George To Go Under The Knife!!!

George, look at the bright side, maybe the nurses will take advantage of you sexually while you're under

If you're lucky, it will be the female nurses...

Godspeed, George.
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Hey, George, don't leave us hanging! If you survive, make sure and come back here and let us know how it went!
Yes George, and if you don't survive, you can communicate in the ghosts, spirits, angels, and extra terrestrial forum.

Seriously good luck. I'll stick you on our vigil thread in the Coffee Shop until you get through the procedure which I'm sure you'll do in great shape. And the surgery you described is not anywhere near as painful as knee replacement. So I've been told. :)
George i had this Surgery 5 years ago.....never even used the pain pills i was prescribed.....i was off of work for 3 months ....but then i was a letter carrier....after that 3 months i was ok ....went back to work they had me on light duty for a month then it was full will be ok.....just make sure he sends you to therapy ......
OK - it's over. At least the surgery is over. It went quite well. The procedure only lasted about 20 minutes. I was out like a light. No adverse effects from the anesthetic. This was Friday morning. My wife drove me home. All the rest of the day Friday, and into Friday night, I felt fine. No pain at all. I was laughing and scratching.

Then came 3:00 a.m. I noticed a bit of discomfort. By 5:00 a.m., I was noticing a LOT of discomfort. I took a pain pill (Norco) which helped some. But Saturday was not a good day. There is a fair amount of pain connected with this one. The good news is that today (Sunday), I am not using the pain pills and seem to be able to get around fairly well with the help of a cane. (I don't like the effect I get from Norco. Makes me feel light headed, weak and washed out.)

I plan to stay home probably through Wednesday - I hope I will be OK to go back to work on Thursday.

The nurses were all great. Of course, I had to remind several of them that I am married . . .
Good to hear you are on the mend, George..minus the discomfort the following day of the surgery. Rest and don't try to outdo yourself.
Glad to hear that you got through it OK George.
I think if you are doing better today, then by Thursday you will be fine. :)
It will be very nice for you, once everything gets healed.
Almost everyone does not like the effects of pain pills. Most that I have ever taken make me really ill to my stomach (throwing up, usually very violently) or makes me break out in large red spots that itch really, really bad.
Just make sure you take it easy and don't try to push things till everything gets healed. :)
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That's right. I may have only a matter of days to live. The knee problem turns out to be a DOUBLE, meniscus tear - both lateral and medial (i.e., one on the inside of the knee and one on the outside). The only cure: SURGERY.

Today, I meet with the surgeon who will actually do the operation. I will know more tonight and will keep you all posted. Tomorrow, I will be meeting with my estate planning attorney, getting my affairs in order, etc. At my age, ALL surgery is risky, but this . . . well . . .

I must say that I am somewhat appalled at the attitude expressed by my orthopaedic doctor - you remember him, the doctor that had me thrust into the depths of the MRI (I could have died from heart stoppage). This ortho guy is talking in terms of something he calls "arthroscopic" surgery and is attempting to minimize the severity of the procedure I am about to undergo. He says they do this under local anesthetic to the knee and a "light sleep" type of anesthetic to "make me drowsy" during the operation.

Ha! He's not fooling George! I'm onto him BIG TIME. I asked him what the recovery period will be. I figure six to eight weeks. He said two days on crutches and then back to work with some phsyical therapy. Here again - this guy is obviously incompetent. We'll SEE what the recovery time is . . . .

I don't like any part of this. It sounds extremely involved and dangerous.

Oh yes - ortho guy gave me a cortisone shot which, I must say, has made me feel a lot better. He said that should take care of things until the actual SURGERY.

Oh, my God . . . .

Well he is a pro, so in this case he has one leg up...
I mean
If you end up with a long recovery time, instead of a short one, you'll be busier than a one legged man..
Well as soon as you feel better you'll have a leg up on..

I just can't help myself, so I better hop over Two another thread.

a few members of my husbands family have done the knee replacements...came right thru it....

me i wouldnt let the idiots touch my i am paranoid like that

This isn't a knee replacement. It is a repair to a torn meniscus. There is a huge difference. Knee replacements ARE big deals. All they do here is go in arthroscopically and suture up the tear - actually, the two tears.

As I trust you gathered from the OP, I am trying to approach this thing with a little humor. Truth is, it shouldn't be anything at all and I'm hopeful I will be back out on the golf course by July.

I had that done 3 times before my bilateral replacements. You still need to be careful and not overdo the first few days.
That's right. I may have only a matter of days to live. The knee problem turns out to be a DOUBLE, meniscus tear - both lateral and medial (i.e., one on the inside of the knee and one on the outside). The only cure: SURGERY.

Today, I meet with the surgeon who will actually do the operation. I will know more tonight and will keep you all posted. Tomorrow, I will be meeting with my estate planning attorney, getting my affairs in order, etc. At my age, ALL surgery is risky, but this . . . well . . .

I must say that I am somewhat appalled at the attitude expressed by my orthopaedic doctor - you remember him, the doctor that had me thrust into the depths of the MRI (I could have died from heart stoppage). This ortho guy is talking in terms of something he calls "arthroscopic" surgery and is attempting to minimize the severity of the procedure I am about to undergo. He says they do this under local anesthetic to the knee and a "light sleep" type of anesthetic to "make me drowsy" during the operation.

Ha! He's not fooling George! I'm onto him BIG TIME. I asked him what the recovery period will be. I figure six to eight weeks. He said two days on crutches and then back to work with some phsyical therapy. Here again - this guy is obviously incompetent. We'll SEE what the recovery time is . . . .

I don't like any part of this. It sounds extremely involved and dangerous.

Oh yes - ortho guy gave me a cortisone shot which, I must say, has made me feel a lot better. He said that should take care of things until the actual SURGERY.

Oh, my God . . . .

they scoped my knee for the same thing George. You will be just fine.

Make sure you get into PT right away.......
OK - it's over. At least the surgery is over. It went quite well. The procedure only lasted about 20 minutes. I was out like a light. No adverse effects from the anesthetic. This was Friday morning. My wife drove me home. All the rest of the day Friday, and into Friday night, I felt fine. No pain at all. I was laughing and scratching.

Then came 3:00 a.m. I noticed a bit of discomfort. By 5:00 a.m., I was noticing a LOT of discomfort. I took a pain pill (Norco) which helped some. But Saturday was not a good day. There is a fair amount of pain connected with this one. The good news is that today (Sunday), I am not using the pain pills and seem to be able to get around fairly well with the help of a cane. (I don't like the effect I get from Norco. Makes me feel light headed, weak and washed out.)

I plan to stay home probably through Wednesday - I hope I will be OK to go back to work on Thursday.

The nurses were all great. Of course, I had to remind several of them that I am married . . .

you wanted a sponge bath, right?
Good going, George! And like others have said, take it easy, don't push too hard. You don't have to prove anything to us, we all know you're tough (even when you try to make us think otherwise!). :lol:
I am back at work today (Tuesday). All going fairly well so far. I can drive with no problem. Walking is a bit painful, but totally doable if I take it slow and use a cane.

Gotta keep putting those criminals back, out on the streets, ya know! ;)
I am back at work today (Tuesday). All going fairly well so far. I can drive with no problem. Walking is a bit painful, but totally doable if I take it slow and use a cane.

Gotta keep putting those criminals back, out on the streets, ya know! ;)
So glad to hear you're OK.

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