George Bush warns of domestic terrorists on 9/11 aniversary


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

That's right everyone. The same President that launched a war against two countries after two building were knocked down (everyone forgets about the Pentagon LOL), is now setting his sights on domestic terrorists.

No longer does Bush seem to feel that the greatest threats are from abroad, but from within.

Should similar attacks now be made domestically?

That's right everyone. The same President that launched a war against two countries after two building were knocked down (everyone forgets about the Pentagon LOL), is now setting his sights on domestic terrorists.

No longer does Bush seem to feel that the greatest threats are from abroad, but from within.

Should similar attacks now be made domestically?
He was a dumb ass for starting 20 years of war, but correct on domestic terrorist and political extremists in the country.
Even a blind pig finds an acorn once in a while.
He was a dumb ass for starting 20 years of war, but correct on domestic terrorist and political extremists in the country.
Even a blind pig finds an acorn once in a while.
So George is a dumb ass you finally agree with.


It is interesting that George did not make a peep about how Biden ended the 20 year war in Afghanistan that he started.

Mission Accomplished?????????????????

That's right everyone. The same President that launched a war against two countries after two building were knocked down (everyone forgets about the Pentagon LOL), is now setting his sights on domestic terrorists.

No longer does Bush seem to feel that the greatest threats are from abroad, but from within.

Should similar attacks now be made domestically?
It's about time. This has been needed since the day that bomb went off in Oklahoma City. What happened on January 6th can never be allowed to happen again.
Now, if you want to whack around Bush Jr for being the dude that started two hopeless wars and kind of ignored all the intelligence for 8 months up to 9/11/2001
that warned that something like this (not specifically though) was in the making....I'm with you on that.
The Middle East wars, with a major response with our military started 41 years ago.

That is when Iraq invaded kuwait.

The Democrats, cherry picking liars.
It's about time. This has been needed since the day that bomb went off in Oklahoma City. What happened on January 6th can never be allowed to happen again.
Now, if you want to whack around Bush Jr for being the dude that started two hopeless wars and kind of ignored all the intelligence for 8 months up to 9/11/2001
that warned that something like this (not specifically though) was in the making....I'm with you on that.
I assure you, George is still the same person. It's just that you have to defend him now is all.

I assure you, George is still the same person. It's just that you have to defend him now is all.

Not defending him in the slightest. Just agreeing with him that domestic terrorism is a real threat and should be taken seriously.
Bush and Cheney get the lion share of the blame for Afghanistan and Iraq, but Bush being a career politician was horrified (as were all sane and rational people)
by what happened on January 6th. It's about time we start taking these internal threats seriously.
Not defending him in the slightest. Just agreeing with him that domestic terrorism is a real threat and should be taken seriously.
Bush and Cheney get the lion share of the blame for Afghanistan and Iraq, but Bush being a career politician was horrified (as were all sane and rational people)
by what happened on January 6th. It's about time we start taking these internal threats seriously.
Just know who you are agreeing with

Can anyone explain why during a 9/11 event, that this guy is talking about the threat to America being domestic terror?

Maybe because the global media don't want to present it, but 10's of thousands of Europeans in France, Germany and elsewhere have been protesting lockdowns and vaccine requirements. Are they now enemies to their countries because they disagree with policies?

He is touting the line that those who want to destroy America want to be repeated over and over, which is why MSM gleefully posted them in support. "the governments enemies are no longer overseas, they are YOU (and your silly constitution)"

GWB will be known as an unimpressive, China First leader, Can anyone even name any domestic policies that he pushed that made life for Americans better?

He couldn't carry his dads jock strap. If not for his father, GWB wouldn't even have been elected the town dog catcher.
He was a dumb ass for starting 20 years of war, but correct on domestic terrorist and political extremists in the country.
Even a blind pig finds an acorn once in a while.
There are a percentage of people who follow traditional ways with nuclear families and stick with it through thick and thin. Your kind turned it into a joke. So it easy to pick pit domestic terrorists from that view. We are officially getting much poorer now. It is for all of us to see in living color.
So George is a dumb ass you finally agree with.


It is interesting that George did not make a peep about how Biden ended the 20 year war in Afghanistan that he started.

Mission Accomplished?????????????????
Being an independent, allows me to publicly agree with people when they are correct about something, though they be totally screwed in the head about bigger issues or actions they have taken.
Makes me laugh at the people on the far right and far left, having to jump through hoops to avoid admitting reality of dumb asses, saying something they agree with (for a change) without having to take a chance of losing their position in the cult, to which they belong. Belonging is very important to people of small mind, dependent on the approval of others for their self-esteem.
I don't care what you think of politicians and supposed political leaders on either side. At times, they get something correct, no matter how basically screwed they are.
I knew he should have been out on his ass before the end of his 1st traumatic 4 years, just as I know we should all be glad Hillary never got "her turn".
It is great, not owing allegiance to a party!
Bush compared the Capital Protesters to the 9-11 Islamic Terrorist who mass murdered 3000 people.
This is despicable.
He said that they were "children of the same foul spirit.", "violent extremists", and said that there is 'a little cultural overlap between violent extremists abroad and violent extremists at home' and that they had "disregard of human life".
The Capital Protesters did not murder anyone.
The only person killed was an unarmed Air Force Veteran named Ashli Babbitt who served her country in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Why did Bush make all of these false accusations?
Why is Bush fanning the flames of hate and fear mongering?
Will a reporter ask Bush to explain his despicable comparison?
Can anyone explain why during a 9/11 event, that this guy is talking about the threat to America being domestic terror?

Maybe because the global media don't want to present it, but 10's of thousands of Europeans in France, Germany and elsewhere have been protesting lockdowns and vaccine requirements. Are they now enemies to their countries because they disagree with policies?

He is touting the line that those who want to destroy America want to be repeated over and over, which is why MSM gleefully posted them in support. "the governments enemies are no longer overseas, they are YOU (and your silly constitution)"

GWB will be known as an unimpressive, China First leader, Can anyone even name any domestic policies that he pushed that made life for Americans better?

He couldn't carry his dads jock strap. If not for his father, GWB wouldn't even have been elected the town dog catcher.
Don't worry about him. He is correct about domestic extremist, and that applies to the anti-American fascists far right, as well as the anti-American anarchists of the far left.
He is just working the the sh#tload of guilt he carries for the thousand of American servicemen killed in his escalating wars of opportunity without thought of consequences when he followed the path of impulse, while in office. Tomorrow, he will be back home working out his guilt with pastels and oils in his painting therapy.
There are a percentage of people who follow traditional ways with nuclear families and stick with it through thick and thin. Your kind turned it into a joke. So it easy to pick pit domestic terrorists from that view. We are officially getting much poorer now. It is for all of us to see in living color.
Why me? I have been married 46 years to the same woman raising our 3 kids to productive adults, while working in the military and private sectors, singing in church choirs, lending skills (for money) in leadership and administration of both sectors, never dependent on anybody else, retiring early on the fruits of our labors. If that isn't how you were brought up to think it should have been done, you need to look at your own upbringing, education, role models, along with your ability to forecast and how you reacted to changes in life and society and quit following the crowd.

That's right everyone. The same President that launched a war against two countries after two building were knocked down (everyone forgets about the Pentagon LOL), is now setting his sights on domestic terrorists.

No longer does Bush seem to feel that the greatest threats are from abroad, but from within.

Should similar attacks now be made domestically?

W is doing exactly what he did for 8 years....

Getting on his knees and saying


To Zionism. Anyone who hasn't figured it out yet, the trump DOJ was opening up 911 grand juries.... And climate, and more....
He was a dumb ass for starting 20 years of war, but correct on domestic terrorist and political extremists in the country.
Even a blind pig finds an acorn once in a while.
You're exactly the kind of apologist asshole I warned people about, when the idiotic Patriot Act was crammed down.


That's right everyone. The same President that launched a war against two countries after two building were knocked down (everyone forgets about the Pentagon LOL), is now setting his sights on domestic terrorists.

No longer does Bush seem to feel that the greatest threats are from abroad, but from within.

Should similar attacks now be made domestically?
George Bush was responsible for more loss of American freedoms than any single man in the history of the country. Dubya IS a domestic terrorist.
George Bush was responsible for more loss of American freedoms than any single man in the history of the country. Dubya IS a domestic terrorist.
Thing is that guys like myself recognized the fact in real time...Far too many republicans -along with spook state warmonger democrats- were playing the "rally 'round the flag" game to notice that they were being had.

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