he's being charged with a lot less than he could have been charged with.

that's how it works.
how do you know? you all fking crack me up like your all sitting in the room listening to the discussion. fk is that hilarious.
Strange how a guy who never made it into the Trump Administration gives you so much pleasure.

Flynn was Trump's NatSec adviser, a Transition official, and campaign surrogate. So you're lying. Why?

Flynn may admit to being dishonest with an overly political and corrupt FBI, but try explaining how this has anything to do with Russia hacking the election, Hmmmmm???

Flynn lied about his contacts with Russia, so it stands to reason he lied about his contacts with Russia as it relates to the 2016 campaign. We don't know for sure because we don't know much beyond the details of his plea, but if Flynn took a plea deal for lying to the FBI (A pretty serious offense that will result in jail time), then what he has to tell must be pretty fucking huge.

There is still no indication that Trump is being investigated, much less any evidence of anything other than process crimes intended to flip witnesses.

At this point, only Russian trolls are pretending Trump's not under investigation.
I guess James Comey fits that description.

I know you little Snowflakes are hoping for some big announcement, but truthfully the only person guilty of crimes in this investigation is Mueller. Leaking Grand Jury testimony to the press is a felony.
Poor thing.

Don't cry.

Criminals and traitors are bad people.

If you didn't admire them so, you wouldn't be shedding bucket's of tears.

Once again...the Obama Snowflake projects his sins on someone else.
James Comey tweeted:


Fukking Hilarious!
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View attachment 163842
Remember, Trump attempted to push Comey into going easy on Flynn. Now that Flynn admitted in court, his guilt, there is definitely grounds for Obstruction of Justice.
trump tried to squash all the Congressional investigations also.

There is obstruction all over the place including the firing of Comey
Remember, Trump attempted to push Comey into going easy on Flynn. Now that Flynn admitted in court, his guilt, there is definitely grounds for Obstruction of Justice.
trump tried to squash all the Congressional investigations also.

There is obstruction all over the place including the firing of Comey
trump wants the congress to work on his agenda. two years of investigating russia is old, it's time to move on. I'm with him, they have a special prosecutor now do your fking jobs.
accept that Trump is up river. not following where that is going. the term roll down means everyone underneath someone, and Trump isn't below flynn. so, you're just a lost little parrot.
So we have a Scooter Libby approach to this investigation. What you hear now is the slurping sound at the bottom of a dry hole when a prosecutor can’t find anything worth charging and the defendants have been cooperative i.e. stupid. The ‘Don’t Talk to the Police’ rule just keeps getting more applicable here.
So we have a Scooter Libby approach to this investigation.

No, what we have is a very high level Trump administration official who is pleading guilty to lying to federal investigators. As it was a single charge, it's likely that a deal has already been made. Flynn has flipped.
What was the lie?

A Steve McGarrett Breaking Update!

Mueller couldn't find anything Russia related to Trump so he gave Flynn the Martha Stewart treatment.

There are multiple charges that could have been made. The fact that he has pleaded to a single charge is indicitive of a deal. They don't give deals unless there's something more useful to be gained by Flynn testifying.
If it was a deal he would have walked.
Some lie is all they had. Said he liked blue when everyone knows he likes green.
Yet another wet dream wakes up to a bucket of cold water being poured.
If it was a deal he would have walked.

Not necessarily. They simply said plea to this single charge, tell us everything you know, testify and we won't charge you with anything else. He's flipped.
But justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream” Amos 5:24

Wonder if he will feel the same way when he can't find a life preserver?
No they denied any such meetings LOL
They did no such thing...the admitted to meetings with many foreign leaders...A natural act for the president elect.

huh? are you saying that didn't happen? are you also saying obummer didn't do that when he came into office? huh?
Obama didn't make it a secret and lie to the FBI dunce.

Remember, under Bush, logs of who visited the White House were kept secret from the public.

Under Obama, he made the log of White House visits open to the public.

Under Trump, they were made secret again.

Republicans like to hide stuff.

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