Georgia Tech student falsely accused of terrorism, wished death by acusers.

When was the last time you saw a GASOLINE-BURNING space heater?! (Then again...maybe he was as stupid as you and burned gas in a K1 heater...)

I actually did see them in the Army, it's what we used to warm tents.


That brings back some memories.

Again, we are talking about a kid who maybe never used a space heater in his life.

Bullshit, dude...that is an M-1941 solid fuel tent stove! Again: I have never seen a heater that uses gasoline! Some use K-1, a handful use #2 fuel oil (diesel), the majority seem to use propane.
Yes, because gasoline and keroscene during an unprecedented cold snap clearly means terrorism... when an Muslim is invovled.
Keeping those liquids in plastic bottles in an apartment is at least one for Darwin, cold or not. One might expect it of homeless people squatting in abandoned building, but a university student?!

Must be terrorism ... even if homeland security said it wasn't.


Not terrorism...stupidity.
When was the last time you saw a GASOLINE-BURNING space heater?! (Then again...maybe he was as stupid as you and burned gas in a K1 heater...)

I actually did see them in the Army, it's what we used to warm tents.


That brings back some memories.

Again, we are talking about a kid who maybe never used a space heater in his life.

Bullshit, dude...that is an M-1941 solid fuel tent stove! Again: I have never seen a heater that uses gasoline! Some use K-1, a handful use #2 fuel oil (diesel), the majority seem to use propane.

Actually, the M-1941's were modified to burn gasoline. There was a conversion kit for them and everything. Now, admittably, where I saw them was when I was with the IL ARNG, and our equipment was generally about 10-15 years older than what the Regular Army used.

How many people burned to death from that? I have seen them modified to burn K-1 or diesel, but GASOLINE?! Never. My uncle remembers they sooted up badly and & had to be cleaned every day on diesel...though were fine on kerosene or a mix.
Hardly. My point still stands: storing GASOLINE in an apartment WAS AND IS INCREDIBLY STUPID!

Great! Totally fucking awesome! Your advice on proper storage of flammable liquids is duly noted.

Now, that being said - DID YOU NOT READ THE FUCKING OP?????

Seriously dude, get a God damned grip! This thread is about something else entirely - It's about a young man who was horribly burned and supposedly grown people wishing death on him and gleefully hoping that he suffers enormously for being a "terrorist."

Get your head out of your ass and comment on the fact that this man was incredibly wronged or go make a meaningful contribution to one of Putan's 900 shirtless pics.

I have about had it with numb-sculls showing up here to heap even more shame on this guy WHO DID NOT HURT ANYONE.


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