‘You’re a Piece of Garbage’: Republican Congressman blasts Paul Ryan for trashing Trump on Fox News

A former speaker of the House was slammed as a “piece of garbage” after using Fox News airtime to rag on former President Donald Trump.

Considered by some to be the embodiment of a downward trajectory at Fox News, former House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) was appointed to the Board of Directors at Fox Corporation not long after turning over the gavel to California Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D) at the beginning of 2019. Bristled by his take on Trump beside “kindred spirit” Neil Cavuto, Texas Rep. Troy Nehls (R) laid into the onetime vice presidential candidate.

Presented with Ryan’s remarks by CNN chief congressional correspondent Manu Raju, the former Houston-area sheriff sounded off, “Paul Ryan you’re a piece of garbage.”

“You’re a piece of garbage and we should kick you out of the party. … Don’t go spouting your mouth off and saying that you’re a conservative,” continued Nehls. “You’re spitting in the face of the leader of our party. I mean grow up a little bit.”

BJ -
Ryan was never a Conservative - so it is not hard to understand that he is not well liked by actual Republicans and those that support them.

Never a conservative?

lol. He is THE reason for the big tax cuts
A former speaker of the House was slammed as a “piece of garbage” after using Fox News airtime to rag on former President Donald Trump.

Considered by some to be the embodiment of a downward trajectory at Fox News, former House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) was appointed to the Board of Directors at Fox Corporation not long after turning over the gavel to California Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D) at the beginning of 2019. Bristled by his take on Trump beside “kindred spirit” Neil Cavuto, Texas Rep. Troy Nehls (R) laid into the onetime vice presidential candidate.

Presented with Ryan’s remarks by CNN chief congressional correspondent Manu Raju, the former Houston-area sheriff sounded off, “Paul Ryan you’re a piece of garbage.”

“You’re a piece of garbage and we should kick you out of the party. … Don’t go spouting your mouth off and saying that you’re a conservative,” continued Nehls. “You’re spitting in the face of the leader of our party. I mean grow up a little bit.”

BJ -
Ryan was never a Conservative - so it is not hard to understand that he is not well liked by actual Republicans and those that support them.

yeah I agree. Eddie Munster wanne be.. never cared or him
“But what happened?” interjected Cavuto. “What turned you? Was it the whole January 6 thing?”

“That’s a part of it,” he responded before adding, “But I think it really is just character at the end of the day. And the fact that, if you’re willing to put yourself above the Constitution, an oath you swear when you take office — federal office, whether it’s president or member of Congress, you swear an oath on the Constitution — and if you’re willing to suborn it to yourself, I think that makes you unfit for office.”

The cult hates it when the truth is thrown in their faces. So they react viscerally because for them criticizing Trump is criticizing them.........or at least their uncritical, blind devotion to a rapist, insurrectionist, and convicted felon.

Absent from Nehls' angry reaction is a defense of Don, for which there is none. So he throws Ryan under the bus like a good cultist has learned to do.
A former speaker of the House was slammed as a “piece of garbage” after using Fox News airtime to rag on former President Donald Trump.

Considered by some to be the embodiment of a downward trajectory at Fox News, former House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) was appointed to the Board of Directors at Fox Corporation not long after turning over the gavel to California Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D) at the beginning of 2019. Bristled by his take on Trump beside “kindred spirit” Neil Cavuto, Texas Rep. Troy Nehls (R) laid into the onetime vice presidential candidate.

Presented with Ryan’s remarks by CNN chief congressional correspondent Manu Raju, the former Houston-area sheriff sounded off, “Paul Ryan you’re a piece of garbage.”

“You’re a piece of garbage and we should kick you out of the party. … Don’t go spouting your mouth off and saying that you’re a conservative,” continued Nehls. “You’re spitting in the face of the leader of our party. I mean grow up a little bit.”

BJ -
Ryan was never a Conservative - so it is not hard to understand that he is not well liked by actual Republicans and those that support them.

This from Wiki which I never consider to be an entirely reliable source and I haven't tried to verify it, but it looks pretty right to me:

"The 2011 National Journal Vote Ratings rated (Paul Ryan) 68.2 on the conservative scale, being more conservative than 68% of the full House, and he ranked as the 150th most conservative member based on roll-call votes."

Ryan is a globalist neocon Republican more interested in international issues than a strong, free, secure, prosperous America. He did some good things and bad things re immigration reform, but if he had gotten behind the very excellent bill to reform the immigration policies that included amnesty for DACA people, no chain migration, ability to close the border against all who did not clearly qualify for asylum--before Biden economic hardship was not eligibility for asylum--and other good measures, it likely would have passed mostly intact. Ultimately it was Ryan's inability to lead and stand firm that effectively killed the legislation.

He has become another Liz Cheney among the GOP more possessed by TDS than by any love for America and Americans and what is best for all.
This from Wiki which I never consider to be an entirely reliable source and I haven't tried to verify it, but it looks pretty right to me:

"The 2011 National Journal Vote Ratings rated (Paul Ryan) 68.2 on the conservative scale, being more conservative than 68% of the full House, and he ranked as the 150th most conservative member based on roll-call votes."

Ryan is a globalist neocon Republican more interested in international issues than a strong, free, secure, prosperous America. He did some good things and bad things re immigration reform, but if he had gotten behind the very excellent bill to reform the immigration policies that included amnesty for DACA people, no chain migration, ability to close the border against all who did not clearly qualify for asylum--before Biden economic hardship was not eligibility for asylum--and other good measures, it likely would have passed mostly intact. Ultimately it was Ryan's inability to lead and stand firm that effectively killed the legislation.

He has become another Liz Cheney among the GOP more possessed by TDS than by any love for America and Americans and what is best for all.
Ryan was always about TAX CUTS.

That was his defining mantra.

He got em and skipped town

You oughta love him
A former speaker of the House was slammed as a “piece of garbage” after using Fox News airtime to rag on former President Donald Trump.

Considered by some to be the embodiment of a downward trajectory at Fox News, former House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) was appointed to the Board of Directors at Fox Corporation not long after turning over the gavel to California Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D) at the beginning of 2019. Bristled by his take on Trump beside “kindred spirit” Neil Cavuto, Texas Rep. Troy Nehls (R) laid into the onetime vice presidential candidate.

Presented with Ryan’s remarks by CNN chief congressional correspondent Manu Raju, the former Houston-area sheriff sounded off, “Paul Ryan you’re a piece of garbage.”

“You’re a piece of garbage and we should kick you out of the party. … Don’t go spouting your mouth off and saying that you’re a conservative,” continued Nehls. “You’re spitting in the face of the leader of our party. I mean grow up a little bit.”

BJ -
Ryan was never a Conservative - so it is not hard to understand that he is not well liked by actual Republicans and those that support them.

Rule #1 of the cult. Do not disrespect the cult leader.

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