Germans didn't start WW1?

The German Soldier's Ten Commandments

  1. While fighting for victory the German soldier will observe the rules of chivalrous warfare. Cruelties and senseless destruction are below his standard.

  2. Combatants will be in uniform or will wear specially introduced and clearly distinguishable badges. Fighting in plain clothes or without such badges is prohibited.

  3. No enemy who has surrendered will be killed, including partisans and spies. They will be duly punished by courts.

  4. P.O.W. will not be ill-treated or insulted. While arms, maps, and records are to be taken away from them, their personal belongings will not be touched.

  5. Dum-Dum bullets are prohibited; also no other bullets may be transformed into Dum-Dum.

  6. Red Cross Institutions are sacrosanct. Injured enemies are to be treated in a humane way. Medical personnel and army chaplains may not be hindered in the execution of their medical, or clerical activities.

  7. The civilian population is sacrosanct. No looting nor wanton destruction is permitted to the soldier. Landmarks of historical value or buildings serving religious purposes, art, science, or charity are to be especially respected. Deliveries in kind made, as well as services rendered by the population, may only be claimed if ordered by superiors and only against compensation.

  8. Neutral territory will never be entered nor passed over by planes, nor shot at; it will not be the object of warlike activities of any kind.

  9. If a German soldier is made a prisoner of war he will tell his name and rank if he is asked for it. Under no circumstances will he reveal to which unit he belongs, nor will he give any information about German military, political, and economic conditions. Neither promises nor threats may induce him to do so.

  10. Offenses against the a/m matters of duty will be punished. Enemy offenses against the principles under 1 to 8 are to be reported. Reprisals are only permissible on order of higher commands.

The German Soldier's Ten Commandments

Hahaha.... Oh my goodness.

Germans are savages....

This guy killed about 30 - 40 million.... He was German (Austrian)

Adolf Hitler - Wikipedia

These guys were all German they killed about 30 - 40 million.... By starting WW1.

Wilhelm II, German Emperor - Wikipedia

Count Leopold Berchtold - Wikipedia

Nicholas II of Russia - Wikipedia

This guy killed about 10 - 20 million in the Bolshevik Revolution / Russian Civil War / Volga Famine.... He was part German (Volga German)

Vladimir Lenin - Wikipedia

This guy killed about 5 - 10 million. In the Belgian Congo.... He was part German through the House of Saxe Coburg Gotha.

Leopold II of Belgium - Wikipedia

^^^^ :rolleyes-41: especially :rolleyes-41: at Vladimir Lenin.

Opinion | Was Lenin a German Agent?

It is impossible to have sensible discussion with you I have attempted two times now to engage you in sensible discussion and you just keep posting the same anti-German comments you are a one trick horse and now also a broken record.

Germans have long been trouble makers... The fall of Rome by Germans, the Wendish Crusade, the Northern Crusade, the Gdansk Massacre, the 30 Year War, WW1, and WW2 all by Germans.

^^^^ I am emotionally mature and so is everyone I know in RL and we do not live in the past, if you live in the past you become like you are and that is unable to move forward.
"How is stating that Germans started WW1 hateful, or ignorant?
pretty spot on.

That's why you haven't truly defended the position, because it's indefensible."

I already responded to your ignorant OP with my first post which I post what started the First War and yes we had a right to declare war on those savages:

Germans didn't start WW1?

Your hatred of Germanic peoples is so insane you have to have a way to blame us literally for everything, you are jealous because we are everything the Polish have always wanted to be but have never been: World famous for many many CENTURIES for being successful in everything from music both Classical and Opera, literature, science, art, architecture, fashion design, aviation, engineering, sport and especially in the production of autos.

Germans might be smart, probably most are dumb which would explain how they changed so quick from Hitler to Merkel because they can't think for themselves, and can't handle abstract thought.

But that doesn't change the fact that they've been a complete violent monstrosity for White people.

^^^^ What is the matter did a German girl once turn you down :rolleyes-41:

More like Germans killed some of my family members in the World Wars.

Members of my family killed many British and many Americans and also members of my family killed x amount of Poles and x amount of Russians yet I am able to have friendly relations with most British and most Americans and as I comment already I have many Polish friends, I also have Russian friends and have spent several months with them in St. Petersburg and we had an excellent time and this is because I am emotionally mature and so are they and that we do not live in the past, if you live in the past you become like you are and that is unable to move forward.

I add also my Russian friends we already agree years ago that no matter what happens we are NEVER going to be pushed by The Usual Suspects into EVER fighting each other again, Christian brothers and sisters will NEVER be pushed into fighting each other EVER again.

So, you're admitting your Germans are violent?

In a War EVERYONE is violent, the British and Americans and Russians also were violent, do I hold that against them and hate the British and Americans and Russians? No because it was War and War is violent and in War all sides do things that in a non-War situation they would never think of doing.

Grow up and get a grip.
I hear this sometimes.

How do you figure?

Austrians (German) declare war on Serbia, Tsar Nicholas II (German too from the House of Oldenberg) then declares war on Austrians (German)
so then Germany declares war on Russia.

That's how WW1 started...... 35 million White people killed by Germans, and their Chimp outs.
Yes, most of the European monarchies were related to some Germans, but they swore loyalty to their own countries.
I hear this sometimes.

How do you figure?

Austrians (German) declare war on Serbia, Tsar Nicholas II (German too from the House of Oldenberg) then declares war on Austrians (German)
so then Germany declares war on Russia.

That's how WW1 started...... 35 million White people killed by Germans, and their Chimp outs.
Yes, most of the European monarchies were related to some Germans, but they swore loyalty to their own countries.

Yes and this illustrated in the First War that the British were on the opposing side to the side we were on, the British were fighting against us. On Sobieski's defective logic the British should have been on our side. Don't attempt to have a sensible or logical discussion with him it's impossible.
Germans might be smart, probably most are dumb which would explain how they changed so quick from Hitler to Merkel because they can't think for themselves, and can't handle abstract thought.

But that doesn't change the fact that they've been a complete violent monstrosity for White people.

^^^^ What is the matter did a German girl once turn you down :rolleyes-41:

More like Germans killed some of my family members in the World Wars.

Members of my family killed many British and many Americans and also members of my family killed x amount of Poles and x amount of Russians yet I am able to have friendly relations with most British and most Americans and as I comment already I have many Polish friends, I also have Russian friends and have spent several months with them in St. Petersburg and we had an excellent time and this is because I am emotionally mature and so are they and that we do not live in the past, if you live in the past you become like you are and that is unable to move forward.

I add also my Russian friends we already agree years ago that no matter what happens we are NEVER going to be pushed by The Usual Suspects into EVER fighting each other again, Christian brothers and sisters will NEVER be pushed into fighting each other EVER again.

So, you're admitting your Germans are violent?

In a War EVERYONE is violent, the British and Americans and Russians also were violent, do I hold that against them and hate the British and Americans and Russians? No because it was War and War is violent and in War all sides do things that in a non-War situation they would never think of doing.

Grow up and get a grip.

From Hitler to Merkel such extremes, such blind stupidity, and recklessness proves something's very, very wrong with Germans.

.. I don't support these people... In fact I think Germany needs to be Partitioned, and wiped off the map... That's how the German problem is solved.
^^^^ What is the matter did a German girl once turn you down :rolleyes-41:

More like Germans killed some of my family members in the World Wars.

Members of my family killed many British and many Americans and also members of my family killed x amount of Poles and x amount of Russians yet I am able to have friendly relations with most British and most Americans and as I comment already I have many Polish friends, I also have Russian friends and have spent several months with them in St. Petersburg and we had an excellent time and this is because I am emotionally mature and so are they and that we do not live in the past, if you live in the past you become like you are and that is unable to move forward.

I add also my Russian friends we already agree years ago that no matter what happens we are NEVER going to be pushed by The Usual Suspects into EVER fighting each other again, Christian brothers and sisters will NEVER be pushed into fighting each other EVER again.

So, you're admitting your Germans are violent?

In a War EVERYONE is violent, the British and Americans and Russians also were violent, do I hold that against them and hate the British and Americans and Russians? No because it was War and War is violent and in War all sides do things that in a non-War situation they would never think of doing.

Grow up and get a grip.

From Hitler to Merkel such extremes, such blind stupidity, and recklessness proves something's very, very wrong with Germans.

.. I don't support these people... In fact I think Germany needs to be Partitioned, and wiped off the map... That's how the German problem is solved.

"In fact I think Germany needs to be Partitioned"

Which is not going to happen, however Poland should be again Partitioned you are squatting on some earth that is not yours, I like the below 1772-1795 Partitions of Poland, we should just do it if you don't STFU already.

More like Germans killed some of my family members in the World Wars.

Members of my family killed many British and many Americans and also members of my family killed x amount of Poles and x amount of Russians yet I am able to have friendly relations with most British and most Americans and as I comment already I have many Polish friends, I also have Russian friends and have spent several months with them in St. Petersburg and we had an excellent time and this is because I am emotionally mature and so are they and that we do not live in the past, if you live in the past you become like you are and that is unable to move forward.

I add also my Russian friends we already agree years ago that no matter what happens we are NEVER going to be pushed by The Usual Suspects into EVER fighting each other again, Christian brothers and sisters will NEVER be pushed into fighting each other EVER again.

So, you're admitting your Germans are violent?

In a War EVERYONE is violent, the British and Americans and Russians also were violent, do I hold that against them and hate the British and Americans and Russians? No because it was War and War is violent and in War all sides do things that in a non-War situation they would never think of doing.

Grow up and get a grip.

From Hitler to Merkel such extremes, such blind stupidity, and recklessness proves something's very, very wrong with Germans.

.. I don't support these people... In fact I think Germany needs to be Partitioned, and wiped off the map... That's how the German problem is solved.

"In fact I think Germany needs to be Partitioned"

Which is not going to happen, however Poland should be again Partitioned you are squatting on some lands that are not yours, I like the below 1772-1795 Partitions of Poland, we should just do it if you don't STFU already.


Germans stole Poland, they even stole Berlin from the Wends.

Germans have a history of looting, and shooting...
Germans stole Poland, they even stole Berlin from the Wends.

Germans have a history of looting, and shooting...
Poland didn't even exist as a separate country during the Russian Empire before WWI, never mind what the Soviet Union took.
Germans stole Poland, they even stole Berlin from the Wends.

Germans have a history of looting, and shooting...
Poland didn't even exist as a separate country during the Russian Empire before WWI, never mind what the Soviet Union took.

Because 3 Germans stole Poland.... German Prussia, German Austria, and German Catherine the Great born in Germany.
Germans stole Poland, they even stole Berlin from the Wends.

Germans have a history of looting, and shooting...
Poland didn't even exist as a separate country during the Russian Empire before WWI, never mind what the Soviet Union took.

Because 3 Germans stole Poland.... German Prussia, German Austria, and German Catherine the Great born in Germany.
And you apparently have no problem with Russia, and you love Stalin.
Germans stole Poland, they even stole Berlin from the Wends.

Germans have a history of looting, and shooting...
Poland didn't even exist as a separate country during the Russian Empire before WWI, never mind what the Soviet Union took.

Because 3 Germans stole Poland.... German Prussia, German Austria, and German Catherine the Great born in Germany.
And you apparently have no problem with Russia, and you love Stalin.

The biggest problem with Russia is Germans, and Jews.

Prove to me that the Soviet Union would even exist without Germans, and Jews?

Germany sent the train of Bolsheviks to Russia in 1917.

Germany sent supplies, and financing to Bolsheviks.

Germany weakened Tsarist Russia so they couldn't kick out the dirty Communists like they had before.

No Germans = No Soviet Union.
Germans stole Poland, they even stole Berlin from the Wends.

Germans have a history of looting, and shooting...
Poland didn't even exist as a separate country during the Russian Empire before WWI, never mind what the Soviet Union took.

Because 3 Germans stole Poland.... German Prussia, German Austria, and German Catherine the Great born in Germany.
And you apparently have no problem with Russia, and you love Stalin.

The biggest problem with Russia is Germans, and Jews.

Prove to me that the Soviet Union would even exist without Germans, and Jews?

Germany sent the train of Bolsheviks to Russia in 1917.

Germany sent supplies, and financing to Bolsheviks.

Germany weakened Tsarist Russia so they couldn't kick out the dirty Communists like they had before.

No Germans = No Soviet Union.
Stalin was Georgian.
Germans stole Poland, they even stole Berlin from the Wends.

Germans have a history of looting, and shooting...
Poland didn't even exist as a separate country during the Russian Empire before WWI, never mind what the Soviet Union took.

Because 3 Germans stole Poland.... German Prussia, German Austria, and German Catherine the Great born in Germany.
And you apparently have no problem with Russia, and you love Stalin.

The biggest problem with Russia is Germans, and Jews.

Prove to me that the Soviet Union would even exist without Germans, and Jews?

Germany sent the train of Bolsheviks to Russia in 1917.

Germany sent supplies, and financing to Bolsheviks.

Germany weakened Tsarist Russia so they couldn't kick out the dirty Communists like they had before.

No Germans = No Soviet Union.
Stalin was Georgian.

Yes he was and Vladimir Lenin was Russian and Leon Trotsky was Ukrainian.
Poland didn't even exist as a separate country during the Russian Empire before WWI, never mind what the Soviet Union took.

Because 3 Germans stole Poland.... German Prussia, German Austria, and German Catherine the Great born in Germany.
And you apparently have no problem with Russia, and you love Stalin.

The biggest problem with Russia is Germans, and Jews.

Prove to me that the Soviet Union would even exist without Germans, and Jews?

Germany sent the train of Bolsheviks to Russia in 1917.

Germany sent supplies, and financing to Bolsheviks.

Germany weakened Tsarist Russia so they couldn't kick out the dirty Communists like they had before.

No Germans = No Soviet Union.
Stalin was Georgian.

Yes he was and Vladimir Lenin was Russian and Leon Trotsky was Ukrainian.

Trotsky was 100% Jewish, while Vladimir Lenin was Volga German, Jewish, Swedish, Kalmyk, Mordovin, and Chuvash.
Because 3 Germans stole Poland.... German Prussia, German Austria, and German Catherine the Great born in Germany.
And you apparently have no problem with Russia, and you love Stalin.

The biggest problem with Russia is Germans, and Jews.

Prove to me that the Soviet Union would even exist without Germans, and Jews?

Germany sent the train of Bolsheviks to Russia in 1917.

Germany sent supplies, and financing to Bolsheviks.

Germany weakened Tsarist Russia so they couldn't kick out the dirty Communists like they had before.

No Germans = No Soviet Union.
Stalin was Georgian.

Yes he was and Vladimir Lenin was Russian and Leon Trotsky was Ukrainian.

Trotsky was 100% Jewish, while Vladimir Lenin was Volga German, Jewish, Swedish, Kalmyk, Mordovin, and Chuvash.

Yes but his nationality was Ukranian and Lenin is recognised as being Russian, he was predominantly Russian his mother's mother was German-Swedish his mother's father was Russian who had been born Jewish but had converted to Orthodox Christianity and also Lenin and his sister Anna were unaware of this and were brought up in Orthodox Christianity and Lenin died never knowing any different and was not known until after his death when years later his sister Anna found that their father had converted to Orthodox Christianity and who cares Lenin's mother was born Christian, so according to actual Jewish law Lenin was not ever Jewish as it's directly from the mothers bloodline and not the fathers.

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