Georgia Is Trying To Block Newly Registered Voters From Taking Part In Fierce Runoff Election

Yet that is what is at the heart of this latest "issue". The cheating dims want people who weren't registered in time to vote in a runoff, and hopefully tip the scales. Typical democrat solution. Cheat.

The typical 30 day deadline is because counties need that much time to vet and add people to the polls. They still PRINT a precinct roll for the workers at the polls. That's an antique of way of doing things, but that's the expectation I have of government in general..

So Republicans have no right to EXTEND that deadline just to keep NEW registrants out of the Runoff. Now ideally, if govt wasn't inept and stupid, those poll workers would be hooked up to SECURE network which had the latest registration data AND A FUCKING PICTURE ID of the person requesting to vote. No need EVER to bring an ID card with you to vote in 21st Century.

But you partisans would rather fight about which side is MANIPULATING TURNOUT -- rather than DEMANDING that your governments WORK smarter and more efficiently. That way -- the registration deadline could be 10 days out from an election and that's that. No "same day registration", no delayed election results because they're still vetting "provisionals". So continue to slam each other instead of FIXING anything, or figuring out HOW the system should work... :cuckoo:
I guess that's why the war is coming.

Gonna be a busy years with the number of wars that you folks want to start. THIS one ain't worth the GOP looking silly over. You need to choose the right battles -- if you want to win a war.
I didn't say I wanted to start anything. It's just inevitable. I look at the big picture. Libs all over are fed by the media. The trolls here cut and paste and spin and lie, all day long, and they know they are doing it. You just did it to me. They push lies and half truths 24/7. Naw I ain't starting anything. I'm just going to be ready, because the libs from Washington and the media on down are nothing but lying trash that need to be stopped.

All I did here is talk about the slimy idea of cutting off registration EARLIER than the usual practice and law. I don't make these things things personal. I've been involved in ballot issues thru the Libertarian Party for 20 years. We care about what's RIGHT. And just assume the govt is inept and incompetent and that NEITHER party can be trusted to design an election system or manage it.
no one yet has given a valid reason on why a voter ID is unconstitutional. Let's start there.
Democrat Jon Ossoff will face off against Republican Karen Handel in a June 20 special election in Georgia.

This is just typical, said the Georgia NAACP chief, who is suing the state.

Five civil rights and civic engagement groups have filed suit against Georgia and its secretary of state for attempting to block registered voters from participating in a closely watched runoff election in Georgia’s 6th Congressional District.

On Thursday, the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law filed a complaint in the federal district court in Atlanta, arguing that the state is violating the National Voter Registration Act. That law sets 30 days before a federal election as the earliest permissible deadline for voter registration.

Georgia complied with the provision for the special congressional election held this past Tuesday. But because no candidate won 50 percent of the vote, there will be a second election on June 20 ― a runoff between the top two finishers, Democrat Jon Ossoff and Republican Karen Handel.

Georgia election officials contend that the June runoff is simply a continuation of the special election this week, so they don’t have to allow newly registered voters to participate. The registration deadline for Tuesday’s election was March 20, and officials say anybody who registers after that day is not eligible to vote in the June runoff.

Ezra Rosenberg, co-director of the voting rights project at the Lawyers’ Committee, argues that under the federal law, Georgia can’t set the registration deadline for the June 20 runoff any earlier than 30 days before that election ― that is, May 22.

“The case is actually a very, very simple case,” Rosenberg told reporters on a conference call Thursday. “Federal law specifically defines elections as including runoff elections.”

The National Voter Registration Act, passed in 1993, defines the word “election” based on the Federal Election Campaign Act. That 1971 statute defines an election as “a general, special, primary, or runoff election.”

More: Georgia Is Trying To Block Newly Registered Voters From Taking Part In Fierce Runoff Election

Why do Republicans always try to disenfranchise voters instead of making it easier to vote?

Can't see why not.

The GOP will wipe out the opposition...hands down.
The typical 30 day deadline is because counties need that much time to vet and add people to the polls. They still PRINT a precinct roll for the workers at the polls. That's an antique of way of doing things, but that's the expectation I have of government in general..

So Republicans have no right to EXTEND that deadline just to keep NEW registrants out of the Runoff. Now ideally, if govt wasn't inept and stupid, those poll workers would be hooked up to SECURE network which had the latest registration data AND A FUCKING PICTURE ID of the person requesting to vote. No need EVER to bring an ID card with you to vote in 21st Century.

But you partisans would rather fight about which side is MANIPULATING TURNOUT -- rather than DEMANDING that your governments WORK smarter and more efficiently. That way -- the registration deadline could be 10 days out from an election and that's that. No "same day registration", no delayed election results because they're still vetting "provisionals". So continue to slam each other instead of FIXING anything, or figuring out HOW the system should work... :cuckoo:
I guess that's why the war is coming.

Gonna be a busy years with the number of wars that you folks want to start. THIS one ain't worth the GOP looking silly over. You need to choose the right battles -- if you want to win a war.
I didn't say I wanted to start anything. It's just inevitable. I look at the big picture. Libs all over are fed by the media. The trolls here cut and paste and spin and lie, all day long, and they know they are doing it. You just did it to me. They push lies and half truths 24/7. Naw I ain't starting anything. I'm just going to be ready, because the libs from Washington and the media on down are nothing but lying trash that need to be stopped.

All I did here is talk about the slimy idea of cutting off registration EARLIER than the usual practice and law. I don't make these things things personal. I've been involved in ballot issues thru the Libertarian Party for 20 years. We care about what's RIGHT. And just assume the govt is inept and incompetent and that NEITHER party can be trusted to design an election system or manage it.
no one yet has given a valid reason on why a voter ID is unconstitutional. Let's start there.

Start your own fucking thread on voter ID. This thread has nothing to do with voter ID. How many times do you retards need to be told?

NaziCons love to rig elections in their favor. That's why they don't mind that Trump is an illegitimate president.

You mean like having one of your party leaders rig a debate so that her candidate could get the questions in advance?
Got a state university ID ? Nope can't use it (cause you are probably a dem)

No, you probably live out of state

But a military ID is ok?

Our servicemen are not allowed to return home to vote. University students are. Both are able to cast absentee ballots.

What's your point? The argument is that they may be out of district voter.

Ok so you will accept a ballot that is mailed in from who knows where , filled out by who knows who. But you won't accept the person standing in front of you WITH various other IDs. (Like a school ID).

I think you are doing this on purpose. BOTH can mail in ballots under the same exact requirements. School ID's do NOT show the student's citizenship or their district. A German student attending LSU is no different than my LSU ID. So, in your world, he should be allowed to vote?

Military ID's of resident aliens show their citizenship status.[/QUOTE]

The only photo ID that shows citizenship is a passport . A drivers license doesn't show citizenship .

All the righty arguments don't hold up.[/QUOTE]

Military ID's of non-citizens have a large blue stripe across them clearly identifying them as resident aliens rather than US citizens. You are just wrong.

Common Access Card (CAC)

Notice the sample military ID at the bottom for non-citizens?
NaziCons love to rig elections in their favor. That's why they don't mind that Trump is an illegitimate president.

You mean like having one of your party leaders rig a debate so that her candidate could get the questions in advance?

That wasn't Hillary's fault. She never asked for Brazile's input. Maybe Brazile thought she owed Hillary a favor after the way she screwed Hillary in the 2008 campaign in favor of Obama.
The typical 30 day deadline is because counties need that much time to vet and add people to the polls. They still PRINT a precinct roll for the workers at the polls. That's an antique of way of doing things, but that's the expectation I have of government in general..

So Republicans have no right to EXTEND that deadline just to keep NEW registrants out of the Runoff. Now ideally, if govt wasn't inept and stupid, those poll workers would be hooked up to SECURE network which had the latest registration data AND A FUCKING PICTURE ID of the person requesting to vote. No need EVER to bring an ID card with you to vote in 21st Century.

But you partisans would rather fight about which side is MANIPULATING TURNOUT -- rather than DEMANDING that your governments WORK smarter and more efficiently. That way -- the registration deadline could be 10 days out from an election and that's that. No "same day registration", no delayed election results because they're still vetting "provisionals". So continue to slam each other instead of FIXING anything, or figuring out HOW the system should work... :cuckoo:
I guess that's why the war is coming.

Gonna be a busy years with the number of wars that you folks want to start. THIS one ain't worth the GOP looking silly over. You need to choose the right battles -- if you want to win a war.
I didn't say I wanted to start anything. It's just inevitable. I look at the big picture. Libs all over are fed by the media. The trolls here cut and paste and spin and lie, all day long, and they know they are doing it. You just did it to me. They push lies and half truths 24/7. Naw I ain't starting anything. I'm just going to be ready, because the libs from Washington and the media on down are nothing but lying trash that need to be stopped.

All I did here is talk about the slimy idea of cutting off registration EARLIER than the usual practice and law. I don't make these things things personal. I've been involved in ballot issues thru the Libertarian Party for 20 years. We care about what's RIGHT. And just assume the govt is inept and incompetent and that NEITHER party can be trusted to design an election system or manage it.

no one yet has given a valid reason on why a voter ID is unconstitutional. Let's start there.

If you bothered to read the OP -- this is NOTHING about voter ID. It's an entirely different complaint. So not gonna voter ID AGAIN in this thread.
I guess that's why the war is coming.

Gonna be a busy years with the number of wars that you folks want to start. THIS one ain't worth the GOP looking silly over. You need to choose the right battles -- if you want to win a war.
I didn't say I wanted to start anything. It's just inevitable. I look at the big picture. Libs all over are fed by the media. The trolls here cut and paste and spin and lie, all day long, and they know they are doing it. You just did it to me. They push lies and half truths 24/7. Naw I ain't starting anything. I'm just going to be ready, because the libs from Washington and the media on down are nothing but lying trash that need to be stopped.

All I did here is talk about the slimy idea of cutting off registration EARLIER than the usual practice and law. I don't make these things things personal. I've been involved in ballot issues thru the Libertarian Party for 20 years. We care about what's RIGHT. And just assume the govt is inept and incompetent and that NEITHER party can be trusted to design an election system or manage it.

no one yet has given a valid reason on why a voter ID is unconstitutional. Let's start there.

If you bothered to read the OP -- this is NOTHING about voter ID. It's an entirely different complaint. So not gonna voter ID AGAIN in this thread.
Well let's see, when one registers, what do you need to fking register?
NaziCons love to rig elections in their favor. That's why they don't mind that Trump is an illegitimate president.

You mean like having one of your party leaders rig a debate so that her candidate could get the questions in advance?

That wasn't Hillary's fault. She never asked for Brazile's input. Maybe Brazile thought she owed Hillary a favor after the way she screwed Hillary in the 2008 campaign in favor of Obama.

Try and stay on your own topic. Your topic is that a political party is allegedly rigging an election or intentionally attempting to rig an election. I sited you an example from the party you support abd you immediately state that the candidate had nothing to do with it and that the actions of the rigging agent were justified because a favor was owed.
So I guess the attempt to bus in Hondurans for the runoff is not working.

Of course the State is correct. It is the same election. A sub-set of the original candidates for the same seat for the same term in the same district with the same voters, except the voters will only have two choices instead of twelve.

This is not rocket science.

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