General Mattis steamrolls DEM senator on LGBT in military questions


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
General Mattis Steamrolls Dem Senator On ‘LGBT In Military’ Questions

General James “Mad Dog” Mattis methodically mopped the floor with Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) as she attempted to corral him on questions pertaining to homosexuals in the military and women in combat during his confirmation hearing.

“Do you believe that allowing LGBT Americans to serve in the military, or women in combat, is undermining our lethality?” asked Gillibrand.

“Frankly Senator, I’ve never cared much about two consenting adults and who they go to bed with,” Mattis replied, bluntly.

“So… the answer is ‘no’?” returned Gillibrand.


As typical as it is they try and trap him, so they can attack his views. No you see nobody gives a damn who serves as long as they can do the job. Nobody gives a damn as long as they are not forced to do certain ethical issues whatever.

The only thing that shouldn't be done is LOWERING the standards gay not gay , tranny not tranny the damn standards need to stay the same. If you are female to fkn bad want to play like a man then pass it like a man.

"My concern is the readiness of the force to fight."
These poor Lefty's are imploding.

Mattis doesn’t seem to mind gays being in the military. Not sure how that equals an “implosion” on the political left. He also thinks NATO is vital from his testimony yesterday which is 180 degrees opposite of what Trump campaigned on.
seems to me that all the TRUMPS guys can have their views [pc views for leftists consumption and for confirmation purposes] but its Trumps views , policies and future orders that matter isn't it ??
Trump's Cabinet picks are indeed driving the Left insane, a simple perusal of the Political Forum here reveals that very clearly. As for NATO, they are quickly pushing the World to War with Russia.
Trump's Cabinet picks are indeed driving the Left insane, a simple perusal of the Political Forum here reveals that very clearly. As for NATO, they are quickly pushing the World to War with Russia.
--------------------------------- I think that that is mrobama that is pushing for war or something with Russia along with lindsy graham and 'juan mccain' and maybe some others .
General Mike Flynn , fired by mrobama for his realistic views on the enemies is one of the Trumps top advisers . MATTIS was also fired by mrobama I think .
seems to me that all the TRUMPS guys can have their views [pc views for leftists consumption and for confirmation purposes] but its Trumps views , policies and future orders that matter isn't it ??

Good point; if he’s going to make it a habit to reverse the decision of his cabinet secretaries and commanders in the field; that’ll be the sign that he’s making America “Great Again”; the same way LBJ and Nixon did.
like I said , maybe Mattis and the others are just giving the lefty confirmation questioners the answers that they want to hear Candy .
These poor Lefty's are imploding.
Why would we? He's taken an Left position on gays in the military. Kudos to him.



STAGE 1 – Denial (as in”That’s Fake News!”)
STAGE 2 – Misunderstood (as in “Don’t listen to his words, listen to what’s in his heart)
STAGE 3 – Acceptance ( as in “Yeah, but so what?”)
STAGE 4 – Approval (as in “That’s really a good thing”)
* ADDITIONAL STAGE to be inserted at any point – Yeah but (as in “yeah but Clinton/Obama!)
I mean , Mattis , Flynn and the others have got to have personal animosity for the ways that mrobama has messed up the military and the country so they will just tell the questioners what they want to hear so that they are confirmed . Then they will do as ordered by the TRUMP Candy !!
like I said , maybe Mattis and the others are just giving the lefty confirmation questioners the answers that they want to hear Candy .

If so it doesn’t bode well for the Trump presidency. But you are probably right if they are taking their cues from the POTUS. What was it called, “truthful hyperbole”?
He’s okay with gays in the military. Great. Enjoy your “victory”….lol

BTW…Sounds like he steamrolled Trump on NATO yesterday.
These moron wingnuts think Liberals have a problem with Gen. Mattis.
General Mike Flynn , fired by mrobama for his realistic views on the enemies is one of the Trumps top advisers . MATTIS was also fired by mrobama I think .
You think? Let's see the facts.
Not seeing ANYTHING indicated that Mattis was fired......he served 44 years, btw......


STAGE 1 – Denial (as in”That’s Fake News!”)
STAGE 2 – Misunderstood (as in “Don’t listen to his words, listen to what’s in his heart)
STAGE 3 – Acceptance ( as in “Yeah, but so what?”)
STAGE 4 – Approval (as in “That’s really a good thing”)
* ADDITIONAL STAGE to be inserted at any point – Yeah but (as in “yeah but Clinton/Obama!)
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I mean , Mattis , Flynn and the others have got to have personal animosity for the ways that mrobama has messed up the military and the country so they will just tell the questioners what they want to hear so that they are confirmed . Then they will do as ordered by the TRUMP Candy !!
Your premise is wrong.
He's asked if he is okay with gays in the military and his answer is all he cares about is that the military is as lethal as possible.

The left sees this as a pro gay leftist position.

It is neither! It doesn't even answer the question. Because it sticks a nipple into a leftist mouth, It is masterfully done.

Does the presence of homosexuals do anything to increase military readiness?
These poor Lefty's are imploding.

Mattis doesn’t seem to mind gays being in the military. Not sure how that equals an “implosion” on the political left. He also thinks NATO is vital from his testimony yesterday which is 180 degrees opposite of what Trump campaigned on.
Trump campaigned on NATO members paying their way. It is entirely possible for someone to feel that NATO is vital and the members should pay.
Who's the hot blond behind his right shoulder?

I digress. The difference in mindset between Liberals and Repuublicans is amazing. Liberals are concerned with allowing gays and women in the military without any concern for ability. Republicans don't care what you do on your time and who you do it with, they just want to sure our military is well prepared and can win on the battlefield.

DADT was a great policy because it really says we don't care what your sexual orientation is, you just need to be among the best and well prepared if called upon.

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