Germany FINALLY Says F U to Greece

They're entitled to other people's money don't cha know!

How's that central planning working out for ya Greece?...:cuckoo:
Except the Greeks dont care. Nor should they. They borrowed tons of money from European banks. And now they're going to stiff them. It isn't a first for Greece, which has a long record of bankrupting on debt. And everyone knew it was a matter of time. They would not reform their grossly bloated socialist system.
The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money.
the rub here is, the Greeks don't have a clue as to how to make their economy PRODUCTIVE and the current ( maybe short lived) lefty's who cannot seem to cobble together a coalition, will certainly not do what is necessary.

2 ( of MANY ) examples- permits for long haul trucking are willed to family members ( or sold) and there are a set number available, think- the NYC taxi license commission and their medallion fiasco...another- apothecaries , or drug stores cannot open within half a mile of each other.....
Except the Greeks dont care. Nor should they. They borrowed tons of money from European banks. And now they're going to stiff them. It isn't a first for Greece, which has a long record of bankrupting on debt. And everyone knew it was a matter of time. They would not reform their grossly bloated socialist system.
The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money.

Margaret Thatcher;)
the rub here is, the Greeks don't have a clue as to how to make their economy PRODUCTIVE and the current ( maybe short lived) lefty's who cannot seem to cobble together a coalition, will certainly not do what is necessary.

2 ( of MANY ) examples- permits for long haul trucking are willed to family members ( or sold) and there are a set number available, think- the NYC taxi license commission and their medallion fiasco...another- apothecaries , or drug stores cannot open within half a mile of each other.....

Excellent examples.
People here who want the government to impose tarriffs and the like to "protect high paying jobs" take note. When you do that crap this is the result: protected, bloated unproductive economies dependent on foreigners.
Greece needs Germany like a little boy needs his mother, and they are a very spoiled child, "Give me my money!!! I want it!!! It's my right!!!" And now the germans are tired of it, Greece needs to grow up and act like an adult.

And the euro was a terrible idea.
Germany to Greece: No Austerity, No Bailout | Fox Business

Those Greek socialist that bankrupted the country and were begging the EU for a bailout, but didn't like the justified terms of their savior. Just like the liberals in America, they believe they are entitled to everything and don't have to work for anything. About time Germany tells them to fuck off! Good job to the last hope in Europe.

"Just like the liberals in America, they believe they are entitled to everything and don't have to work for anything"
Now that's an exaggeration.
Just like I know many hard working conservatives, I know many hardworking liberals. Yes, there are liberals who fit your description and there are some conservatives who are blatant plutocrats. Neither is good for America.
Only the start, consider it a warning shot for Italy, Spain, and France.

Warning shot? France just elected in a far left socialist, who PROMISED to lower the retirement age when it desperately needed to be raised. He promised to kick out all rich, job producers with the 75% income tax and higher corporate tax! I mean the French don't give a damn. Let them sink also!
That's fantastic!

As much as I would hate it, I almost wish China would say that too us.

I wish that also, but China lends us money at high interest rates to spend on their imports it's a smart investment for them at the moment!
Greece needs Germany like a little boy needs his mother, and they are a very spoiled child, "Give me my money!!! I want it!!! It's my right!!!" And now the germans are tired of it, Greece needs to grow up and act like an adult.

And the euro was a terrible idea.

That the analogy a little further. Greece needs Germany like a spoiled child needs Daddy's trust fund he set up for him!
This will lead to a world war.

Austerity is a horrible idea.

Greece needs to go into the equivalent of chapter 11, write down their debts (not triple them), revamp their social programs, cut spending and be more business friendly. Austerity crushes the life out of the Greek economy just to keep the European banks pretending to be solvent.

The EU is finished and its just a matter of time before there's blood in the streets -- again.
Germany to Greece: No Austerity, No Bailout | Fox Business

Those Greek socialist that bankrupted the country and were begging the EU for a bailout, but didn't like the justified terms of their savior. Just like the liberals in America, they believe they are entitled to everything and don't have to work for anything. About time Germany tells them to fuck off! Good job to the last hope in Europe.

"Just like the liberals in America, they believe they are entitled to everything and don't have to work for anything"
Now that's an exaggeration.
Just like I know many hard working conservatives, I know many hardworking liberals. Yes, there are liberals who fit your description and there are some conservatives who are blatant plutocrats. Neither is good for America.

You do have a point, my father would fall into the liberal end. The guy has made over $250K for decades, even at 64 he still makes over $200K working 50 hour weeks and doesn't plan to retire for a while even though he has the well saved reserves to live a VERY comfortable retirement until he pass.

However, he might preach the liberal mentality and vote Democrat (including Obama) in every election, but he lives a conservative lifestyle.

Nevertheless, when I say liberals I mean the true fundamental liberal philosophy to "take from the producers and give to the non-producers and spread the wealth not by providing opportunity, but by force of imprisonment!"
Maybe the Greeks should have a big Gyro sale?

This will lead to a world war.

Austerity is a horrible idea.

Greece needs to go into the equivalent of chapter 11, write down their debts (not triple them), revamp their social programs, cut spending and be more business friendly. Austerity crushes the life out of the Greek economy just to keep the European banks pretending to be solvent.

The EU is finished and its just a matter of time before there's blood in the streets -- again.

Here is the difference when company or individual goes into BK vs a country or state. The individuals does it, it's only him who makes the decision and they have to live with the consequences. When a company does it, the board makes the decision and usually the board stays on and the country and courts enforce it and the company has to live with the consequences. But when a country does, it's the elected politicians that make the decision and the people who have to enforce the measures taken, but it's the people who have to live with it. When you get an entitlement society like Greece or France, then they won't live with it and they just elect socialist douche bag politicians who promise the stars by attacking the producers. They break every obligation made by the pervious regime and founder further!

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