Geraldo’s Appearances on Fox Abruptly Canceled

Geraldo, Maria Baritomono and Judge Pirro were all slated to go. Jesse Watters is a new target.
Maria and the Judge are good! I like them both.

I also so like Jesse

What can we say....only ...bye Fox!

Having said that....after what Fox did to Tucker I don't watch Fox at all.
Me either. I went to Newsmax and found out that a whole bunch of people that I liked are already there.
Darn. I was hoping he'd take another shot at finding Al Capone's hidden stuff.
I have not liked that asshole, since 1980, when I was at Fort Knox, while he filmed his hatchet job on the XM-1 Main Battle tank, losing several thousand dollars worth of ABC's camera equipment, lighting, sound and cables, but he did learn not to stand in the way of a Tank column with a SP time and a movement order, when he was duly warned they would be crossing the SP precisely on time. Nobody liked his conceited ass, and he was subsequently banned from the post.
I think Geraldo has been canned.

If true, it's no real loss to FNC, unlike the losses they are suffering from firing of Tucker Carlson.
From what I understand their ratings have plummeted that even CNN is beating them in some areas.

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