George F Will - Some policy dentistry could combat Truth decay


The authors discern four trends inimical to fact-based discourse and policymaking: increasing disagreement about facts and the interpretation of them (e.g., “The fact that immigrants are actually less likely to commit crimes than people born in the United States”); the blurring of the line between fact and opinion; the increasing quantity of opinion relative to facts; and declining trust in formerly respected sources of factual information. The volume and velocity of the information flow, combined with the new ability to curate à la carte information menus, erode society’s assumption of a shared set of facts. They also deepen the human proclivity for “confirmation bias” and “motivated reasoning” — people inhabiting information silos, seeking and receiving only congenial facts.
Actually...I think his remarks about college campus' are pretty accurate....
George is a little late to the party.
The immediacy and breadth of info (propaganda) spewed on the internet has been exacerbating political bias for a couple of decades already.
Considering that mainstream media and academia are bastions of left wing/ Marxist dogma, they are the most culpable. Duh.
George is a little late to the party.
The immediacy and breadth of info (propaganda) spewed on the internet has been exacerbating political bias for a couple of decades already.
Considering that mainstream media and academia are bastions of left wing/ Marxist dogma, they are the most culpable. Duh.
Considering that cable news (fox) and evangelical churches are bastions of the right wing/Fascism, they are most culpable. Duh.
I don't agree with George entirely here (his remarks college campuses are off base) but he makes some very good points. One of the last remaining intellectual and sane conservatives.

George F. Will: Some policy dentistry could combat truth decay
George Will is a progressive hack and your words of praise proves it.
He is far from a progressive and certainly not a hack. I may agree with him but I respect him as a conservative with a moral compass, ideological soundness and intellect.
I don't agree with George entirely here (his remarks college campuses are off base) but he makes some very good points. One of the last remaining intellectual and sane conservatives.

George F. Will: Some policy dentistry could combat truth decay
George Will is a progressive hack and your words of praise proves it.
He is far from a progressive and certainly not a hack. I may agree with him but I respect him as a conservative with a moral compass, ideological soundness and intellect.

They tossed their intellectual conservatives under the bus back in 2010 when the Teabagger movement began. That movement, while mostly braindead has morphed into something even worse - Trumpist White Nationalism.

While todays Cons have elevated Ronald Reagan to Sainthood and remember WF Buckley with fondness, if they were alive today they'd put 'em in the same bin with George Will, Bill Kristol, David Frum, Charlie Sykes - etc etc and refer to them as progressive hacks and RINOs.

It's the dumbing down of America" Sad, and quite possibly the death of the Republican Party. :(

A Republican intellectual explains why the Republican Party is going to die
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Actually...I think his remarks about college campus' are pretty accurate....

They were not what I would call unfair. There was truth in there:

Unfortunately, truth decay also spreads because campuses have become safe spaces for dime-store Nietzscheans (there are no facts, only interpretations), and because what happens on campuses does not stay on campuses.

The current RW view of higher learning is pretty dim at present and it's true that professors tend to be more liberal than not. Unfortunately even well educated conservatives choose other fields such as petroleum, ranchers, contractors, real estate, talk show hosts, law enforcement and yes - politics.

But I do disagree with Will that public colleges don't teach critical thinking or the existence of "facts".
George is a little late to the party.
The immediacy and breadth of info (propaganda) spewed on the internet has been exacerbating political bias for a couple of decades already.
Considering that mainstream media and academia are bastions of left wing/ Marxist dogma, they are the most culpable. Duh.

The mainstream media is doing just fine. Some very bright young investigative reporters are working for WaPo, NYT, WSJ, etc. When you speak of "propaganda spewed on the Internet" - Actually ya'd better have a look at Infowars, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit and Russian trolls. :wink:
George is a little late to the party.
The immediacy and breadth of info (propaganda) spewed on the internet has been exacerbating political bias for a couple of decades already.
Considering that mainstream media and academia are bastions of left wing/ Marxist dogma, they are the most culpable. Duh.
Considering that cable news (fox) and evangelical churches are bastions of the right wing/Fascism, they are most culpable. Duh.
You really believe that evangelicals are as influential as media? What's more, evangelicals are pronounced conservatives. Media are dishonest left wing propagandists who pretend to be objective and unbiased.
You're delusional.
George is a little late to the party.
The immediacy and breadth of info (propaganda) spewed on the internet has been exacerbating political bias for a couple of decades already.
Considering that mainstream media and academia are bastions of left wing/ Marxist dogma, they are the most culpable. Duh.

The mainstream media is doing just fine. Some very bright young investigative reporters are working for WaPo, NYT, WSJ, etc. When you speak of "propaganda spewed on the Internet" - Actually ya'd better have a look at Infowars, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit and Russian trolls. :wink:
Those acknowledged right wing entities you cite only succeed as a result of being a necessary balance against the dishonest and unpronounced left wing bias in media.
Both are biased, one is corrupt. That would be MSM.
George is a little late to the party.
The immediacy and breadth of info (propaganda) spewed on the internet has been exacerbating political bias for a couple of decades already.
Considering that mainstream media and academia are bastions of left wing/ Marxist dogma, they are the most culpable. Duh.
Considering that cable news (fox) and evangelical churches are bastions of the right wing/Fascism, they are most culpable. Duh.

Fascism isn't Right can't be.....The Right, believes in limited government, not more powerful government. Powerful government is the belief of the left.
I don't agree with George entirely here (his remarks college campuses are off base) but he makes some very good points. One of the last remaining intellectual and sane conservatives.

George F. Will: Some policy dentistry could combat truth decay
Will is clearly an exception to the conservative rule.

As the "conservative rule" now stands anyway. My first two votes for president were for Reagan. He had his faults but he was at least optimistic and likable - This time we elected a certifiable a-hole.

Oh how the Republican Party has devolved


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