Germany admits there areNo-Go Zones after all

Well for years libs screamed LIAR when we discussed no go zones in Europe. This should finally shut their stupid pie holes.
Angela Merkel admits that 'no-go zones' exist in Germany

By Adam Shaw |
Published March 1, 2018

German Chancellor Angela Merkel made a major concession to Europe's populist movement this week when she admitted the existence of so-called “no-go zones” in Germany.

So explain these no go zones. Am I correct in assuming these are areas taken over by Muslim immigrants left in by Merkel that now no Germans are welcome into as part of their own country?

There have been no-go zones scattered around Europe due to their being Muslim enclaves for well over forty years. One of the first ones I learned about was called Blood Alley which is located in Barcelona, Spain. Even the Spanish authorities didn't go in there unless they went in force.


Merkel Admits "No-Go" Zones Exist in Germany


Doh. She just now admits to what every one has known for some time. All the raped young girls meant nothing?

That we’re finally calling them by name signals a step in the right direction,” adds the Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy in a blog post which noted how Hungary was attacked by figures and organisations including the BBC for daring highlight the issue of ‘no-go’ areas.

Are European leaders finally waking up? Or are they being forced to admit the obvious?

Story @ Merkel Admits 'No-Go' Zones Exist in Germany | Breitbart
Danes Have 1,000 Immigrant Ghettos


One source claims the government is going to bulldoze them while the one I've linked to indicates a doubling of sentences for violent crimes in those ghettos.

Guess who lives in them.

The government estimates that 28,000 immigrant families “live in a parallel society”, making up around half of the “ghetto” populations. The largest ethnic groups in that category were Somali at 44 per cent and Lebanese with 41 per cent, the ministry reported.

The latest proposal was part of a drive to eliminate “ghettos” by 2030, Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen said.

The police would be given discretionary powers to enforce “double punishment”.

More @ Danes hope to double ‘ghetto’ sentences and Danes want to eliminate immigrant ghettos by 2030
Wise up America we are next!
We should recognize that Islam is a theocracy, not a religion worthy of freedom to practice here. Any 'religion' that calls for the annihilation of all other religions should be banned from the United States. We cherish the freedom to worship (or not to worship) as we please rather than as required.
Wise up America we are next!
We should recognize that Islam is a theocracy, not a religion worthy of freedom to practice here. Any 'religion' that calls for the annihilation of all other religions should be banned from the United States. We cherish the freedom to worship (or not to worship) as we please rather than as required.

It is a totalitarian, supremacist ideology masquerading as a religion.

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