‘You’re a Piece of Garbage’: Republican Congressman blasts Paul Ryan for trashing Trump on Fox News

Elsewhere in the exchange, Cavuto confronted Ryan on the disdain that even his own viewers have for the former congressman pointing out, “They think you’re pulling the strings here at Fox. You’re part of this anti-Trump, Never Trumper movement. They even equate me with you. They say that… we’re kindred spirits. And obviously Donald Trump is saying that you should be fired.
When you hear all of that, what do you say?”

How much does he get?

Ryan was a large part of why Trump's term wasn't more successful.
Trump was a failure as POTUS because he's an incompetent piece of shit & a criminal. Who's fault were his numerous business failures? He can't piss & moan like a little bitch & blame people like Ryan for running casinos into the ground among other FAILS.
A former speaker of the House was slammed as a “piece of garbage” after using Fox News airtime to rag on former President Donald Trump.

Considered by some to be the embodiment of a downward trajectory at Fox News, former House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) was appointed to the Board of Directors at Fox Corporation not long after turning over the gavel to California Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D) at the beginning of 2019. Bristled by his take on Trump beside “kindred spirit” Neil Cavuto, Texas Rep. Troy Nehls (R) laid into the onetime vice presidential candidate.

Presented with Ryan’s remarks by CNN chief congressional correspondent Manu Raju, the former Houston-area sheriff sounded off, “Paul Ryan you’re a piece of garbage.”

“You’re a piece of garbage and we should kick you out of the party. … Don’t go spouting your mouth off and saying that you’re a conservative,” continued Nehls. “You’re spitting in the face of the leader of our party. I mean grow up a little bit.”

BJ -
Ryan was never a Conservative - so it is not hard to understand that he is not well liked by actual Republicans and those that support them.

When rats eat their own
Yes. Comment in it. It was the case where "conservative" Trump aligned with Pelosi to give away money recklessly.

You are aware that no one is perfect, and that even Conservatives make mistakes, yes?
Trump was a failure as POTUS because he's an incompetent piece of shit & a criminal. Who's fault were his numerous business failures? He can't piss & moan like a little bitch & blame people like Ryan for running casinos into the ground among other FAILS.
Most people that have had successes have had a few failures along the way; Dumbass!


You ain't never really tried nothin' unless you've failed a few times and tried again until you achieved the desired result.
Not my point at all.

I'd explain my point, but you still wouldn't get it.

How did you guys go from "Romney/Ryan 2012" to "Romney and Ryan are TRAITORS to Orange Jesus!!!"

Easy you dumb OX. The RINO wing forced them on American Conservatives. Romney spent the last 8 years trashing President Trum. This isnt hard, but you really suck massive black crank.
A former speaker of the House was slammed as a “piece of garbage” after using Fox News airtime to rag on former President Donald Trump.

Considered by some to be the embodiment of a downward trajectory at Fox News, former House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) was appointed to the Board of Directors at Fox Corporation not long after turning over the gavel to California Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D) at the beginning of 2019. Bristled by his take on Trump beside “kindred spirit” Neil Cavuto, Texas Rep. Troy Nehls (R) laid into the onetime vice presidential candidate.

Presented with Ryan’s remarks by CNN chief congressional correspondent Manu Raju, the former Houston-area sheriff sounded off, “Paul Ryan you’re a piece of garbage.”

“You’re a piece of garbage and we should kick you out of the party. … Don’t go spouting your mouth off and saying that you’re a conservative,” continued Nehls. “You’re spitting in the face of the leader of our party. I mean grow up a little bit.”

BJ -
Ryan was never a Conservative - so it is not hard to understand that he is not well liked by actual Republicans and those that support them.

All these neocons need to be run out of the GOP. Its MAGA now and we don't support RINOs
Man. You gotta REALLY be a Trump suck up or you are toast in the Republican Party these days
Man. You gotta REALLY be a Trump suck up or you are toast in the Republican Party these days
What we become is what we become. Somehow thousands of years of human living is thrown out the window and everything is okay.

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