Geraldo Rivera Has Had Enough Of 'Entitled Frat Boy' Trump


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
There are others who have had enough of trump and are fed up with trump.

The New York Post wrote an article today telling trump to give it up.

Hopefully more people will have had enough of trump.

Folk are abandoning ship. The last ones to do so will be left holding the bag.

Let's see who are the fools of fools to do so.
I'm not too impressed with Geraldo. He has seen how disgusting and harmful Trump is for the country all along, but still supported the pig. Now that trump is out the door, he's trying to redeem himself by saying what he should have said four years ago. Fuck Geraldo and the horse he rode in on.
There are others who have had enough of trump and are fed up with trump.

The New York Post wrote an article today telling trump to give it up.

Hopefully more people will have had enough of trump.

Clueless Moron Alert!
I'm not too impressed with Geraldo. He has seen how disgusting and harmful Trump is for the country all along, but still supported the pig. Now that trump is out the door, he's trying to redeem himself by saying what he should have said four years ago. Fuck Geraldo and the horse he rode in on.

Clueless Moron Alert!
There are others who have had enough of trump and are fed up with trump.

The New York Post wrote an article today telling trump to give it up.

Hopefully more people will have had enough of trump.

Jew Boy (I say that as a Jew who hates the self-hating piece of shit Geraldo) Geraldo is wherever the ratings take him.
Even with a Xiden win, we are treated to once again, another Orange Man Bad thread. Proving the Democrats have no faith or excitement for their Bland White Hope. The board is filled with Trump TDS threads 24/7. The libtards can't function without their Orange Demon.
B,b,b b,but Trump is all we will hear the next four years.
I get it...Biden is a fucking bore and just more of the status quo.

Oh Yeah, and Geraldo is really a nobody.
There are others who have had enough of trump and are fed up with trump.

The New York Post wrote an article today telling trump to give it up.

Hopefully more people will have had enough of trump.

Thank God I now know what hedildo Rivera thinks. I know I speak for many on this board and around the world when I say we can now rest easy because we know what that paragon of virtue has blessed us with his insight.

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