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George Soros: Enemy of Democracy, Is Why Hillary Collapsed & Other Terrible Things..


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
George Soros' Gay Agenda Made Obama King and an aging Hillary like an old princess who will never see the throne:

Everyone knows this so I'll just spell it out. The money from the DNC came from the far left. "He" wanted Obama because Hillary was too centrist. Mainly, she didn't approve of gay marriage. That's what killed her chances with the money (that always gets what it wants) in 2008. So the DNC "arranged things" so that Obama would win and Hillary would lose. Obama knew it at the time but I think he felt bad about it. But not bad enough to step aside in 2012 when Hillary could have actually gotten in the Whitehouse with a little youthful vigor left in her. In your 60s, a year or two can make all the difference in the world. If Soros could have Obama in for a third term believe me you....it would be done... But he couldn't and since Hillary promised to recant her position against gay marriage....things were "arranged" again to make Hillary get the nod this year.

Only the DNC got it all wrong. Obama knew Hillary would be too old to run now, but he insisted on having the affirmative action candidacy back in 2008 & 2012. And thanks to a couple of shitty tickets handed to us by the RNC and Dick Cheney's priceless advice, and now a third if you count Trump, BO kept his affirmative action Seat.

After Bush & Cheney, you could've run Alfred E. Newman on the left and gotten him elected. And so we have the "What me worry?" President hand-selected to move the gay agenda all the way to the marriage altar. Even if it meant a few favors from a couple biased Justices on the USSC. One of which not only advertised how she would vote on that months in advance, but was commonly seen hugging president Obama. And in case you folks needed a poli-sci primer, that is your Judicial Branch hugging the Executive Branch; something that should make you shudder.

So it came as no surprise at all to see the Whitehouse lit up the very same day with rainbow lights as Ginsburg's lefty-Court's predetermined Ruling in Obergefell cause a shocked majority to fall into quiet outrage at both parties for failing the core of society so horribly. Children with no father or mother for life now as "a blessed institution"...Scalia hated the decision more than any other and was vocal about it. It bothered him greatly until he was found with a pillow over his head dead in a Texas resort bedroom alone. Now it doesn't bother him anymore.

The DNC gave the nomination to Hillary because they stole it from her to "get things done" that they knew she would interfere with. Don't forget, she came out publicly against gay marriage and Rachael Maddow can tell you what happens to republican governors who do that after getting elected by their majorities for exactly that stance. Now the DNC want s universal healthcare; Hillary's wheelhouse... which is what SHOULD have happened instead of gay marriage. But now we will not have our UH because Hillary is sick and probably can't finish out the campaign and win.

So the fuck up in the DNC happened back when that party sold their soul to the Devil and decided to promote gay crap over healthcare. And we can trace all that back to George Soros' "great plan for America". Soros was the one who picked Obama over Hillary back when that decision was final for Hillary; though at the time she thought her body could hold out forever....like younger people always do:

George Soros was probably squirming with delight when Obama's hand picked gay education czar was authorizing teaching anal fisting in schools. And now with Obama's mandate that gender-blending includes boys undressing in front of girls in high school locker rooms (or else their education will suffer by Obama withholding funds from schools). The younger a predator can get the idea of having sex into a child's mind, the best from his perspective... What a predator's paradise eh?

The Shared Agendas of George Soros and Barack Obama
By Discover The Networks: The Shared Agendas of George Soros and Barack Obama - Discover the Networks

While George Soros was busy bankrolling his battalion of established activist groups and launching a few new ones of his own, he quite naturally looked toward the upcoming presidential election of 2008 with great anticipation, eagerly awaiting the day when George W. Bush would finally leave office. The question was, who would replace him? In recent years, all indications had been that Soros favored Hillary Clinton above most, if not all, other potential Democratic candidates for President. But now there was a new face on the scene¯a young, charismatic U.S. senator from Illinois named Barack Obama¯who seemed not only to share virtually all of Soros's values and agendas, but also appeared to be a highly skilled politician who stood a good chance of getting elected to the nation's highest office.

In December of 2006, Soros, who had previously hosted a fundraiser for Obama during the latter's 2004 Senate campaign, met with Obama in Soros's New York office. Just a few weeks later¯on January 16, 2007¯Obama announced that he would form a presidential exploratory committee and was contemplating a run for the White House. Within hours, Soros sent the senator a contribution of $2,100, the maximum amount allowable under campaign-finance laws. Later that week, the New York Daily News reported that Soros would support Obama rather than Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination, though Soros pledged to back the New York senator were she to emerge as the nominee.1 But it was clear that Soros considered Obama to be the more electable candidate of the two. Most importantly, Obama's economic and political prescriptions for America were wholly accordant with those of Soros.

It was George Soros who agreed to bankroll Obama if Obama would nudge the gay agenda closer to their ultimate goal. It's not marriage BTW. It's what comes with marriage. And Obama quid pro quo'd that mothafu*cka all the way across the almost-finish line....almost....until Scalia's strange death after his lamentations of Soro's crown jewel of democratic subversion: Obergefell. Now gay men cannot be denied legal adoption anymore. Those orphaned boys need a loving home don't you know..

The recent all-8 Justices acquittal of Governor McDonnell of Virginia (who was, let's face it, witch hunted out of Office for/immediately after taking a public stance against gay marriage) is a warning to Soros. "This far and no farther"..
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Soros is full bore demanding that we elect his UN rep. To get an understanding of who is really running this country consider this:
1st. we give up internet control to the UN. Then we let Soros decide to rework our voting system so it can be controlled online. That will end our voting process. Soros will let us know who we "voted" for President. All he needs is Hillary in control of our country, and him in control of Hitlery.
NEW YORK – George Soros’s Open Society Foundations is seeking to expand the use of electronic and online voting systems nationwide, according to a leaked Foundations document reviewed by Breitbart News.
While the directive was issued two years ago, the issue of electronic voting has become a hot button topic in this year’s presidential election amid fears digital voting systems can be compromised.

The online voting plan was contained in a 67-page hacked file detailing the September 29-30, 2014 Open Society U.S. Programs board meeting in New York.

A significant portion of the board meeting was dedicated to methods the Foundation’s U.S. Programs (USP) could use to further the use of President Obama’s executive action authority to bypass Congress during Obama’s final two years in office.
George Soros Foundation Seeking to Expand U.S. Online Voting

We are giving this man control over our country by way of our elected officials. He has removed Congress, and is installing a Monarchy, > a political system based upon the undivided sovereignty or rule of a single person.
Obama works for him. Hillary works for him. Trump does not, yet.
Yes, if they can't get the vote their way, they just have Maddow axe a few governors for speaking their position on gay marriage for which they were duly elected for: democratic subversion after the fact = sedition. If Soros can control the vote by tampering electronically, he can be sure his Agenda's access to adoptable boys..er..I mean "gay marriage" will stay put.

That and he just seems to enjoy toying with people for fun. "I can shut down your economy". Tee hee... Would Julian Assange and Anonymous turn over emails from Soros I wonder? Or do they too work for him?
Soros has been behind funding Ferguson protests, "Black Lives Matter" so that a faux civil rights struggle long ago put to bed can "rise again". Reason? The LGBT waning enthusiasm needs some coattails to ride on. That's the story in a nutshell. Emphasis on "nut". So what if a few cops get shot or citizens get trampled? And the advancements we struggled for hard for the last 40 years to calm relations between blacks and whites got completely evaporated in the process? Soros needed him a movement to keep the fires for LGBT stoked up high via association on "civil rights".

He also funded the protests "against" Trump in the primaries. I say "against" Trump because there's nothing that will galvanize support for someone saying they're a republican (Trump isn't, he's been palling around with Soros and his $$ too) like a bunch of fruitloop hippie kids acting violent. The rednecks came out of the woodwork to back up Trump and propel him into the nomination.

So Soros has fucked up the RNC ticket as well. He's personally fucked up both tickets.

I like the Harry Potter reference as a solution to Soros. Back in the day...oh back in the day...

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Scalia would be alive today if gay people couldn't marry.

Another weird Sil thread where gay marriage is to blame from everything from heart attacks to race relations. lol
Yeah, most people put a pillow over their head when they die of heart attacks. Sometimes they do it to muffle gunshots though. We'll never know because for some strange reason, one of the most powerful people in the US died without explanation without a coroner's report. He "just died" (of natural causes). I guess expiring after a lethal cause is a natural outcome of that cause; regardless of its origin..
Soros is pure NWO Globalist evil. Obama was their most effective American Puppet President. But they're satisfied Clinton will represent their agenda very well too. It was supposed to be Hillary Clinton vs. Jeb Bush this time around. And of course that would have been a Win-Win for them.

Trump really has upset their apple cart. I love it. I hope he wins. It's time to starting pushing back against the NWO Globalists. They do not have American Citizen's best interests in mind. They gotta go.
Yeah, most people put a pillow over their head when they die of heart attacks. Sometimes they do it to muffle gunshots though. We'll never know because for some strange reason, one of the most powerful people in the US died without explanation without a coroner's report. He "just died" (of natural causes). I guess expiring after a lethal cause is a natural outcome of that cause; regardless of its origin..

I see your point. Men suffering from coronary artery disease, obesity, and, diabetes in their late 70's would never just drop dead. Gays getting married is clearly the real culprit behind his death. lol
Soros is pure NWO Globalist evil. Obama was their most effective American Puppet President. But they're satisfied Clinton will represent their agenda very well too. It was supposed to be Hillary Clinton vs. Jeb Bush this time around. And of course that would have been a Win-Win for them.

Trump really has upset their apple cart. I love it. I hope he wins. It's time to starting pushing back against the NWO Globalists. They do not have American Citizen's best interests in mind. They gotta go.
Are you kidding? You must be living in a fool's paradise:

Did George Soros forgive Trump of a $312 million debt?
**********Did George Soros forgive Trump of a $312 million debt? | We Are Change

In 2005 Donald Trump started construction on the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago.

To build the tower, Trump received several loans primarily from Deutsche Bank for $650 million, but he also lined up a $160 million mezzanine loan* from a group of private investors, Fortress Investment Group, Blackacre Capital, and support from billionaire George Soros, who invested $160 million to help build the Chicago skyscraper. Soros was a key piece in what was the largest construction financing in the city’s history, according to real estate sources and public documents....

After seven years (2005-2012) Trump was on his way to paying off his main construction loan to Deutsche Bank For reasons unexplained to the public, the majority of Trump’s mezzanine loan was quietly forgiven by the loan’s original lenders...

No media outlet which covered the deal put together the pieces and told the public that George Soros let Trump off the hook for a loan which has been valued at between $82 and $312 million dollars.
Why would Soros give what amounts to a massive debt relief to Trump during a financially successful period in Trump’s life? Are these men friends, enemies or business partners?

We have come across information related to a long and bizarre financial deal between Donald J. Trump, George Soros, Fortress Investment Group and Blackacre Capital, a deal discovered by following a specific on-going money trail and likely partnership between these entities.
Soros is pure NWO Globalist evil. Obama was their most effective American Puppet President. But they're satisfied Clinton will represent their agenda very well too. It was supposed to be Hillary Clinton vs. Jeb Bush this time around. And of course that would have been a Win-Win for them.

Trump really has upset their apple cart. I love it. I hope he wins. It's time to starting pushing back against the NWO Globalists. They do not have American Citizen's best interests in mind. They gotta go.
Are you kidding? You must be living in a fool's paradise:

Did George Soros forgive Trump of a $312 million debt?
**********Did George Soros forgive Trump of a $312 million debt? | We Are Change

In 2005 Donald Trump started construction on the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago.

To build the tower, Trump received several loans primarily from Deutsche Bank for $650 million, but he also lined up a $160 million mezzanine loan* from a group of private investors, Fortress Investment Group, Blackacre Capital, and support from billionaire George Soros, who invested $160 million to help build the Chicago skyscraper. Soros was a key piece in what was the largest construction financing in the city’s history, according to real estate sources and public documents....

After seven years (2005-2012) Trump was on his way to paying off his main construction loan to Deutsche Bank For reasons unexplained to the public, the majority of Trump’s mezzanine loan was quietly forgiven by the loan’s original lenders...

No media outlet which covered the deal put together the pieces and told the public that George Soros let Trump off the hook for a loan which has been valued at between $82 and $312 million dollars.
Why would Soros give what amounts to a massive debt relief to Trump during a financially successful period in Trump’s life? Are these men friends, enemies or business partners?

We have come across information related to a long and bizarre financial deal between Donald J. Trump, George Soros, Fortress Investment Group and Blackacre Capital, a deal discovered by following a specific on-going money trail and likely partnership between these entities.

Hillary Clinton is by far the preferred NWO Globalist Elite Candidate. Trump's actually talking about putting Americans first again. That deeply upsets the Globalists. They don't give a damn about American Citizens. They despise Trump. I hope he wins. It'll be so much fun watching the NWO folks in full panic. They'll likely have to start some more wars or something, to try and trip him up.
Soros is pure NWO Globalist evil. Obama was their most effective American Puppet President. But they're satisfied Clinton will represent their agenda very well too. It was supposed to be Hillary Clinton vs. Jeb Bush this time around. And of course that would have been a Win-Win for them.

Trump really has upset their apple cart. I love it. I hope he wins. It's time to starting pushing back against the NWO Globalists. They do not have American Citizen's best interests in mind. They gotta go.
Are you kidding? You must be living in a fool's paradise:

Did George Soros forgive Trump of a $312 million debt?
**********Did George Soros forgive Trump of a $312 million debt? | We Are Change

In 2005 Donald Trump started construction on the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago.

To build the tower, Trump received several loans primarily from Deutsche Bank for $650 million, but he also lined up a $160 million mezzanine loan* from a group of private investors, Fortress Investment Group, Blackacre Capital, and support from billionaire George Soros, who invested $160 million to help build the Chicago skyscraper. Soros was a key piece in what was the largest construction financing in the city’s history, according to real estate sources and public documents....

After seven years (2005-2012) Trump was on his way to paying off his main construction loan to Deutsche Bank For reasons unexplained to the public, the majority of Trump’s mezzanine loan was quietly forgiven by the loan’s original lenders...

No media outlet which covered the deal put together the pieces and told the public that George Soros let Trump off the hook for a loan which has been valued at between $82 and $312 million dollars.
Why would Soros give what amounts to a massive debt relief to Trump during a financially successful period in Trump’s life? Are these men friends, enemies or business partners?

We have come across information related to a long and bizarre financial deal between Donald J. Trump, George Soros, Fortress Investment Group and Blackacre Capital, a deal discovered by following a specific on-going money trail and likely partnership between these entities.

Hillary Clinton is by far the preferred NWO Globalist Elite Candidate. Trump's actually talking about putting Americans first again. That deeply upsets the Globalists. They don't give a damn about American Citizens. They despise Trump. I hope he wins. It'll be so much fun watching the NWO folks panic.

WAS. Was the by far preferred proxy presidential candidate for King Soros. Until she collapsed yesterday.

Like I said, the signs will all be there. Watch for Trump to start vocalizing more about "gay rights" and "transgender rights". You heard it here first... Sanders will insist on replacing Hillary and Sanders can't get elected. Soros doesn't care what stripes the candidate is pretending to wear. In fact if Soros perceived his man was easier to elect by having him "hate Soros", then he'd pay Trump to say he hated Soros. Soros is infinitely flexible and keeps his eye trained on the goal and will take any step necessary to reach it. He is a man of singular ideals and politics are this messy stepping stone he has to walk across to get there.
Soros is pure NWO Globalist evil. Obama was their most effective American Puppet President. But they're satisfied Clinton will represent their agenda very well too. It was supposed to be Hillary Clinton vs. Jeb Bush this time around. And of course that would have been a Win-Win for them.

Trump really has upset their apple cart. I love it. I hope he wins. It's time to starting pushing back against the NWO Globalists. They do not have American Citizen's best interests in mind. They gotta go.
Are you kidding? You must be living in a fool's paradise:

Did George Soros forgive Trump of a $312 million debt?
**********Did George Soros forgive Trump of a $312 million debt? | We Are Change

In 2005 Donald Trump started construction on the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago.

To build the tower, Trump received several loans primarily from Deutsche Bank for $650 million, but he also lined up a $160 million mezzanine loan* from a group of private investors, Fortress Investment Group, Blackacre Capital, and support from billionaire George Soros, who invested $160 million to help build the Chicago skyscraper. Soros was a key piece in what was the largest construction financing in the city’s history, according to real estate sources and public documents....

After seven years (2005-2012) Trump was on his way to paying off his main construction loan to Deutsche Bank For reasons unexplained to the public, the majority of Trump’s mezzanine loan was quietly forgiven by the loan’s original lenders...

No media outlet which covered the deal put together the pieces and told the public that George Soros let Trump off the hook for a loan which has been valued at between $82 and $312 million dollars.
Why would Soros give what amounts to a massive debt relief to Trump during a financially successful period in Trump’s life? Are these men friends, enemies or business partners?

We have come across information related to a long and bizarre financial deal between Donald J. Trump, George Soros, Fortress Investment Group and Blackacre Capital, a deal discovered by following a specific on-going money trail and likely partnership between these entities.

Hillary Clinton is by far the preferred NWO Globalist Elite Candidate. Trump's actually talking about putting Americans first again. That deeply upsets the Globalists. They don't give a damn about American Citizens. They despise Trump. I hope he wins. It'll be so much fun watching the NWO folks panic.

WAS. Was the by far preferred proxy presidential candidate for King Soros. Until she collapsed yesterday.

Like I said, the signs will all be there. Watch for Trump to start vocalizing more about "gay rights" and "transgender rights". You heard it here first... Sanders will insist on replacing Hillary and Sanders can't get elected. Soros doesn't care what stripes the candidate is pretending to wear. In fact if Soros perceived his man was easier to elect by having him "hate Soros", then he'd pay Trump to say he hated Soros. Soros is infinitely flexible and keeps his eye trained on the goal and will take any step necessary to reach it. He is a man of singular ideals and politics are this messy stepping stone he has to walk across to get there.

One word... 'Taxidermist.' They'll just stuff her like a hunting trophy and work her like a puppet. Kinda like that movie 'Weekend at Bernie's.' But your take is very interesting. Stay tuned i guess.
One word... 'Taxidermist.' They'll just stuff her like a hunting trophy and work her like a puppet. Kinda like that movie 'Weekend at Bernie's.' But your take is very interesting. Stay tuned i guess.

There must be some reason Soros forgave Trump $312 million for that construction project in Chicago..
"George Soros: Enemy of Democracy"


Conservatism: Enemy of the truth.
The truth is Soros hand selected Obama to butt out Hillary in 2008...and 2012 since Obergefell was still pending and Soros wasn't going to risk a change at the helm at such a crucial point in his agenda. Without Soros' influence, Obama never would've beaten Hillary in the primaries; not even come close. And we'd have had not necessarily gay marriage, but for sure Universal Healthcare by now. But Soros had his priorities. You can't adopt orphaned boys if you're not married...

Now that Hillary is too old to run, she collapsed from a schedule that a woman her age and shape just cannot sustain. Thanks directly to George Soros' influence over our electoral process.
Hillary Clinton is by far the preferred NWO Globalist Elite Candidate. Trump's actually talking about putting Americans first again. That deeply upsets the Globalists. They don't give a damn about American Citizens. They despise Trump. I hope he wins. It'll be so much fun watching the NWO folks in full panic. They'll likely have to start some more wars or something, to try and trip him up.

You may have a point but what will Soros do now? He has to have his King proxy.

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