George H.W. Bush was a Mass Murderer

This disgusting monster should have gone to prison for war crimes. People forget how he bombed Panama and killed at least 500 innocent civilians. How does he slide on this? Then he had their leader kidnapped and put in jail for life. All because of his stupid war on drugs (which he lost).

'May His Many Victims Across the Globe Rest in Peace': George H.W. Bush Dead at 94

I also remember how he entrapped some poor Joe Shmo across the street from the White House and showed a bag of confiscated cocaine on national television. Why didn't he arrest his son as well? Jr. was a well known cokehead.

The way the media is fawning over this homicidal creep disgusts me.

Wow, a twitter storm, got anything credible?

This disgusting monster should have gone to prison for war crimes. People forget how he bombed Panama and killed at least 500 innocent civilians. How does he slide on this? Then he had their leader kidnapped and put in jail for life. All because of his stupid war on drugs (which he lost).

'May His Many Victims Across the Globe Rest in Peace': George H.W. Bush Dead at 94

I also remember how he entrapped some poor Joe Shmo across the street from the White House and showed a bag of confiscated cocaine on national television. Why didn't he arrest his son as well? Jr. was a well known cokehead.

The way the media is fawning over this homicidal creep disgusts me.

Just about every POTUS is technically either a murderer or complicit in murder.

Does not make it right...just sayin'.

Yea your right... It has more to do with the circumstances you inherit as much as the decisions the POTUS makes himself. Bush II as much as I though his invasion of Afganistan was ill thought out and possibly unnecessary (Bush rejects Taliban offer to hand Bin Laden over) but I wouldn't say it as bad as someone trying to invade Iran when a peace deal is in place...

In all fairness the present guy has set a bar so low G.W. Bush is looked back fondly...
Donald Trump may be the best thing that ever happened to George W. Bush

The thing is there is far more moderates in the Dems than in GOP... GOP has ran the moderates from there party...
Trump owns a shrinking Republican party

GOP can comeback but it won't be by insulting there own members (Dems didn't invent the term RINO)...

This is why people like you get smacked around in debate. You cite an article and because it is from a lib source, you don't bother to read. The Taliban offered to hand over Osama bin Laden once we gave them evidence of his guilt. That wasn't happening and you should be able to figure out why. They offered to turn him over to a third country,, which you should also know be able to figure out why that was unacceptable. Bush rejected those offers because they were unacceptable.

It would be like a bank robber agreeing to surrender the leader of the heist after the court trial or give him along along with the hostages to a rival criminal gang, and asking to keep the money too!

That peace deal in Iraq was the one that the Iraqis conveniently kept ignoring and shooting at our aircraft patrolling the no-fly zone. They were doing that under Clinton, but Hillary had his balls locked in a safety-deposit box and he would do nothing.

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