George W. Bush makes surprise visit to U.S. troops

Different factions targeting women immediately after the fall of Hussein's regime are NOT government officials. You do know that, right? Right?

As for your first example, yes, that's awful, and should be stopped. But how is that worse than what Saddam was doing?









That means you are lying or you completely ignored the part that pointed out rape has become widespread and is happening much more frequently than when saddam was in power. Either way, you're a dishonest fuck.
Amnesty International is not unbiased. You will refuse to accept this.

The primary source for the increase of rapes is not Amnesty International you dishonest coward.
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This is too fucking easy!

1st link: True. She is a killer. Or do you have a gentler term for people who commit vehicular manslaughter?

2nd link: Maher didn't call her a dog. FAIL.

3rd link: who the fuck is Warner Todd Huston? And how does he represent The Left? This is a perfect example of your impotence as a poster.

4th link: I don't even know what you are referring to. There is no bashing of Laura, or even Jenna. It's one blogger railing against another blogger. You know that you could have a blog and make a fool of yourself, too, right? Just sign up at and you're all set. Maybe after a year of saying the stupid shit you say here, someone will point to one of your entries as 'The Right'. A wingnut can dream.


Nothing ANYONE on the Left has written compares to what was written and said about Hillary and Michelle. (and Tipper, Teresa Kerry, Chelsea, , etc.)

Spin, little monkey, spin! :lol:
This is all you've got when you've been spanked hard.

I love it!

Hey Trollman: come back anytime you want your ass kicked!
You're suffering from a common leftist delusion: "If I Say It It Must Be True" syndrome.

The Left attacked Laura Bush. I showed you how. That you fail to accept it in no way changes the reality. Moron.
would be impossible to prove to someone like you anyway
since no one had full access to score exactly how many were killed under Saddam, and no one wanted to keep track of who killed who after
they just added and multiplied the dead for political reasons
Thank you for confirming that Trollman is full of shit! :)
no, actually i believe i proved YOU are
What you wrote:

would be impossible to prove to someone like you anyway
since no one had full access to score exactly how many were killed under Saddam, and no one wanted to keep track of who killed who after
they just added and multiplied the dead for political reasons​

What he read:

Yeah, you go, boy! You showed daveman, damn skippy! You are SO smart! Good looking, too! Do you work out? Can you PM me your routine? Thanks!​
Synthalogic is an idiot.


End of story.
One torture room was uncovered. FAIL.

How many do the CIA operate?

Wingnuts thought they knew what was best for Iraq.

You're not serious are you? One torture room?


Iraqis wrote the book on torture. Watch the BBC movie "Bravo Two Zero" if you want to know how the Republican Guard dealt with POWs.
Or better yet read the book of the same name by Sgt. Andy McNab.
Have you got links to more?

And have you left the sanity of PF to start posting here?

Look it up for yourself. The Iraqis were notorious for their torture tactics.....we don't hold a candle to them.
You have GOT to be kidding! :eusa_liar:

I have known you for what? 6 years now? I don't want to call you a liar, but you are lying. You and your cronies have ripped them all apart many times over. I know it, and you know it.
If you can find ONE post where I ripLaura Bush, I'll apologize to Trollman profusely. You can't. It never happened. I've never had a thing against Laura Bush, except that she married a moron puppet. She's a sweet lady who was dragged kicking and screaming into politics, after Shrub PROMISED her that she would never have to take part in it or make any speeches. He lied to her, along with the rest of America.
You're not serious are you? One torture room?


Iraqis wrote the book on torture. Watch the BBC movie "Bravo Two Zero" if you want to know how the Republican Guard dealt with POWs.
Or better yet read the book of the same name by Sgt. Andy McNab.
Have you got links to more?

And have you left the sanity of PF to start posting here?

Look it up for yourself. The Iraqis were notorious for their torture tactics.....we don't hold a candle to them.
I thought we were talking about so-called 'rape rooms'? That's what I meant by only one found.

I have known you for what? 6 years now? I don't want to call you a liar, but you are lying. You and your cronies have ripped them all apart many times over. I know it, and you know it.
If you can find ONE post where I ripLaura Bush, I'll apologize to Trollman profusely. You can't. It never happened. I've never had a thing against Laura Bush, except that she married a moron puppet. She's a sweet lady who was dragged kicking and screaming into politics, after Shrub PROMISED her that she would never have to take part in it or make any speeches. He lied to her, along with the rest of America.
maybe not you, but i didnt see you go after your friends that DID

I have known you for what? 6 years now? I don't want to call you a liar, but you are lying. You and your cronies have ripped them all apart many times over. I know it, and you know it.
If you can find ONE post where I ripLaura Bush, I'll apologize to Trollman profusely. You can't. It never happened. I've never had a thing against Laura Bush, except that she married a moron puppet. She's a sweet lady who was dragged kicking and screaming into politics, after Shrub PROMISED her that she would never have to take part in it or make any speeches. He lied to her, along with the rest of America.

LOL. That is an easy one for you to say. I am not talking about this forum. There are many. And not just talking about Laura Bush either.

And look at you...''SHRUB''??? I dislike Obama but yet don't disrespect him by calling him immature infantile names.
I have known you for what? 6 years now? I don't want to call you a liar, but you are lying. You and your cronies have ripped them all apart many times over. I know it, and you know it.
If you can find ONE post where I ripLaura Bush, I'll apologize to Trollman profusely. You can't. It never happened. I've never had a thing against Laura Bush, except that she married a moron puppet. She's a sweet lady who was dragged kicking and screaming into politics, after Shrub PROMISED her that she would never have to take part in it or make any speeches. He lied to her, along with the rest of America.

LOL. That is an easy one for you to say. I am not talking about this forum. There are many. And not just talking about Laura Bush either.

And look at you...''SHRUB''??? I dislike Obama but yet don't disrespect him by calling him immature infantile names.
You have access to all the forums we have participated in together: search them all if you're so sure.

Do you call out the Righties here who call Obama names? I'm guessing no.
If you can find ONE post where I ripLaura Bush, I'll apologize to Trollman profusely. You can't. It never happened. I've never had a thing against Laura Bush, except that she married a moron puppet. She's a sweet lady who was dragged kicking and screaming into politics, after Shrub PROMISED her that she would never have to take part in it or make any speeches. He lied to her, along with the rest of America.

LOL. That is an easy one for you to say. I am not talking about this forum. There are many. And not just talking about Laura Bush either.

And look at you...''SHRUB''??? I dislike Obama but yet don't disrespect him by calling him immature infantile names.
You have access to all the forums we have participated in together: search them all if you're so sure.

Do you call out the Righties here who call Obama names? I'm guessing no.
yes, she does
and so do i

btw, some of those forums dont exist anymore
Different factions targeting women immediately after the fall of Hussein's regime are NOT government officials. You do know that, right? Right?

As for your first example, yes, that's awful, and should be stopped. But how is that worse than what Saddam was doing?

This is where it becomes "shades of gray". The question is, "Which shade is worse". Republicans don't see "gray". If it was "black" under Saddam, it must be "white" now because for them, there is only "black and white". That's the problem.

What Saddam and his sons did was evil. There is no doubt about it. Black.

But the majority of women were free to live their lives unmolested.

The vast majority of Iraqi women could live their lives unmolested. Only light gray and not white because not all women were unmolested".

Now ALL women live under Sharia law. They can't go to school. They can't walk around without a male escort. They have to wear veils. They can't divorce if abused. They aren't getting health care. They can't inherit. How is this NOT black? Their bodies aren't being raped (unless caught alone outside), but their minds and spirits have been thoroughly fucked. BLACK. BLACK. BLACK. Instead of only a few being fucked, EVERYONE is being fucked.

Now, dammit, explain how it's "BETTER" than under Saddam.
I really doubt there's anything I could present that would make you change your mind. You're not interested.

Change my mind from "what"? The country is now under Sharia law "by constitution".

Women are forced to live in black ninja costumes. They can't inherit. They can't divorce. They can't work. They have no health care. They are virtual slaves.


How are their lives better??????

Spell it out. Correct me. Give me proof.
I didn't read all of the posts, just enough of them to see how quickly this thread derailed; anyway, I think it's great that George and Laura made the surprise visit. This was not a media event. It was something that George has done throughout his presidency and now in his private life. That speaks volumes about his character.

This made it into the media only because the USO posted it on a facebook page and some media weenie picked up on it. Point here is that he's not interested in any staged media events and wouldn't care if this made it into the media or not.

Unlike other former presidents.

Iraq will always follow George Bush. He lied and tricked America when the country was at it's most vulnerable. That lie cost this country thousands of American lies, trillions of dollars, tens of thousands maimed. We have created a hard right Islamic Theocracy by Constitution that hates our guts. This disaster will follow us for generations.

There is no way to separate the odious man from his bloody deeds.
This is where it becomes "shades of gray". The question is, "Which shade is worse". Republicans don't see "gray". If it was "black" under Saddam, it must be "white" now because for them, there is only "black and white". That's the problem.

What Saddam and his sons did was evil. There is no doubt about it. Black.

But the majority of women were free to live their lives unmolested.

The vast majority of Iraqi women could live their lives unmolested. Only light gray and not white because not all women were unmolested".

Now ALL women live under Sharia law. They can't go to school. They can't walk around without a male escort. They have to wear veils. They can't divorce if abused. They aren't getting health care. They can't inherit. How is this NOT black? Their bodies aren't being raped (unless caught alone outside), but their minds and spirits have been thoroughly fucked. BLACK. BLACK. BLACK. Instead of only a few being fucked, EVERYONE is being fucked.

Now, dammit, explain how it's "BETTER" than under Saddam.
I really doubt there's anything I could present that would make you change your mind. You're not interested.

Change my mind from "what"? The country is now under Sharia law "by constitution".

Women are forced to live in black ninja costumes. They can't inherit. They can't divorce. They can't work. They have no health care. They are virtual slaves.


How are their lives better??????

Spell it out. Correct me. Give me proof.
you think a burka is a ninja costume?

and last i knew, burkas were not required in Iraq
you must be thinking of the taliban

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